Got my blog going.

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  • #101728
    Metal Bent

    Hey, you surly, churlish agents of indifference! I have (re)activated my blog, mainly to warehouse the stuff I dun wanna put on DA. It’s not at all SFW, and features mainly work done digitally. Eventually, I will post comixxx there. Feel free to peruse, and even (shock!) interact… y’know? Suggest stuff, request stuff, enjoy stuff. ‘Sup to you, I dun care, do what you want, why should you worry about all the effort I go to, let’s all just tra-la-la through, life not worrying about anyone else’s feelings, big woops, wanna fight about it!?!

    Er… sorry about the whole “surly, churlish agents of indifference” crack.

    (And that makes two television references. My work here is done.)

    Weapon X

    Metal-Bent’s Amphitheatre Of Miscellany”

    Buddy, you just earn one follower 😀

    Metal Bent

    Well, alright! An audience of one is an audience nonetheless. Anyone else wanna join us? There will be fruit punch and little, plastic trumpet things.


    I’m surly, churlish, and indifferent, so I don’t give feedback. But that’s good stuff 🙂 .

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