Brawna Registrations

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  • #109467

    Got this email tonight from mlcred1111:

    Mr. Lingster, it seems that I’m doing more to clear spam from Brawna than you
    are. There have even been comments from other readers that the amount of spam
    is getting too much for them. Look, we really enjoy Brawna and appreciate
    what you have done for the femuscle-loving community out here. But, if you
    have a site, you really hafta maintain it. I am just a guy, not an IT person,
    but if I can assist you please let me know and I’ll do what I can.

    For the record, every solution I implement for Brawna – which receives ==>HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS<== OF SPAM HITS EVERY FUCKING DAY - results in users whining about negative consequences. Here's the deal: everything is a tradeoff. When I used a restrictive spam filter that dumped some legitimate comments and stories, people were upset. When I turned off registrations, people were upset. Now I'm using a honeypot system that catches more than 99% of spam, and people are upset. Effective immediately, registrations are set on approval mode, which means no account can be created until an admin approves the application. What that means is that probably once a week I will go in and approve registrations. If you don't list an email account domain that I immediately recognize, e.g. gmail, verizon, etc, just fucking forget about it.


    Just as an example of the contradictory requests, here’s a message from last week:

    Your captchas are almost impossible to read — why are they necessary to post
    a comment, anyway? If you took them off, would you really be overwhelmed with
    spam? I think it must be discouraging others from commenting. It’s taken me 5
    or 6 times to decipher those squiggles, and unlike some captchas, it seems
    you have to get every single letter and/or number EXACTLY right and in the
    proper case or you have to start over. It’s made commenting a real pain,
    which it shouldn’t be.

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