Sexy Amazon Hulk-chan – Link & Question

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  • #11379

    I'm pretty sure most people here are aware of my fan fiction merging a certain popular anime with a certain Marvel comic book affliction, but here's the link to the first chapter anyway:

    There's five completed chapters thus far, with the sixth chapter about midway complete.

    Now for the question.

    I'd like to try to get back to how Hulk-chan began- as a personal challenge to myself to write a little something every day. I use the Anime Addventure for this effort, although it's been months since my last Hulk-chan posting. Recently I've joined LiveJournal, though, and it has me wondering; would readers like a Hulk-chan LJ where they can get the latest episode as it comes out, without digging on the Addventure or waiting for the full chapter to be compiled and archived on my website?

    (No, posting the full text here would be far, far too bulky and inconvenient.)

    What's your opinions?

    ze fly

    First, I want to thank you for the Hulk-Chan storyline. It was positively hilarous. A special mention for the Juggy-naut line with Shampoo ("Shampoo is -true- Juggy-naut! Too too juggy!" or "Aiyah! This no good! Shampoo look like brown ice cream cone!" She beat at her helmet with her fists. ) 😆

    Second, I was relieved to see your link, since all my bookmarks were deleted some time ago on Firefox.  It saved me the bother to search it again. 😀

    Then, to finally reply to your question, I did like the idea of seeing the tree from the episodes. So if you could keep the concept… And it may be swifter to publish episode as it comes out.  😐

    Anyway, keep writing, whatever you decide as long as it's so much fun!!


    Gotta agree with ze fly. Whatever you decide works well with me, after all, those stories have most definatly made me smile. ^_^

    Prophet Tenebrae

    I never had a problem with checking the Anime Addventure and really, anywhere you put the story – I shall look. I really enjoy the story, so whatever works best for you.


    I've posted two new Hulk-chan fan art pieces on the site- go to the link above, then go to the Fan Art page listed on that site.

    Still haven't decided about blogging SAHC or not…

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