Avengers: Infinity Wars (minor spoiler alert)

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  • #138188

    We know that Thanos will be in the movie, but the spoiler is that the Children of Thanos (The Black Order) will be as well. Not really a spoiler because it is majorly out there, but I did not want to take any chances.

    Anyways, one of his children is Proxima Midnight (cool name) : is incredibly strong and the most gifted fighter among the Black Order. Her spear can fire deadly light beams that almost never miss their targets.

    The link shows what she will look like in the movie. Looks like she is carrying some decent mass. Hopefully she has a decent role.


    There are pictures of the actress playing her online from the set and she does not look like the model in the link, but it looks like she is wearing a CGI body suit so they may be going that route to show her musculature.


    Speaking about Marvel Studios, anyone see the female bodyguards Dora Milaje in the Black Panther movie? There really are a badass in it.

    Bane Dorrance

    Marvel 10 Year challenge :

    Bane Dorrance
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