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  • #15963

    I just attempted to join Awefilms with my bank account but the transaction was denied. I tried twice with no luck. Has anyone else had this problem. I had my heart set on having access to their awesome content today and now I have to wait. I have more than enough money and all my info was correct. I triple checked.


    I have had trouble being able to log in with a new account, but never setting one up.  The best thing to do is email the admin, or if you have already, contact an Bank rep.  I have had trouble with online transactions when I used my old bank.  They would trip flags or whatever in the system and not get processed.  I had to call them everytime I bought something online from a non-ebay source.  It was very annoying.

    Either way, best of luck to you.  When you actually DO get everything taken care of, you won't be dissapointed with their content.


    Yeah e-mail me at  We just switched to a new billing service and it's been acting up.


    Annnnd we switched again. The first switch was going nowhere. It should be working now.


    On a somewhat different note.  I was thinking of cancelling my subscription to Awefilms because of their lack of quality on their downloaded videos.  Now they have this Premium Video deal.

    Has anyone joined the premium videos?  Is it worth it?


    The Permium videos are the Full Screen videos but!!!

    1-You need a good amount of processor/RAM/Video card power. The files are render intensive. Old machines have a tough time.

    2-There are 12 videos a month, each update is up for 30 days give or take after that they are gone. No going into the Full Screen area and downloading. That's a seperate licensing deal.

    Regarding the sign-ups there was a switch to another service but we switched back to CCBill for everything due to a dispute.

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