Re: "What If…" Sonya took "The Serum"? (UPDATED w/ Page 7!)

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  • #21554

    I was just going to ask you, DCM, what you do now that that epic story is over? Are you going back to Tesuko's butt-kicking (and, oh I dunno, more growth spurts?) or Ms. Steele's compitition, or what?  😮

    David C. Matthews

    Amazing!  So am I to assume that Tet-chan is still the tougher one?  I mean, she was still more muscular.

    Yes, she is. As many on this board have speculated, the person's natural genetic tendencies are enhanced (exaggerated?) by the formula. Therefore, Sonya is taller and bustier (as she was before Tetsuko's transformation), while Tetsuko gains more muscle because of her genetic capability for muscle growth.

    I haven't given it much thought (since this isn't official continuity) but I'd guess that Tetsuko is also about 50% stronger than Sonya. Which still makes Sonya capable of astounding strength feats.


    Yes, she is. As many on this board have speculated, the person's natural genetic tendencies are enhanced (exaggerated?) by the formula. Therefore, Sonya is taller and bustier (as she was before Tetsuko's transformation), while Tetsuko gains more muscle because of her genetic capability for muscle growth.

    I haven't given it much thought (since this isn't official continuity) but I'd guess that Tetsuko is also about 50% stronger than Sonya. Which still makes Sonya capable of astounding strength feats.

    But, after this wonderful side story, will you continue the main story or you have other projects?

    David C. Matthews

    But, after this wonderful side story, will you continue the main story or you have other projects?

    Yes.  😀

    …Meaning, I will continue the main story and other projects, like continuing "Contest Jitters" (almost have two new panels – that's panels, not pages  🙁 ) done.)


    (almost have two new panels – that's panels, not pages  🙁 )

    That's ok Sir Mathews.  We don't want you to burn out on your own projects.  Altho we don't want to, we can wait.  :mrgreen:


    Regarding Janet…..I would think that there would have to  be room for improvement…a worthy, honorable advarsary so as to push her further perhaps…


    Dear Dave,

    I'd like to have a better English cause sometimes I can't say all I want, but what I want to say is that you are truly an amazing artist and I just  I admire your initiative and dedication.

    Thank you for let us enjoy your work!!

    David C. Matthews

    Dear Dave,

    I'd like to have a better English cause sometimes I can't say all I want, but what I want to say is that you are truly an amazing artist and I just  I admire your initiative and dedication.

    Thank you for let us enjoy your work!!

    Oh, you got your message across just fine; thank you for the kind words!


    Great work poppa bear!
    I don't know why tet-chan is so upset?
    Fans could have demanded her to become a SHE-MALE!EEEEeeeeeeuuuuuuuu!! 😛


    O___O  she-male!? That could lead to some very odd fan stories…

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