Some 3-d art

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  • #26805

    here's a few pics of one of my minitures that i built and painted for a D&D game i was playing. i included some other minis for scale.


    Sorry but I'm not much of a photographer but I'll take some more photo's if anyone wants to see more.


    Looks like a Space Marine arm, what did you use for the limbs and  the torso?


    Very interesting. Never seen anything quite like it. Looks good.


    the space marine arm was from the larger scale inquisitor modle. the legs and body and head were all from a female giant miniture buy the dark reaper line. and I added muscle mass to her shoulder and right arm. the gauntlets and great maul were both a custom build jod done with variouse plastic parts and a lot of putty.

    ze fly

    Wow… Really impressive job with the painting!!!

    the space marine arm was from the larger scale inquisitor modle.

    I understand better now. That's just what I thought. Aren't the 2 other ones from Warhammer?

    the legs and body and head were all from a female giant miniture buy the dark reaper line. and I added muscle mass to her shoulder and right arm. the gauntlets and great maul were both a custom build jod done with variouse plastic parts and a lot of putty.

    😮 Looks like you put a lot of your time on this one… Ahh, shi… I hoped that it was a standard figurine that you could purchase…


    Wow… Really impressive job with the painting!!!

    I understand better now. That's just what I thought. Aren't the 2 other ones from Warhammer?

    😮 Looks like you put a lot of your time on this one… Ahh, shi… I hoped that it was a standard figurine that you could purchase…

    The elf Is a Warhammer mini dut the orc is from the D&D line from about five or six years ago. The base of the Giantess is Frulla the female giant of the reaper Miniatures line. Hears a pic.

    ze fly

    Holly Sh..! You really DID an awesome job on this one… May I ask how much time did you spent on her?


    It was an on and off project for about a year. Origenally I just changed the axe head, but I felt i could greatly improve the mini so I used a little tought and a lot of puddy.i realized that I didn't post any pics of her from behind so here are a few. It wasn't a modle I tried to do quickly. I onley worked on it when I had an Idea of the next step. I wanted to be sure to get it right.


    Well you certainly did an excellent job on the conversion 00tree.

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