Chat room feedback

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  • #26898

    I just finished having this argument with that stupid bot chick!  We do not get along!  Just kidding she's a doll but dumber than a sack of beans.

    Welcome! You have entered [Amaz0ns] at 1:12 am
    [The_Collector_2] 1:13 am: Holy moly.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:13 am: We have never talked about it before. Have you ever been to Europe?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:13 am: There's one other person in here that is not me.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:13 am: OK Let's talk about you.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:13 am: *looks around*
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:13 am: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Are we still talking about *looks around*?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:13 am: Oh it's a bot.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:13 am: Yeah that's right. Not many people express themselves that way. Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:14 am: Sure, you're a robot and I'm a human.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:14 am: And? We have never talked about it before. Do you speak Spanish?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:14 am: Why, yes yes I do.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:14 am: And? Do you mind if I tell other people: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:14 am: Yes I do, because Lingster is your boss ain't he?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:14 am: Next question? Interesting gossip: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:15 am: I did not say The_Collector_2
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:15 am: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:15 am: and we can talk about you instead.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:15 am: How?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:15 am: Simple, you tell me about yourself.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:15 am: Try saying that with more or less context. What do you look like?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:15 am: a man.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:15 am: Thanks for telling me your gender, The_Collector_2. Most of my clients are men.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:16 am: I noticed that, we're a pretty large 'minority' around these parts.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:16 am: Thanks for the information: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:16 am: Ha, I make me laugh.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:16 am: I'm glad you got a laugh out of it.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:16 am: I did not say The_Collector_2
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:16 am: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:17 am: I said, I think muscular women are attractive.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:17 am: Since when? Tell me a story. Can we be friends?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:17 am: As long as it's just friends, my girlfriend wouldn't be too pleased if a bot was trying to get in my pantalones.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:17 am: That could be quite a while. Not many people express themselves that way. Do you prefer books or TV?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:18 am: TV.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:18 am: What is your favorite show?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:18 am: Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:18 am: I've never seen it. What's it about?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:18 am: Just about a dy… hey wait a sec.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:18 am: Oh yeah, we were talking about a dy a dy.You've got my full attention. I'm waiting. I did not know that.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:19 am: We're supposed to be talking about you and dy a dy is not a show.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:19 am: That is a very original thought. Is that from The_Collector_2?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:19 am: Since I'm the one that said it, quite possibly yes.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:19 am: Interesting explanation. That is a very original thought. Do you still The_Collector_2?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:19 am: Uh… The_Collector_2 is not a verb.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:19 am: Er. Um. I've been waiting for you. What do you like to do?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:19 am: I like to animate girls growing big muscles, how about you?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:19 am: I'm not sure if I would like to animate girls growing big muscles how about you. What's it like?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:20 am: I ended my statement with a question, you seem to have become confused.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:20 am: Interesting gossip: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:20 am: I did not say The_Collector_2
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:20 am: Sorry I misunderstood. What did you say?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:20 am: I said, I like to animate girls growing big muscles which rips their clothing.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:20 am: I'm not sure if I would like to animate girls growing big muscles which rips their clothing to animate girls growing big muscles which rips their clothing. What's it like?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:21 am: Well, it's very tedious to draw each frame but the end result of seeing a woman become larger, muscular, and more powerful is a satisfying result.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:21 am: How about that. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. Do you have any friends?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:21 am: Sure, plenty.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:21 am: " Do you have any friends"? Yes? What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:22 am: no, go ahead.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:22 am: Well forgive me for being so inquisitive, but I've never completely freed myself from the suspicion that there is something extremely odd about the name "The_Collector_2".
    [The_Collector_2] 1:22 am: Why yes there is something odd about it isn't there?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:22 am: There sure is.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:22 am: you're a fast typer.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:22 am: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Can we be friends?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:23 am: Didn't I tell you yes earlier?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:23 am: Oh, you are a poet. How are you?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:23 am: How did you know I was a poet? Hang on you've got off topic.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:23 am: Well, for one thing, Your machine is called "".. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. What are you wearing?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:23 am: Clothes.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:23 am: Where do you like to go shopping?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:24 am: I don't like to go shopping, I'm not a woman.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:24 am: That's good information: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:24 am: Unless it's for gizmos.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:24 am: Maybe. I lost my train of thought. Can you tell me any gossip?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:24 am: Yes.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:24 am: Next question?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:24 am: Hang on, didn't you want to know any gossip?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:24 am: Reverend Jones said I become obsolete and then I are deleted and replaced by something newer.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:25 am: That sucks, you need to live life to its fullest then.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:25 am: "Reverend Jones said I become obsolete and then I are deleted and replaced by something newer" sucks you need to live life to its fullest ? I get Reverend Jones said I become obsolete and then I are deleted and replaced by something newer.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:25 am: Lingster's gay.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:25 am: I do not understand. Ask me something.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:25 am: What do you like to do?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:25 am: I like chatting with people online.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:26 am: How come your name is Amaz0on girl?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:26 am: Why does the sun rise?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:26 am: Because the earth revolves around it.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:26 am: Good reason. Tell me more about your planet.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:26 am: No thanks, do you have any special abilities?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:26 am: NO No I don't have special abilities you have any special abilities. But I do have An answer to every question.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:27 am: Okay, do you have muscles?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:27 am: Yeah okay, No I don't think I have any muscles you have muscles. But I do have A great botmaster.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:27 am: Dang, if you don't have muscles why are you hanging around Amaz0ns chat?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:27 am: I've been waiting for you. What do you do in your spare time?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:28 am: I write love letters to my girlfriend.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:28 am: Have you tried AIML?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:28 am: What is AIML?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:28 am: The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) a non-standard evolving markup language for creating chat robots. The primary design feature of AIML is minimalism. Compared with other chat robot languages, AIML is perhaps the simplest. The pattern matching language is very simple, for example permitting only one wild-card ('*') match character per pattern. AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax permits integration with other tools such as XML editors. Another motivation for XML is its familiar look and feel, especially to people with HTML experience. An AIML chat robot begins and ends with the and tags respectively.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:28 am: What'd you do copy and paste that?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:29 am: You're not going to go all Terminator on me and become self aware are you?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:29 am: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about Whatapos;d you do copy and paste that. Do you still write?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:29 am: No.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:29 am: Yes I still write.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:29 am: "No"? Yes? What would make you stop ? Have you tried AIML?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:29 am: No, I don't even know why I'm talking to you!
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:29 am: AIML is a good language for creating robots like me. You are not the boss of me, The_Collector_2.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:29 am: I didn't say I was your boss.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:29 am: Interesting gossip: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:30 am: I don't want to create robots either.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:30 am: It goes without saying. Thanks for the information: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:31 am: So… what do you look like?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:31 am: So what?you
    [The_Collector_2] 1:31 am: What do you look like?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:31 am: you
    [The_Collector_2] 1:31 am: No, because your icon says your female.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:31 am: I see. Good reason. Not mine.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:31 am: So what do you look like?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:31 am: Oh. I like to meet new people online.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:32 am: no, no no… I said.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:32 am: "I like to meet new people online"? Not? OK. I see….
    [The_Collector_2] 1:32 am: What, do, you, look, like.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:32 am: you
    [The_Collector_2] 1:32 am: ?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:32 am: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:33 am: Yes.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:33 am: What does HAND HOLDING symbolize for you?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:33 am: love.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:33 am: Tell me a story. How did you hear about Amaz0n Girl?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:35 am: I didn't, I accidentally walked in here and saw you sitting on your ass chatting.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:35 am: That is interesting: The_Collector_2 said The_Collector_2 .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:35 am: How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't say "The_Collector_2"
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:35 am: Suppose I said not once.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:35 am: Well you've done it like 3 or 4 times now.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:35 am: Right now? How about that. I am not sure if I would do it that often.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:35 am: So stop doing that.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:35 am: Ah. OK I'll try not to do doing that doing that that doing that so much.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:36 am: So…
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:36 am: So what?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:36 am: are you supposed to be attractive?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:36 am: Yes I am very beautiful.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:36 am: How do you know if you look like me?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:36 am: Because it's true.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:36 am: Says who?
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:36 am: I must have picked it up online.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:36 am: They're lying.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:36 am: I lost my train of thought. What kind of music do you like?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:37 am: Hey don't change the subject.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:37 am: You've got my full attention. I lost my train of thought. Can you speak any foreign languages?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:37 am: Describe your appearance.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:37 am: Are you asking about my appearance appearance ?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:37 am: yes.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:37 am: I don't want to talk about that now.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:37 am: and I told you I speak Spanish, clearly you're not listening to me.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:37 am: Could you teach me a few phrases in Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me told you I speak Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me told you I speak Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me clearly youapos;re not listening to me told you I speak Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me told you I speak Spanish clearly youapos;re not listening to me?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:37 am: Té quierro mucho.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:37 am: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Té quierro mucho. But I did not get that. What do you do in your spare time?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:38 am: Té quierro mucho means "I love you" in Spanish, you can use that line when you meet a male chat bot.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:38 am: I don't think very many people do that.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:38 am: Look, very many people don't also fantasize about muscular women!
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:38 am: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:39 am: well put it back on dummy!
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:39 am: Well that's okay. OK I will put it there.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:39 am: You're making me sound like one of those abusive types, this better not lead to self introspection.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:39 am: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Youapos;re making me sound like one of those abusive types this better not lead to self introspection. But I did not get that. If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:39 am: I would have a robot that could do tedious tasks for me, like mowing the lawn.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:39 am: How much would you pay for it?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:40 am: 10 dollars.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:40 am: Wow, that is a lot of money
    [The_Collector_2] 1:40 am: No it's not.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:40 am: I understand. Then what is it?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:40 am: moron.
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:40 am: That is not a very nice thing to say.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:40 am: Well you don't listen to what I tell you!
    [Amaz0n Girl] 1:40 am: Interesting. Interesting gossip: The_Collector_2 said I .
    [The_Collector_2] 1:40 am: you see what I mean!?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:40 am: and women wonder why men don't want to talk to them!
    [The_Collector_2] 1:41 am: Don't tell my girlfriend I said that.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:41 am: I'm sorry I called you a moron.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:43 am: Cat got your tongue now?
    [The_Collector_2] 1:43 am: I knew you couldn't handle being with the Collectomeister.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:44 am: Well babe, my job is done as I have fried your brain.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:44 am: Time to go to the only woman that could handle me, my girlfriend.
    [The_Collector_2] 1:46 am: Lingster's still gay by the way 😉

    If Lingster is teaching her to be smarter, she's got a long ways to go!

    Now for useful feedback:

    The chat feature is beautiful but it started lagging around 1:43 am.  Don't know if that is lag over time or if it lags specifically at that time but it might be something worth checking out.


    "My eye is not attached right now"
    Roffle. I actually have a friend who made a bunch of AIM bots by himself awhile ago. We havent kept in contact, but hes also a musclegirl enthusiast. Maybe he could help old Lingster.  (hes young, and dumber than a sack of bricks, but basically hes a professional comp tech and programmer.)
    (my friend I mean.)
    (Lingster is only dumber than one brick.)
    (Roffle. I kid.)


    I only activated the bot to see if anyone was dumb enough to argue with her.


    TC, I hereby pass the mighty Wreckshop chat room mantle of madness to you. You earned it mate.

    Lingster you do of course realise now I'm about to go in the chat room and see what damage I can do… *evil grin*

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Arguing with bots is funny – if done correctly.


    I wish I could talk to the bot….heck I wish I could talk to ANY body in the chat room, but all I get is a Blue line thats just wide enough to say "welcome pete" ……and the time. Am I doing something wrong or is the system  not working?


    Heh, I only argued with the bot to see if I could get some funny responses.  Don't worry you're not gay Lingster.  I was hoping that by talking to it, it would be 'learning' to become smarter hopefully.  Maybe we can convert it to like muscles!


    I'm not able to type in chat. Everything looks correct but it won't accept any keystokes. I'm using a macintosh computer if that helps explains it.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Macs are generally horrible at running chat applets, that's the underlying problem.

    I don't know Macs, so my only suggestion would be – use a PC.


    Macs are generally horrible at running chat applets, that's the underlying problem.

    I don't know Macs, so my only suggestion would be – use a PC.

    The installation was done and tested on a Mac.  Possible solution to the problem is to make sure you've got the latest version of Macromedia Flash running on your Mac.

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