Lone Star Comics : Force Seven

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  • #30821
    ze fly

    As promised last week, here are the scans of Force Seven.  ๐Ÿ™‚

    mercblue22 may not look at them if he bought the issues and find out for himself…
    (By the way if you succeeded at getting the number 8 of the series, feel free to post the scans… but I fear that the number was never published… :cry:)

    So, here we go: the pictures are really becoming interesting on number 5.  ๐Ÿ˜›

    No. 7


    More excellent scans…have you ever actually worn out a scanner before ze?

    ze fly

    More excellent scans…have you ever actually worn out a scanner before ze?

    Sometimes, it began to make strange noises, but as long as it doesn't smoke…  ๐Ÿ˜€

    Anthony Durrant

    An ending to this story has got to be written for the sake of a possible graphic novel – trade paperback, I mean.


    GREAT Scans Ze, and yes, I loooooooove Amazon and her appearances. ๐Ÿ˜€  Sadly, I do not have FSv in my collection as you said, it was never published. :

    But, everything you have posted of Amazon has been nothing short of phenomenal. BIG kudos to the scanner and…the FLY! ๐Ÿ˜›



    Ze fly, you are the master of scans!

    Anthony Durrant

    I love the part where the Force Seven members are up against Amazon's people, who have conquered the people of a parallel universe.

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