The Great Firewall At Work

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  • #32224

    Back on May 31, I was about to log into my G-mail… and I couldn't.  The browser couldn't find it.  I tried alternating with, and no dice.  Then I tried going straight to Google… and no dice there, nothing.  "This Page Cannot Be Found." 

    Then a week later, I found something on a news link website… and found out why…

    If I'd hadn't promised my boss I'd stay on for one more year to teach, I'd pack it up and leave this country this summer break.  😡

    David C. Matthews

    That's outrageous. I'd seen the story (of how Google is cooperating with China's communist rulers in censoring the Internet on the mainland) a couple of months ago; this (and a couple of other moves by Google that rub me the wrong way) are making me seriously consider moving my update blog away from Blogger (a Google company). Maybe WordPress or LiveJournal.


    I'm picking up LiveJournal loud and clear, if that helps you with a decision.

    I'm major bummed with Google myself, because of their fall from their original motto, "Don't Be Evil."  Then they saw China's market $_$ and sold out.

    One of the things that annoys me is that my dad keeps saying the taste of a free market is like a capitalist camel sticking its nose into the People's Republic's tent.  Sooner or later, the whole camel's gonna sneak in.

    What he hasn't figured is that the tent dweller knows how to use a camel properly inside his abode.

    I've got to give my Dad a copy of Animal Farm for his next birthday or Christmas.

    On another tack, I know that not all successful companies are greedy moneysuckers.  Sam Walton and Ray Kroc didn't sit and wring their hands on planning to wring as much money out of the public and Mom and Pop Shop when they started Wal-Mart and McDonald's.

    I'm wondering how large a company can get and still hang onto its soul?


    Im just going to go vomit now.
    And so the censure of reality and history reaches even the internet.


    Oh, excuse the thread necromancy, but I figured this is important:

    I can now access Blogspot stuff from behind the Bamboo Curtain now.  (This means I can read DCM's blog now!  Yay!)

    Don't know whether or not it's because China's side loosened up, or Blogspot sold out…  :-

    David C. Matthews

    Oh, excuse the thread necromancy, but I figured this is important:

    I can now access Blogspot stuff from behind the Bamboo Curtain now.  (This means I can read DCM's blog now!  Yay!)

    Don't know whether or not it's because China's side loosened up, or Blogspot sold out…  :-

    That's great news (and not just because you can read my blog now)!

    Blogspot/Blogger being owned by Google, it seems to me that the sellout happened when Google agreed to China's censorship in the first place. Maybe China's loosening up… let's hope so.


    …I think it's the latter.  The local media leash is getting shorter and tighter.  🙁

    The CBS Evening News on ATV World and ABC World News Tonight on TVB Pearl were totally censored out yesterday and this morning.  They played a loop of Chinese PSAs over it.

    And I know I'd mentioned it in a previous thread, but here's the skinny on the afternoon cartoons:

    And I thought America and Japan was protectionist.


    Well, I got problems accessing DCM's blog again… I can get to the start page of, but when I try to access individual blogs, my browser says it's taking too long. 

    I've tried this for a different blog ( and it's also not loading.

    I can't prove in court it's the GFWoC at work again… but I've got reasonable suspicion.  🙁

    Someone keep me posted please if Dave's done anything major? 

    David C. Matthews

    Someone keep me posted please if Dave's done anything major? 

    You don't have to worry about missing anything… anything I do shows up here at this forum at the same time it goes on my site. (In fact, I need to update my blog to include the new Tetsuko-as-Cammy drawing I posted earlier this week.)


    If you're having problems in China you might find some of the info on this blog useful:

    It's a great blog in itself with many interesting and unusual links, but it's got a techie edge and there have been a number of posts about China's firewall in the past and how to get round it.  I don't remember where the original post was but there was a third party website that people could use as a portal to bypass the firewall in China.  If you search the archives you might find something useful.  *shrug* Anyway, just thought I'd mention it in case it's of any use, but I recommend the blog in any event – it's very cool.

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