Year Zero – Story Search

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    I've searched Valkyrie intermittenly for this story. It's probably no more than six months old, and I'm pretty sure it's titled "Year Zero." It had many intersecting storylines; the basic conceit was that women were inexplicably growing taller. I think one character was named Trish and she outgrew her boyfriend Greg (she blossomed into a 6'7" amazon).

    Perhaps I have the title wrong, and that's why I can't find it. Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.

    Erik Von Halle

    The stories can be found here!

    Golden, Colorado


    Much thanks.


    I liked year Zero but I enjoyed Year One much more. I thought the story took some good turns and the characters were much more likeable. (Yes i like stories based on good characters as much as I like femuscle). Year One showed both good and bad asspects of a sudden muscle and strength growth of women.
        Not all women who experienced muscle growth and strength increase would become dominating violent monsters. Many became protective and my gueiss is that some would even learn to be more gental as to not hurt the men they loved whom they now outclassed in physical strength and toughness.
        Like I said, overall I thought both storeis were quite a good read but I had a much better feeling with the second one.

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