Poll One – Personal Preference – A Story’s Length

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    The poll pertains, I would say more to the readers since there are far more of them then there ever are writers, but both are welcome to participate since I expect both sides of the aisle would interested in the results. Comments, especially from any writers – actual or prospective – would be also interesting.

    Note: This is assuming an

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


I most often like to read short stories, but I find that I want more out of a lot of the good ones, which is why long stories can work out well sometimes.


There are some great stories out there, both long and short. Assuming consistant story quality, my preference leans more toward the longer stories. It allows the author to build on established characters and settings more, and you get a better feel of continuty (or disruption of continuity as changes begin to occur).

Plus, longer stories also usually mean either muscle changes from multiple women, and/or slow, gradual muscle growth – both of which are favorites of mine!


Me I like eather long or short as long as it can keep my interest and is writen well. If it is long it could be broken down into chunks That just seems to make things easyer on me.


I’m still not quite sure where exactly Power Play fits in this category. Someone give me a clue?

Mark Newman

I think Power Play is a long story. What makes it long are:

1. Sustained and consistent plot, character development and style, and

2. its length

All long stories should be broken up in chapters. That’s what most "real" novelists do, and it makes it easier for readers and writers alike. Readers can stop and rest at the end of chapters. Writers have to stop for breath frequently.

I think bad long stories are much worse than bad short stories. Part of that is, of course, the length. More importantly, it’s harder to find the good parts. Double entendre intended.

I find 5 pages normally too short to accomplish much more than set a mood.

Beyond that, I like both formats. If the story is really good then as a reader I want it to go on and on. As a writer, it’s a house I’m enjoying living in and I don’t want to move out too soon. But some themes don’t extend well and should be kept short. For me, some stories are good for one or two ideas, one or two twists, one of two good parts. The effect would be lost if they were repeated. Others, like Jilly Milly, needed extended development to bring out all the implications.

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