big_arms NOW INKED!

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  • #38402

    if you remember i posted the pencil version before my vacations, and now i have colored it! πŸ˜‰
    (OT for my bad english: is "color" or "coloUr"? -____- )
    again i've tried to use photoshop for inking, and i'm happy for result because for the first time i'm "discovered" the command to modulate the brush line ::) (another of my great idea: italian man with english photoshop πŸ˜› )

    so, i think you like it, and i hope to colo(U)r πŸ˜› it for tomorrow evening (in italy ;D)


    Argh, stealing the attention from us other artist, will you? I would curse, if I wasn't hypnotized by your good art… If you keep going like this, I would be able to draw and oogle at your pictures at the same time.

    Thanks for posting


    if you remember i posted the pencil version before my vacations, and now i have colored it! πŸ˜‰
    (OT for my bad english: is "color" or "coloUr"? -____- )
    again i've tried to use photoshop for inking, and i'm happy for result because for the first time i'm "discovered" the command to modulate the brush line ::) (another of my great idea: italian man with english photoshop πŸ˜› )

    so, i think you like it, and i hope to colo(U)r πŸ˜› it for tomorrow evening (in italy ;D)

    God I love your art^_^


    Sweet, Gettar!

    Also, it's Color in the US, and Colour in Canada and England. Since England invented the language, you should (and by extrapolation, all Americans) spell it Colour. πŸ˜‰


    England didn't invent the language.  No one "invented" the language.  It evolved initially through people in England speaking it, but then a substantial portion of the people in England fled the country due to religious oppression, a shortage of arable land and unspeakably dull native cuisine. 

    While Americans of English descent struggled to overcome the shortcomings of their inherited culinary heritage in the early 19th century, they also made great strides in rationalizing spelling and usage. 


    I know you are, but what am I?


    if you remember i posted the pencil version before my vacations, and now i have colored it! πŸ˜‰
    (OT for my bad english: is "color" or "coloUr"? -____- )
    again i've tried to use photoshop for inking, and i'm happy for result because for the first time i'm "discovered" the command to modulate the brush line ::) (another of my great idea: italian man with english photoshop πŸ˜› )

    so, i think you like it, and i hope to colo(U)r πŸ˜› it for tomorrow evening (in italy ;D)

    Bellissimo, non vedo l'ora di vederlo colorato!


    Whoa! i don't imagine to unlease the beast of the Indipendence War -___^''
    so thank you for the explain

    e grazie anche a te J..w gli spaghetti! ;D


    Someday I like to see your style on my Maassive Cuties in your art πŸ˜€


    Awesome! ;D

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