Rescue Mission

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    Rescue Mission
    By Max

    Janice tried her best to not show the fear she was feeling for being trapped in a place that looked like an interrogation room. Just moments ago, she was to her from after her university’s classes when two men intercepted her and forced her to get in a car.

    Her thoughts were interrupted as the metallic door of the room was opened. A man dressed as a General stepped in. A smile formed in her face as she recognized at the military man.

    “Uncle Ted” she said standing up from the table and running to hug at her uncle. “I’m so glad you are here. I’m so scared. I was kidnapped in my way to my classes” sobbed Janice.

    “Don’t worry about that Janice. Those men were only following orders. Now, you have other issue to worry about” said General Rivers.

    “What are you talking uncle Ted?” Janice asked puzzled. “And why are you dressed as an army General?”

    “There are some themes that need to be explained. First of all, I’m not your uncle. I’m the General Tomas Rivers. I’m in charge of the program to create the ultimate soldier. Your parents are the best top scientist of this project” he said.

    “That can’t be. Mom and dad are consulters that travel around the world” she said.

    “That was a lie to cover their true identities. There are many things that you don’t know and there is small time to explain. It will be better if we take a seat” said General Rivers pointing to the table.

    “Janice, this will be hard for you to believe, but I promise you that everything I’m going to say is the pure true” said General Rivers once both were seated. “Twenty years ago, your parents and I were designated to a secret project in order to create a formula to allow at our soldiers be stronger and smarter during combats”.

    “Your father and mother are the best bioengineering scientist in the world. They haven’t met before the project began. Your parents quickly fell in love and the next year, they were getting married. One year later, you born” he said.

    “When you born, your parents were very worry about you. At the moment of your birth, doctors concluded that you wouldn’t be able to survive a week. Somehow, your body was too weak to survive your new environment. That situation was the one that leaded us until this point”

    “Without telling at anybody, your parents used a sample of the formula they were working on in you. They injected an experimental serum in your blood stream that re-arrange your DNA and give you an unique ability”

    “The formula was designated to allow a soldier being able to increase his own strength by getting in contact with an enemy. When you received it, your body was able to increase your defenses and complexion by getting in touch with another person”.

    “During the following days, your parents kept you very close to them. Hoping that the formula was working and you were able to gain so strength from them. You can’t imagine the joy your parents felt when your life period passed and the doctors informed them that you were almost as strong as a normal baby”.

    “Their joy didn’t last long as suddenly your mother began to get lazy and tired as the days progressed. She was slowly losing her concentration and some basic skills like talking properly began to deteriorate”

    “Your parents soon discovered that the reason of your mother tiredness was nothing else than yourself. Somehow, your ability was developing as well as your body and without wanting you were literally draining at your mother as she breastfeed you”

    “The long exposure of that psychical contact, allowed you not only absorb strength from your mother, but also part of her intelligence and knowledge. In only a week, you started to talk coherent words while you mother was suffering serious problems to express herself”.

    “Since you clearly showed indications to be above normal babies in the psychical and mental field, your father opted that it was time to give you the antidote to the serum before your mother got too weak”.

    “Another surprise raised as the antidote didn’t have any effect on you. Your baby born status allowed at the formula to merge into your own system as it developed. There was no way to determinate where the formula ended and you began”.

    “Desperate, your parents started to work several hours to find a cure. They have to use gloves in order to avoid a skin contact with you and also bottles to feed you. It was in this time that I realized something was going on”

    “I could get a confession of your parents once I thread them to fire them if they don’t tell me why they were working until so late. Of course, you imagine how furious I was for the uncared act of your parents, but at the same time, I understood them since I would have done the same if I have an own baby”.

    “Using my influences, I could get new identities for your parents. Your parents bought the house you are living now, and I granted them a month of vacation. Since nobody else in the project knew the true, they thought that your parents went into vacations to be with you, but the true was that your parents worked hard in their home to find a solution”.

    “Finally, your parents found an alternative. Since the formula couldn’t be removed, they decided to block it. The blocking antidote was a success and your parents were able to touch you again with no problem”.

    “As the years passed, you showed to be a very smart girl with a strong complexion. Your mother, who was able to talk properly again before hard lesson of training, couldn’t be happier that she could sacrifice part of herself for you. Under the cover of being consulters, you parents were absent from home in order to be working in the project and you could live a normal life. Everything was going good until you reached puberty”.

    “When you began to mature, also was the formula in you. Very slowly, you started to act more energetic and smarter in your home. This kind of behavior alerted at your parents. While you were sleeping, they ran tests on you and discovered that the formula was filtering through the block of the antidote. It was just a matter of time before you showed off your full ability”

    “Developing a stronger antidote, your parents succeeded in blocking your ability again. The brief time you expose your ability gave us important data to analyze. Your body was at least 10% stronger. You displayed a subtle toned complexion even you haven’t being training. As your parents checked your activities, they realized that you have gain new knowledge and even skills you didn’t have”

    “Doing a small investigation, they discovered that the source of your acquisitions were some of your friends and even teachers in your school. Your parents soon discover that you didn’t acquire things randomly. Your gain was lead by your choice. It didn’t matter if was envy, respect or desire your motivation, if there was something you want from one person, even at unconscious level, when you get in touch with that person you will began to absorb it”.

    “Later tests indicated that the formula had exceeded the functions in which it was created. The results told us that if it wasn’t for the blocking antidote, you should be able to gain muscle mass and density from other person by physical contact in just seconds. Also, by having a physical contact with other person, you should be able to gain knowledge and skills too”.

    “And why are you telling me all of this now?” finally managed to say Janice. Even as impossible as it sounded everything, she knew deep inside that what her uncle Ted had say was true. That would explain why she was the first of her class and at the same time being a great athlete.

    “Because in the last years, your parents had being working in a way to synthesize the improved formula that lies in your body while I kept an eye on you as uncle Ted. This morning, when your parents left home, they were kidnapped by terrorist organization that somehow had discovered what your parents were working on. Definitely they don’t know about you, otherwise we would be chatting here” he said.

    “My parents were kidnapped!!” yelled Janice. “Is there a way to rescue them? uncle… I said, General Rivers”

    “In a matter of fact, yes. We know the exact location of the island where the terrorist held their base. We should be able to get at your parents alive from it in two days” said General Rivers

    Janice sighed in relief.

    “But the problem is that we don’t have two days” he continued with a low tone.

    “What do you mean?” asked Janice worried.

    “Due the delicate investigation your parents were, my superiors had decided that your parents knowledge could represent a great dangerous threat in the wrong hands. That is why they obtained the President’s permission to fire a nuclear warhead against the island” he sadly said.

    “No!! Please General!! Don’t let my parents die!!” begged Janice.

    “It’s not in my hands. I can’t override a President’s order. I only can do this” he said putting a syringe in the table. A purple substance was on it. “The reason why we can’t save at your parents early is because we don’t know have enough information about the way the base operates in order to infiltrate a rescue team. There is where this enters” he said pushing the syringe to Janice’s side.

    “Is this what I think it’s?” asked Janice with wide opened eyes.

    “Yes. This will nullify the blocking antidote and will let at your abilities at full power. Believe me that I wouldn’t be offering you this if there will be other way to save at your parents. If my superiors know about this meeting, I will be dead, but I prefer that to confront the fact that I didn’t do all I could to help you and your parents. I’m aware of what I’m asking you is way over your head Janice, but I also know that if I were in your position, I will do anything to save at my parents”.

    Janice stared at the purple substance moving inside the syringe for a moment before saying “I will do anything in my power to save my parents”.

    “That’s my girl” cheered General Rivers. “Hurry up and follow me. We don’t have much time” he said opening the door.

    He lead at Janice through the installations of the military facility until they stepped into one of the many labs. “Here we develop special combat suits for our troops. Once your ability will be activated, every piece of your skin will be a dangerous weapon. That is why you will have to use this suit” he said taking an expanding rubber suit. “Its components will protect you from low or high temperatures, as well as will protected your body from undesired contacts”.

    Janice took the suit and General Rivers stood outside to give her some privacy. The young woman began to undress and as she did that, she began to caress her skin. General Rivers revelation let her thinking in other things. After unhooking her bra, Janice stopped for a minute to watch her ample naked breasts. “Since I was a teenager, I have being always proud of the way my body blossomed. I don’t consider myself as a voluptuous woman, but my prominent curves are the envy of many girls. Even my own mother is jealous of me” she smiled as she managed to pull up the suit over her wonderful rear.

    “I always believe that my development came from my father’s family side” said Janice cupping her breasts and feeling their weight. “I remember when my friends began to mature. I remember being so envy of them before I began to develop too short time after them. It was funny that I started at the end to later over passed them for a long shot. Now I wonder if my brief experience of my ability during my puberty was the responsible of my maturity. Maybe my jealousy let me absorb part of the development of my friends” said Janice feeling guilty.

    Placing her guilty aside, Janice pulled up the zipper over her breasts. She enjoyed for a brief moment the amazing view of her deep cleavage before pulling up the zipper until the end. She put a pair of gloves on before stepping out of the lab.

    Once outside, General Rivers guided her to another room. “Here, I will present you at your partner in this mission. He is one of the best students in the spy academy. I can’t assign you one of our agents because you will go in a not official mission”

    “I understand General. What he knows about me?” asked more seriously Janice.

    “He knows that you are the experiment subject of the formula. He doesn’t know that the kidnapped scientists are your parents. You should keep that information for yourself. He will help you to infiltrate at the base since he has the training to do it, but you will support him with the information he doesn’t have”.

    “What information is that?” asked Janice.

    “The one you are going to take from the terrorist you are going to meet in your way to the base” smiled the General.

    “Oh!” gasped Janice realizing the importance of her role in the mission.

    “Now, let me injected you the block remover” said the General as he pinched Janice’s arm. “You abilities should be fully functionally in an hour. Be sure to keep your gloves on at any time. We don’t know how fast if your absorption rate”

    “Understood sir” said Janice.

    “Very good Janice. Follow me” said the General as he opened the door.

    Inside, Janice saw a young man closed her age reading some files in a table. As soon as he noticed the presence of the General and her own, he stood up and said. “Agent Stewart ready for duty sir!!”

    “Relax agent. Let me introduced you at agent Alpha” said the General referring to Janice.

    Janice came closer to him and stretched her hand. Agent Stewart doubted about shaking hands with her. Janice felt hurt, especially since any guy had avoided greeting her before.

    “Is it safe General?” he asked.

    “As long as agent Alpha has her gloves on, there is no risk for you” General Rivers said.

    Convinced, agent Stewart shook hands with Janice. She smiled him back. After all, he was very handsome.

    “Let me introduce you to your mission gentlemen” said the General. Janice coughed. “sorry… agents. This is your target…” he began to explained as he displayed images in a projector.

    It was the 2300 hours when the two young agents reached the terrorist island base. They were using scuba diver equipment to reach the island without being noticed. As General Rivers pointed out there were a perimeter formed by boats.

    Quietly, agent Stewart got closed to one of the boats and using a dart gun, he stunned at its occupant. Immediately he signed at agent Alpha to get on board of the boat.

    The boat was boarded and two agents looked at the unconscious terrorist. “We don’t have much time Alpha. Quickly, do what you have to do” said Agent Stewart as he kept them undetected.

    Janice nodded her head and took off one of her gloves. ‘I’m very nervous about this, but this is the only way I have to save at my parent’ she thought placing her hand over the forehead of the terrorist closing her eyes.

    Immediately, Janice experienced a weird tingle going through her arm. She dismissed the feeling as she try to concentrate in the knowledge the man had about the base and his routine. She gasped involuntarily as her head was soon filled out with new knowledge. There was little the man knew about the interior of the base, but she soon understood his role.

    “That’s impossible” gasped agent Stewart breaking Janice’s concentration.

    She opened her eyes and she too gasped to see that the terrorist looked thinner that she remembered. In fact, he looked very scrawny. Quickly she took her hand off from him.

    “I didn’t believe at the General about the stuff the scientist were working on, but now I admit that the formula will be very dangerous in the hands of our enemies” said astonished agent Stewart as in front of his eyes agent Alpha had absorb at least 60% of the muscle mass the terrorist had.

    Janice didn’t have the time to process what had happened to her. She quickly grabbed the radio the terrorist had in his pocket and turned it on. Agent Stewart was about to stopped her when he heard that she spoke with a male voice a kind of codes. Then she turned the radio off.

    “What was that? Do you betray us?” he said taking out his gun.

    “No” said Janice. “I just transmitted the codes this guard should have done. If I would have take a couple more of seconds, it would have reveal our presence”.

    “So, you indeed have his knowledge” said agent Stewart lowering his gun.

    “Yes. He must report with a crew in the shore of the island every 5 minutes. We must find at those guards and take them down in order to know more about the installation. This guy here didn’t know much” said Janice.

    “Understood agent Alpha. We should go to the island now” said agent Stewart.

    “One more thing agent” said Janice.

    “Yes” he said.

    “Call me Janice” she said.

    “Very good Janice. You can call me Roger” he smiled before dropping into the water.

    His smile let at Janice smiled. She was about to put her glove on when she took another look at the unconscious terrorist. “I could use all the strength I could gathered” she thought mischievously as she touching his again.

    This time, she enjoyed the feeling of draining his muscles. Somehow, she knew that she wasn’t getting only his muscles. She knew her body was absorbing also from him anything that could help her being stronger and healthier, maybe even smarter too.

    When the terrorist didn’t have any more to offer her, Janice put her glove on and dived into the water. She quickly reached at Roger since she could swing almost twice as faster as before.

    They emerged quietly from the water and walked in the shore. Janice guided at Roger until a post were two buff guards were playing cards. “Those two are in charge of receiving the transmission of the man in the boat. Take them down before the 5 minutes period expire” said Janice.

    “Yes ma’am” said Roger as he fired his gun and the two guards fell unconscious over the table.

    With the guards out, Janice and Roger entered into their post. “We don’t have much time” said Janice as she took off both gloves this time and touch at the guards.

    She again gasped as she extracted all the knowledge these guards have. This time, Janice didn’t only take their knowledge about their routine and about the base. She also decided to take their combat skills and training in weapons.

    Again, as she was stealing their knowledge, their muscles were transferred to her. Draining at two strong guys at the same time showed immediately results in Janice’s body. The stretching sound of her suit made it noticed as her muscles were increasing its size. Janice could sense raw strength filling her body, but she didn’t have time to enjoy the feeling. She had a job to do.

    “Do you see the buttons over there?” said Janice to Roger. “Pressed them in the following order when I tell you”

    Roger did what she said and pressed the buttons in the sequence Janice dictated him. A green light illuminated the panel showing that the code was confirmed. “It worked Janice” he said.

    “Very good” she sighed as the last shred of muscle the guards had was siphoned out of their bodies. “Now we have a major problem” she said putting her gloves on. “These guys should transmit a code every time the guard in the boat transmit his own. If they don’t transmit their code in the following 5 minutes, the base will know something is wrong”

    “I can intervene this console and set a device to transmit the code every 5 minutes, but I doubt that it will be the same code every time right?” he said,

    “Indeed. Fortunately I know all their codes” grinned Janice.

    “So what are we waiting for” said Roger as he began to work on the console.

    As he was busy with the console, Janice took the time to examine the changes in her body. The most obvious change was her muscles. She wasn’t as muscular as any of the men she drained, but defiantly she could sense their strength was inside her. Somehow the formula had compact the raw strength of the terrorist making her 3 times stronger than before but without actually showing in.

    Other change she was aware of was the high degree of perception her senses were experiencing. This change confirmed what she thought at the beginning. The formula was improving not only her strength, but also the way her body works.

    Janice couldn’t remember a moment in her life when she felt as healthy or stronger as she was now. She was sure that nobody else had felt the sensation she was feeling then, and if she kept touching people, those feelings will only increase.

    “It’s done” said Roger. “Now told me the codes in the proper order”.

    After setting the device on, Roger follows at Janice through the dense vegetation of the island. He, as well as Janice, was surprised for her knowledge about the ground, even she haven’t being there until today. Janice pointed out all the traps that were left in the path successfully. Finally, they reached a riff.

    “The base is over this riff. We will need to climb it in order to have access to the base. There is an elevator, but since it’s not expected a shift change until 3 hours more, it will be a bit suspicious” said Janice.

    “Understood Janice” said Roger. “I won’t have problems during the climbing. Are you sure you can do it?”

    Janice flexed her arms showing her small but dense biceps. “Don’t worry about me. I’m far stronger than you now” she smiled.

    As they climbed the riff, Janice quickly showed off the effects of her enhancement. She could not only climb faster than Roger, but she also was able to maintain her heart rhythm at peace. Her improved health system could allow her to do all straining work without too much problem.

    When they were half way to the top, Roger slipped and fell. His security rope avoided him to fell on the ground, but he got severally injured during his brief fall. Without thinking, Janice immediately jumped in a free fall. She dug her hands on the surface of the riff as she approached to him.

    “Are you alright?” she asked.

    “I have being better” he joked.

    “Let me help you” she said stretching her hand.

    “Your gloves! Are ragged!!” he said.

    Janice looked down and indeed, her little digging action had tore a bit her gloves, enough to exposed her fingers’ skin. “In that case, we will have to improvise” she said taking out the knife.

    In a quick action she cut the rope that was holding at Roger and she held it with no problem. She pulled up the rope over her shoulder to let at Roger climbed at her back. “I will carry you until the top if you don’t mind” she said.

    Roger didn’t reply, he had passed out.

    Janice began to climb again with no difficulty. Even she was carrying at Roger at her back, the weight combine didn’t represent any problem for her. She wondered how strong she really was.

    As she approached at the edge, she gently woke up at Roger. “Listen to me Roger” she said securing his rope in the cliff. “The entrance is protected by two guards. I will take care of them myself and then I will come for you. Please wait OK?”

    He nodded and she jumped effortlessly until the top of the cliff. Roger could hear something like ‘Who are you?’, ‘Don’t move’ before everything went silent. Then, she heard a loud moan that indicated that Janice was taking care of the guards.

    A moment later a more muscular Janice appeared at the edge of the cliff. “Ready to go?” she asked as she pulled his rope until he was with his feet above the ground. It was then, he realized that Janice don’t only look stronger, she was taller too.

    “Hurry up. The will be a shift guard in a couple of minutes, we must be ready for company” Janice said.

    Roger and Janice hided the drained bodies of the guards. Fact that wasn’t difficult as they were weightless. Their thin bones got broken at very little pressure. “Be careful. Their bones are way fragile that they should be” warned Janice.

    “I guess where all their density went in to” he said looking at Janice.

    “I never imagine that the formula will work this way, but it seems that I take anything that could help me to stronger. Muscle mass, bone density, sense perception, intelligence, metabolism all those things are enhance and improve everytime I touch someone”

    “Good thing I notice that you glove were ragged, other wise I could have ended like them” said Roger.

    “You are right. Sorry for that” said Janice sad. “I wouldn’t forget myself for committing such stupid mistake”.

    “I know you wouldn’t. In fact, I don’t know why, but I trust in you very much” said Roger.

    “Thanks Roger for your support. I wouldn’t have reach this far without you” she said.

    For a moment both stood there looking at each other eyes. A small spark was noticeable between them. Suddenly, Janice expression changed. “The other shift guards are approaching. I can hear them” said Janice.

    Roger couldn’t hear a thing, and he doubt that he could hear something happening behind a metal door, but he didn’t doubt of Janice’s perception. A panel illuminate as a code appeared. Janice quickly typed the confirmation code and the door got opened. The guards were caught by surprise as Roger punched at one of them knocking him out, while Janice placed her ungloved hand in the face of the other.

    Once Janice finished sucking what she needed from the second guard, she said “The scientist are held captured in three floors above. I know the way”.

    The agents moved inside the installations quietly. Roger’s training combined with Janice’s new knowledge let them passed all the security cameras and gadgets. Roger was surprised at the agility Janice had as she moved graciously through a set of infrared beams. She almost looked elastic.

    With the grid beams off, Roger could pass normally.

    Any guard they encountered in their way suffered Janice’s touch. Roger was surprised at the great numbers of guards that the installation had at every corner. For her part, Janice couldn’t be happier. She started to feel like Supergirl.

    Finally, they reached the lab where Janice’s parents were against their will. Pressing the correct code she absorbed from the man guarding the entrance, Janice could access the lab.

    Inside, Janice found a group of scientist keeping an eye close to her parents. “Janice!!” said her parents as they could recognize as her transformed daughter.

    “Don’t worry. I will take you out of here” she said.

    “What is the meaning of these? Sound the alarm” said who appear the head scientist of the group.

    Two scientists ran toward the alarm button over the wall. “I will take care them. Look at the others” said Janice to Roger.

    She ran an amazing speed and with a strong slap, she sent flying at one of the scientists against the wall. The other one couldn’t reach the alarm button as Janice hand grabbed his neck. Janice moaned as the scientist’s strength at knowledge flowed to her.

    The rest of the scientists gasped in fear as they watched at their colleague got thinner and shorter. Then, when Janice let him go, the sound of his bones cracking as he hit the floor was scaring.

    Quickly Janice went to her parents’ side to release them from the chains they had. “Don’t worry dad and mom. You will be free in a moment” said Janice as she tore apart the chains as they were made of paper.

    “Dad and mom?” said Roger.

    “It’s a long story” she said as she broke the handcuff in their parents wrists. She was careful enough to not touch their skin.

    “You won’t have time for that story” said the head scientist as he pressed a hidden alarm button under a desk.

    Roger fired him, but it was too late. The alarm was heard in all the installation.

    “We don’t have much time. Guards will be here in any minute” said Roger.

    “Over here” said Janice as she opened a secret door. “This will lead you to a hidden boat in the shore”

    “How did you know that?” said the head scientist.

    Her parents nodded and followed the secret path. Roger followed them, but he stopped as Janice wasn’t following him. “What are you waiting for? We don’t have much time. In less than an hour this site will be nuked” said Roger.

    “Take care of my parents and get away as faster as you can from the island. I will be fine. I will buy you sometime” said Janice as she closed the door.

    “Now mister scientist” said Janice as she walked toward the head scientists. The others were just hiding behind him. “It will be a shame that all your and your colleagues knowledge get lost when this island will be destroyed. So what about if you share it with me” grinned Janice as she took off her gloves.

    A couple of minutes later, a group of armed guards broke in the lab. There was an amazon woman waiting for them sitting on a table with a grin on her face. “I began to think that you wouldn’t be able to unlock the door” said Janice.

    The guards opened fired against her, but Janice didn’t try to avoid the bullets. All of them bounced off her body. “Nice try guys. Fortunately, the man over there…” said Janice pointing out at the rest of what had being the head scientist “… pointed me with his gun. He had the same facial expression as you have now. Who could imagine that after draining so many men I will be so dense that even bullets will hurt me” she said.

    Janice jumped off the table and the guards stepped back. “You should be afraid. In a few moments, all your strength will belong to me” smiled Janice.

    The guards quickly began to run toward the exit. Janice grabbed the metal table and launched it with an extraordinary force against the entrance of the lab. The impact destroyed and blocked the only way to get out of the guards.

    “We will do this interesting” said Janice putting her gloves on. “I will really like to use the combat skills I have acquired lately. What do you say boys? Are you up to fight against a lady?”

    The guards launched against Janice without doubting. Janice smiled as she moved at great speed dogging all the punch and kicks the guards were throwing at her. She connected some punches on them restricting her strength. Those guards fell to ground unconscious or howling of pain.

    Some of the guards try to attack her using their rifles as contusion weapons. She only let at those weapons bend or broke at the contact of her dense skin. She enjoyed the terror face in the guards as she was able to tear apart a rifle with her hands.

    Then, Janice took at one of the guards and launched him against the others. The force she used was enough to knock all of them out.

    “It seems that I won’t have to worry of walking at night alone” Janice smiled as she took off her gloves.

    Moments later, Roger successfully reached a safe distance from the island. He had a hard time explaining at Janice’s parents about how much their daughter had change, but since it was the formula they invented, they knew that if everything Roger had said was true, Janice was now the strongest person in the whole planet.

    They watched as the falling star descended from the sky. They suddenly knew it wasn’t a falling star. They fear about Janice as the nuclear missile hit the island. The explosion was so powerful that the whole island sunk into the ocean.

    As they were watching the nuclear mushroom forming were the island had being. A figure emerged from the water. “Hello guys. Do you miss me?” said Janice.

    Placing her hand over the boat, Janice jumped effortlessly inside. Roger and her parents gasped astonished at how muscular Janice looked like. She was far more developed that any bodybuilder in the world and definitely the tallest person alive.

    “Do you feel fine?” asked her mother.

    “You can’t imagine how much mom. I feel unstoppable” grinned Janice.

    “You look fine Janice, but it will be the best if you take a rest. This boat has a room downstairs. You have passed a lot of emotions already and a nice nap will suit you fine” said her father.

    “Whatever you say dad” smiled Janice as she went downstairs. She laid on the bed and let herself fell sleep.

    Her sharp sense warned her that someone was walking down toward her. Without turning around she said “Don’t be shy Roger and come on in”

    “Who did you know it was me?” he said surprise.

    Janice turned around the bed to look at him. “Uhm, let me think. It could have being that I heard the sound of the cracking wood and I estimate the weight applied at them. You weight more than my mother and less than my father, so I could know it was you. Or I simply could have being able to smell your body odor and recognize you” she smiled.

    “But neither of those things let you know it was me, right?” said Roger.

    “You are smarted than I thought” said Janice raising her eyebrown. “Nope. Your heartbeats were the ones that let me know your identity. My father or mother had never being anxious when they are near me” she said.

    “You know it” he said.

    “You were very good hiding it at first, but as my senses were increasing I could notice some things in you” she said.

    “For example” he asked.

    “Well” she said sitting on her bed. “I have noticed the way your eyes dilated as you see me. I have heard your quick respiration as I’m closed to you, and of course, the impact my figure had over… let say under regions”

    “It seems that I can’t hide nothing from you now” said Roger. “So I will tell you this directly. I like you and I will like an opportunity to have a date with you. I can’t promise that it will be as exciting as infiltrate an enemy base during the night, but I will do my best” he said.

    Janice smiled at him. “I don’t know. Who have told you that I don’t have a boyfriend waiting for me” she said.

    “I won’t have your high degree sense, but I’m a spy. And one thing that a spy knew is how to read a person. I wouldn’t like to know that I misread you” he said.

    “Oh yes. How do you have read me agent Stewart” she asked.

    “Well agent Alpha. First of all, there are your hands. You have being playing with them since you seated. That is a way to show off anxiety”.

    Quickly, Janice stopped moving her hands and put her under the sheets.

    “Then, I have being trained to recognize when a woman is interested in a man” he said.

    “Oh yeah?” she said.

    “Indeed, agent Alpha. In fact, I can conclude that you are having a severely crush on for me. I’m not sure if it’s because my dangerous job as a spy, or it’s my sex appeal as a man. Either way, you can’t avoid feel attract to me” he said.

    “You are so arrogant” said Janice.

    “And you aren’t. With all the stuff about you know about me” he said.

    “Touche” admitted guilty Janice.

    “So, when your parents are going to give you the blocker antidote” he said.

    “I guess as soon as we are back into the military base” sighed Janice knowing that her ability was about to disappear.

    “That is a good thing” he said.

    “Why?” asked Janice angered.

    “Because I will be able to kiss you as passionately as my heart wants” he smiled.

    Janice smiled at him, as she knew exactly how much his heart wanted her.

    The next following weeks were full of surprises for Janice. First, General Rivers not only allowed her to work with her parents due the great knowledge she had acquired from the scientists, but also allowed her to work with Roger in missions were her skills and strength will be very useful.

    With her new knowledge, she was able to synthesize a serum that will allow her to use her ability at will. She was at full control of her power, now if she touches a person she won’t necessarily drain him/her. But if she has to, she can focus in what she wants to take.

    That way, by a simple shake of hands she could extract any vital information she want form a person. Also, she was able to control how much of strength she can absorb. She was delighted to take little bit of strength from every person she met for the first time.

    Also, her joy was great when she discovered that her first thought she had about her ability was true. In the last week, she was able to increase her beauty by barely touching at women walking in the streets. If she was voluptuous before, now she was a completely bombshell.

    She had increased all her womanly charms, but what she enjoyed the most was to increase her erogenous feelings. It only was needed that Roger plays with her bigger breasts to let her reach an incredible orgasm. But that is part of another story.

    The End.


    I love your stories, Max, and that one was no exception. Thanks for posting it! ;D


    There aren't too many FMG stories that involve terrorists AFAIK.  This was a novel short story 🙂

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