Just an Allergy

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    This new story is based in Shadow Ninja idea. It shows the first encounters of Jenn and her allergy that was showed as a flashback in the Spinachrest comic that can be found on his group.

    Hope everybody enjoys it.



    Just an Allergy
    Idea of Shadow Ninja
    Written by Max

    I never imagined that an allergy could be so embarrassing. I still recall that last day before the summer break in my high school when I entered in the cafeteria with my dear friend Kate. I can recall how perfect my day was going through. I obtained good grades in my exams and that meant that mom will let me go with my other friends to camp.

    “Isn’t this exciting Kate? We will be having such a good time” I said excited.

    “Yes Jenn. No more tests, no more teachers, and specially no more crazy hormonal boys that chase you all the time” said Kate relieved.

    Certainly I felt a bit sad for that comment. Even we both were 16 years old, people look me like I was a child and who could blame them. Kate had a nice body a girl our age should have. A pair of round firm C-cup and a tight bubble shape butt that were enough to say she was a woman. I for instance, still wear my training bra and my butt, well, let’s say that I feel my bones touching the chairs every time I sit on them.

    With that difference in our bodies, I wouldn’t blame her for being chase by boys day and night, while in my case, I barely had any attention at all. The most close attention I had from boys is when I taught them some exercises from math class. That’s all.

    Once we sat on a table I asked her while I unwrapped the sandwich my mother sent me. “So, your mother will give you permission to go?”.

    “I think so. I didn’t get excellent grades, but they are good enough to avoid summer classes” she said opening her lunch box. “Ewww. Why did my mom pack spinach salad for my lunch?” she suddenly said.

    For a moment I was stunned. I had heard about that green vegetable before, but I never tried it. I can remembered how curious I was about this reach source of Vitamin K. Now I know why curiosity kill the cat.

    “Spinach? What’s that taste like?” I asked trying to hide my excitement.

    “You mean to tell me you’ve never had it?” asked me Kate raising an eyebrow. I wondered in that time if my excitement was so visible.

    “No, not once” I said containing myself to snatch a little bit of her salad.

    “Enjoy” Kate grinned handling me her salad.

    I trembled a bit as I received her lunch box and gave her my sandwich saying “Sure”. If I only knew the problem it will bring on me, I will have enjoyed my sandwich that day.

    When I taste the first bit of spinach, I felt like a kind of electrical charge running from my tongue to my brain. It made at all the previous meals I tasted before dull. Soon, I found myself gulping the salad at a fast rate.

    “Geez! Slow down. You like it that much?” asked astonished Kate as I devoured her salad.

    *Glup* “Yea! It taste great!” I replied enjoying how good the spinach tasted. I didn’t knew in that moment why my mother never let me try spinach before. If I would only knew then what I know now… well, history can’t be re-written. As soon as I took the last bite, my life changed forever.

    I felt like how my whole body tingle in a frantic way. I panicked for a moment, and I did well, because I wasn’t prepared for what will happened next.

    “What the heck is going on with you?” asked surprised Kate looking at my chest.

    “Uhhh!” I gasped as I saw my tiny breasts swelling in size. They grew so big and round that stretched obscenely my small blouse. ‘Oh my… they are bigger than Kate’s’ I thought in the moment my breasts reached the amazing D-cup rate. Of course they didn’t remain in that size for long.

    My brain was running faster to understand the incredible changes my body was going through. I felt my arm itching and when I tried to scratch it I was dumbfounded to see the hard biceps popping from my arms as I flexed them

    “What the…” gasped Kate as she stood up scared from the table.

    “What’s happening to me…!!!???” I said totally scared. My body was growing rapidly and soon… *rip*… my clothes couldn’t match my expanding dimensions.

    “Unnnghhh! Too tight!!” I gasped as my breasts were bursting my blouse to the stressing point. I was glad that I didn’t wear a bra that day, otherwise I would have suffocate. *ping*, *pong* The buttons of my blouse flied away as my huge breasts break free. Without my blouse I realized the brickwall my once flabby abdomen had become *rip* My shirt tore apart as my hips became pronounced and muscular.

    When my transformation ended, I flexed again my arms and saw surprised the size of my muscles. “Oh my… Even strong men don’t have muscles like these” I said as my muscles had muscles over them.

    My poor friend Kate collapsed in a chair nearby as she saw me with a look of disbelief and jealousy. I tried to say something to her, but the old gag of Mrs. Saunders grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cafeteria.

    “Let’s go young lady. You’re suspended for violating the dress code…” she said to me.

    I was too ashamed to say something to her as I tried my best to cover my bare breasts with my hand as my over stretched panties became a thong and protected my modesty once my shredder skirt fell off  “What a freak”, “Let’s see those tits!”, “Freak!!” were some of  the phrases people yelled at me that day.

    Mrs. Saunders dragged me until the principal office. How that old lady dragged a muscular amazon like me is a mystery that I still don’t understand. I mean, I should have weight twice than her. I guess I was too stunned to oppose resistance. Which it will have done little good anyway.

    The principal called at my mother and she arrived 30 minutes later. She told at the principal something about an allergy and she showed him some kind of medical records that the principal looked sceptical, but since he knew me, he couldn’t lied at his eyes.

    When I reached home, I confronted my mother about that weird explanation she gave at the principal. “Mom! What the hell happened to me? Am I a freak?” I asked even I didn’t want to know the answer.

    “No. You just have an allergy” she quietly told me.

    “What kind of b… s… is that?” I yelled hysterical as my mother picked something from the counter. For the record, I never had yelled at my mother before, but lying to me in the same way she did with the principal really bothered me. After all, I wasn’t a little child in that exact moment.

    “I have the same allergy. Here, see…” she said as she put some leafs of spinach in her mouth. What happened next truly caught me off guard.

    I saw how my almost 40 years old mother passed through a similar transformation I experienced in the cafeteria. First, her already huge breasts grew incredible and so fast that her blouse burst opened and I gasped at the sight of her overflowed bra.

    Then, the ripping sounds came from everywhere. I think that first were her jeans as her calves were building great muscle tone. But then I saw how big my mother’s biceps were getting as they were visible under her sleeve.

    “See. I just never told you because I thought you were not old enough. This allergy was passed down through our families generations and kept quiet” my mother said as she flexed her arm and her bulging bicep popped free through the fabric.

    “Oh crap! I should have done this with my clothes off” gasped my mother as she had ruined her blouse and jeans. “I have never ruin an outfit since I discover my allergy when I was 14 years old”.

    “Fourteen years old!!” I exclaimed offended. “And you thought I was too young to know the true. Gezz!!” I sighed.

    “OK. I waited too long out and I was too embarrassed to share this secret. I’m sorry” said my mother placing the can back into the counter.

    “I forgive you mom. But you have to tell me about your first experience. I think it’s fair since you know mine” I said with a bright smile.

    “I agree” said my mom taking a chair and sitting next to me. After taking a deep breath that made her breasts ballooning in size, my mother started. “Like I say, everything started when I was 14 years old”

    “I was in the house of my friend Cassidy for dinner. I was called to the table with all the family. “Welcome to our home Emily. Please enjoy the vegetable I prepare” offered me Cassidy’s mother and I gladly accepted. As you must guess it was spinach”.

    “I imagined that you experience the same anxiety I had when I eat for the first time spinach. Your grandmother Amanda didn’t let me eat spinach either, so when I taste it, I couldn’t stop until I clean the bowl much to the surprise of Cassidy family”.

    “I ate so fast that I almost burp. Certainly I could have done it as I felt my stomach twitching strangely. Just then my first transformation too place. For being a 14 years old, I was stacked. I was already a C-cup but the clothes of my time weren’t as tight or skinny as the one your used now. No, I had more conservative clothes, but even those weren’t enough for the explosion of breasts flesh and muscle that happened next”

    “In a moment, my proud breasts double their size. I felt so embarrassed as I tried to contained at my growing breasts when I felt a ripping sound coming from my back to them felt a breeze of air hitting my naked derriere. My legs turned so muscular that my poor pants were so strechted that they looked like a second skin”

    “I stood there in shock as Cassidy’s family looked me with terror in their eyes, as I was a kind of monster. Soon, I couldn’t contain my titanic breasts any more and they destroyed my blouse and cotton bra to them stood proudly more than a foot from my chest. My enhanced pectoral muscles made them defied gravity”

    “With my blouse gone, I was able to see how much muscular my arms were getting. I flexed my arm and I gasped to see the enormous bicep that spurt from it. Not only that, even I wasn’t flexing harder, my bicep kept growing bigger and bigger”

    “My pants didn’t took long to follow the fate of my blouse. My ass got so big and first that my cheeks were totally visible through the remaining seams of my pants. Finally my ass had a growth explosion just at the same time my legs muscles became truly massive. This combination reduced to tears at my pants”.

    “Astonished, I flexed my other arm and watched the muscle mountain my other arm has being showed too. Two powerful peeks of female muscle bursting with great power from my arms were enough to make at Cassidy’s family fainted of the impression. After that incident, her parents never let me see her again” said my mother with a tear in her eye.

    “As you see Jenn. I understand you completely. I know what you have passed through. Sorry for being so coward and haven’t told you about this before” my mother said sympathizing with the great embarrassment I passed through.

    “I never imagined that you experience such embarrassing experience mom. I guess that grandma Amanda passed something similar too” I said.

    “Oh no! Your grandmother had a very enjoyable experience” my mother laughed.

    “Really? You have to tell me about it” I said excited.

    “Well, why not?” said my mother. “You grandmother Amanda had her first encounter with spinach when she was 12 years old…”

    “Whoa!! Wait a second. Is there a patron here?” I said. “Grandmother was 12, you mom were 14 and I’m 16. This mean that my daughter will discover this at 18? And don’t tell me that my grand grandmother when she was 10?” I said a bit sarcastic.

    “Well…” said my mother rubbing her chin.

    My eyes grew wide at the implication of her action. “No. You won’t tell me that your grandmother tried the spinach at 10. I can’t imagine a girl so young with muscles like this?” I said flexing my colossal biceps.

    After a long pause, my mother finally said. “No, she wasn’t 10 when she discovered spinach”.

    “Phew!!” I exclaimed relieved.

    “She was 8. I guess that my mother skipped a generation” said my mother.

    My face turned pale. “Eight years old!!! How? Why?” I asked confused.

    “I guess you wanted to hear the story of your grandmother?” said my mother.

    “Oh yes. Please!” I said as I tried to calm down myself.

    “OK. As I said before, your grandmother found out found out she had the "allergy" when she was 12 years old. At difference of you and me, your grandma grew up in a farm, so as you can imagine she was a strong girl for her age. You know, she milked a lot of cows and she build some nice muscle tone” said my mother.

    If my mom had great breasts to start with and the spinach made them so huge and massive, I shivered at the idea of what the spinach could do in a person that already has muscles. Suddenly I pictured at the top bodybuilder of the world giving his best pose to later being totally embarrassed and dwarfed by the muscles of a 12 years old girl. The scene was so bizarre, but at the same time I knew that it was very possible thanks to the allergy.

    “Are you listening me Jenn?” asked my mother zapping me out of my awake dream state.

    “Eh? Oh yeah! Sorry. My mind wander off” I apologized.

    “That is alright. I guess that all of this is a hard pill to swallow. If you want, we can talk about this later” my mother said standing up.

    “No. Please!” I said grabbing her massive arm. I gasped to notice how hard and muscular it felt. Certainly for eating so little of spinach my mother was positively stronger than I was.

    “If you insist” my mother smiled to me as she sat again. “I was tell you about your grandma and how she wandered off from the family farm looking for some stray cattle. Certainly, I don’t know why, but country people enjoyed a lot pushing cows at night while they sleep. That is a hobby that I don’t understand, but certainly your grandma was one of them”.

    “Since my grandparents didn’t have any cows, her searched took her to another farmer’s property. It was a night with a full moon and your grandma spotted easily a group of cows sleeping nicely. As I told you, your grandma was a strong girl for her age and certainly she was able to push such heavy animals. My mom was having so much fun when suddenly the owner of the farm caught her trespassing”.

    “At that exact moment, a cloud covered the moon and darkness took over hiding at your grandmother. The furious farmer thinking that it was a cow stealer, began to fire his shotgun in the air. Those gun shots were enough to scare her to death and she run as fast as she couldn’t. Due the terrible darkness, your grandma didn’t see a rock in the path and she tripped falling into one of the farmer’s vegetables field. When she landed, her mouth got full of those vegetables. Without thinking what they should be, your grandma quickly stood up as she chewed and swallowed”

    “My mother was about to start running again when her body began to shake. She told me that the first thing she felt was how her plain nipples got painfully hard, to then become truly sensitive and pleasant. After that, the small breasts that appeared on her a month ago started to swell in size and density. Your grandma was able to feel this change in her body thanks as she cupped her expanding breasts. Unfortunately she couldn’t see it”.

    “Just then, as if her wish will have being granted, the cloud moved bringing the first beams of light over her. Your grandma gasped as she not only noticed the size of her breasts, but also the size of her muscles. After her breasts, the other thing she noticed changing was her butt. Your grandma had a plain butt almost like you, and after the spinach, she didn’t have a butt, she had an ass, and what an ass. She could cause train wrecks”

    “In that moment, the farmer caught at your grandma, but he was shocked as instead of looking at 12 years old girl, he was looking an amazon woman with muscles bigger than his head, and still growing. Scared, he dropped the shotgun yelling “Take anything you want, but don’t kill me” before running back to his home. She couldn’t say anything as an almost animal moan escaped her lips as her muscles continue bulging and growing giving her a sensation of power as raw strength was poured into her muscles”

    “When her transformation finished, your grandma ended with muscles that even 5 body builders put together couldn’t match. She grabbed the dropped shotgun and applying a little of effort, she bent it and twisted it like a pretzel. She was shocked at the immense strength she possessed and when she flexed her arm, the enormous bicep that popped out stated her true strength”.

    “Using the recent moon light, your grandmother saw for the first time the strange vegetable that made her so muscular. Thanks to the sign in the crop, your grandmother learn that it was spinach. A vegetable she never eat before that night, but since that day she swore to eat forever”.

    “Happy with her transformation, your grandma recalled what the farmer told her about taking anything she wanted. Placing her muscular arms under two cows, she carried each of them on her monumental shoulders and she even returned home jumping happily. You can’t imagined the surprise of my grandparent to see at your grandma transformed into a muscular amazon and carrying two cows like it was nothing”.

    “With sadness, my grandmother had to explained at her husband the reason why they didn’t cultivated spinach. So far, the husband knew that my grandmother Kay Leigh was allergic to spinach, but he didn’t know that it will affect her in such radical way. My grandma didn’t imagined that what happened at her during her childhood will affect at her daughter too. After all, she didn’t taste spinach after her parents forbid her to eat it again” sighed my mom.

    “Hold on!! The parents of my great grand mother prohibit at my great grand mother to eat spinach? Why?” I asked excited.

    My mother looked at my with an eyebrow raised. “And from when we have this story time?” she said a bit annoyed.

    “Oh come on!! It’s your fault for not haven’t told me this before. Now, I’m more than hungry for more. It’s like all the past I knew was a big lie. All my ancestress are like Popeye the Sailor and I’m just discovering this. How bad have you been for hiding all of this for so many years” I said frustrated as I tried to cross my arms around my voluminous breasts.

    “Don’t try to play the tough girl with me young lady, specially since the spinach has a limited duration” my mother lectured me.

    “Oh! I didn’t thought of that. How long it takes to wear off?” I asked.

    “A couple of hours, and it seems that your time is up” my mother grinned as my body started to shake.

    I remembered watching in a completed shock and sadness as my majestic muscles deflated until nothing of them was left. I felt my ass bones touching the chair again as my huge breasts collapsed on themselves leaving the little bumps I grew up with.

    Then, my mother stood up and hugged me tenderly. “It’s ok darling. I know that it could be so sad to lose such amazing strength and body, but just remember that this is the real you. OK?” she said to me.

    “Mom. If your idea of helping me passed through this experience is to bruise my skin with your massive muscles, then it isn’t working” I replied to her annoyed. After all, she was rubbing ‘literally’ rubbing it on my face. Her massive breasts and muscles, I meant.

    “Sorry. It has been a long time since my last change. I think I forgot the great strength I had in this form” my mother apologized as she moved away.

    “It’s OK. But please, tell me the story of my great grandmother. Please!!” I begged.

    “Oh well. It wouldn’t hurt telling you it, since it was with her that the allergy chain started with. That means, there are no more stories” she said.

    “In that case, please, don’t omit any detail ok?” I said trying to get comfortable in the hard chair.

    “This story is different from the others as it didn’t took place in this country. Your great grandmother Kay Leigh born in Ireland and she was the first girl in the family's generation.  She was the daughter of poor farmers and when she was 8, she fell badly ill of an unknown sickness. Fortunately, her parents harvested their first batch of spinach that day. Knowing that it was good to make the body stronger, her mother prepared a spinach soup for her. Once the small Kay Leigh took the first sip of the nutritious soup, she started to feel better. With renovated strength, she gulped down all the soup”.

    “Her mother was so please to see at her daughter glowing with such health that she rushed out of the room to call at her husband. In the moment Kay Leigh was alone, her transformation started”

    “Little Kay Leigh gasped a bit scared as a great energy was coursing through her body.  Her tiny nipples hardened and soon her non existent mounds grew from her chest becoming hills of woman’s flesh. Soon, her blouse buttons were popping off revealing an spectacular cleavage for such little girl. She tensed her arm and she shrieked as the mountain of muscle that grew from it. Her huge biceps tore off her sleeves as her pants fought and lost the battle against her muscular legs.”

    “Kay Leigh watched in total awe as her child fat dissipated to later become pure massive muscle. Her belly button soon was surrounded by hard abs and her calves her even wider than her father’s put together”.

    “The once little girl stood up and bumped her head with the low ceiling her humble house had. After rubbing her head, she looked down confused at her changed body. She  poking her massive bust curiously wondering if it was real. After all, it’s difficult for a little girl understand how she could have breasts that dwarfed at the ones her mother had. As she was cupping her mammoth breasts, her parents entered into the room”.

    “Certainly, seeing at her little girl like that stunned greatly, but they were relieved that she wasn’t deathly ill anymore. Once Kay Leigh reverted to normal, her parent sold all their crop of spinach and never grew it again. It was at this time, they forbid her forever eating it again. It wasn’t normal at that time that a woman could be as strong than a man, so having her being as strong at 10 of them together was something unspeakable”.

    “Whoa! That is awesome” I gasped shocked. “And Kay Leigh’s mother wasn’t affected by the spinach” I asked.

    “Nope. As far as I know, this allergy started with Kay Leigh. It seems that it’s a kind of genetic allergy caused by the strange sickness that almost kill her. Now, all the females in the family had this weird condition. We don’t get sick as her, but we can experience the results she developed by tasting spinach” my mother said.

    “Amazing. And I bet that after my grandmother Amanda discovered she had the allergy, she and great grandmother Kay Leigh could have a great time in the farm eating spinach” I said.

    “Yes. With the secret revealed, my mother and grandmother worked together in the farm and dedicate a small portion of the land to plant spinach for themselves. Using their great strength combined, they could work the land, harvest the fields and take care of the animals without any assistances of machines. Certainly your grandpa must have felt weak by being surrounded by such muscles amazons” my mother laughed.

    “I bet they did the labour of a week in a day” I laughed.

    “Better say in hours. They were able to finish all the hard work before the spinach wore off” my mother said. Then she bent her head a little as an idea popped in her mind. “Talking about hard work, I better used this muscles to clean the garage. I have always looked forward to do it. In the meantime, why don’t you go to your room Jenn and lie down on your bed. It has been a great day for you” said my mom as she headed to the garage.

    Once my mother left me alone, I spied the still full can of spinach my mom forgot on the counter. “And who says this great day has over?” I whispered mischievously. “I wonder if the spinach my mother ate is stronger than the one I tasted from Kate's salad” I said as I got very curious about it.

    Quietly, I walked to the counter and pick up the spinach can. It didn’t have any label on it. “From where my mom will have get this can?” I asked to nobody as I scanned the metal can. Just then, realization hit me hard. “Oh my… This must be from my grandmother’s farm. She must still planting and harvesting spinach on it” I gasped.

    My knees trembled in excitement as I held the can as it was made of gold. Normally, the vegetables are treated with chemicals in order to be canned, but since they were a great source of power for our family, I knew my grandma will grow them in optimal conditions to assure their best quality. That was why my mother eat so little. This spinach should be truly powerful after all the care my grandma must had put on it.

    “If my mother got those muscles by eating that little bit, I can’t wait to know what the whole can will do for me” I said excited as I discharged all the spinach down.

    “OH MY… IT TASTE SO GOOD!!” I muffled as I chewed and swallowed. Doing a great effort, I gulped the spinach down my throat. Once it reached my stomach, its nutrients started to affect my metabolism. My eyes got wide open as I felt my whole body tingling. Then, every cell started to get warm. I thought for a moment that I would be bursting in flames as a great heat invaded me.

    “This is going to hurt!” I grunted as I place my hand over the table while with the other touched my forehead. Soon, I saw the veins in my arm becoming visible. It was like I was pumping more and more blood from my heart. The notice veins reached my hand and I started to get scared.

    For a moment, I thought that maybe I should have eaten so much spinach. Maybe my body wasn’t designed to assimilate so much nutrients. Well, there was nothing I could do in that moment. Even trying to warn at my mother seemed useless as my transformation avoided that I could move.

    The heat sensation burning my body started to dissipate, but then I felt it concentrating on my nipples. I cried aloud as my nipples got so painfully hard. A tear dropped from my face as it was a very shocking experience, but as soon as it started, it was gone.

    Then, I recalled what my mother told me about the stories of my ancestress. The pain was first, but then only pleasure remained. Fortunately that was 100% sure.

    I moaned in pleasure as my nipples became hyper sensitive. The breeze of the air gave me erotic chills that ran all my back. Soon, the pleasure was enhanced as my small breasts finally started to grow.

    “Oh yes!! Grow like this!! Bigger, BIGGER!!” I exclaimed excited as I cupped my bare breasts and felt how they were getting bigger and heavier. They were growing so large that they overflowed my hands. “Watch out world, here come my super tits!!” I cheered as my breasts were swelling to their previous size.

    As in the cafeteria, after my breasts reach porn star magnitudes, my muscles began to pulse with power. I grinned as I saw my muscles getting denser and stronger. I watched as my legs turned shapely and tone. My muscles became very prominent, but at the same time, they were ugly or disproportionate. They gave me an athletic look even my calves muscles were massive.

    Soon I felt my flat butt inflating again into an ass to make me feel proud off. Heck! Even J-Lo will kill for an ass as sexy and hard like me. Two perfect checks filled with woman muscles. I knew I could tear apart granite with them if I wanted it.

    Then, I noticed my belly. I never had a flabby abdomen, but now I sported a six pack abdomen that was so hard and defined that it could look like a 12 pack. When I touched it, it felt like it was made of steel. If somebody would have shoot me then, I swore the bullet will have bounced for sure.

    After that, I realized how torso was changing. My shoulders spread out as new muscles were growing on my back. My pectoral muscles were also increasing in such a way that my breasts became even bigger and firmer. “Yes!! Large huge breasts that defy gravity. I love them!!” I said as I cupped at my new two best friends.

    As I did it, I noticed the biceps that popped from my arms. Grinning, I flexed my arm and looked marvelled and proud at my mighty bicep. It was so big and hard that looked like a cannonball to me.

    In just a couple of second, I watched pleased as my super muscular body was back. “Yes, baby. This is what I’m talking about” I said confident as I grew a couple of inches more turning me into an amazon. It was in this glorious moment that I realized something was wrong.

    I became just a ‘little’ concerned as I was back to my previous form, but still the feeling wasn’t dissipating. In fact, it hadn’t slow down at all. “Oh no… I keep getting busty and muscular” I said a bit afraid. “How big I’m going to be? Even more important, it'll ever stop” I wondered truly scared as my muscles continued expanding and filling me with incredible raw strength that I knew no living creature had experienced

    As I stood there naked, I watched as my breasts continued their growth process getting even larger than beachballs. My biceps were rising higher from my arms and that scared me as I wasn’t flexing my them. My leg muscles became so big that they were bumping into each other. My ass expanded so dramatically that destroyed my panties completely. Then, for the first time, my hair changed. It grew longer and lustrous that it seemed a veil of hot fire instead of my dirty red hair.

    I started to get claustrophobic as I looked the ceiling getting closer and closer. I felt like Alice in the rabbit house and I knew that there won’t be a ‘Eat me’ cookie until the effect of the spinach wore off. If it wore off.

    Fortunately, when my head bumped the ceiling, my growth finally subsided. The outburst of power slowly dissipated letting me appreciated the titanic body it left me. I estimated that I was near 9 feet tall since that was the high of our ceiling. I didn’t knew which bra size I was at that moment, but I was sure that I will need a second alphabet to name it. My muscles were simple bigger than most people’s heads. What a h… They were even bigger than grown up babies. Even the Hulk wasn’t a match for me.

    After I absorbed the incredible transformation that had happened to me, I grinned with the idea of showing off at my mother what her little girl was capable off. Without thinking it twice, I walked to the garage to help at my mother as a good daughter.

    I was fascinated as I had to bend down to be able to see at my mother through the doorframe. I was so brawny that my body blocked the whole door frame. I giggled a bit as the diameter of my breasts was bigger than the door itself.

    Containing my excitement, I did my best to sound like my old fragile voice. “Can I help you mom?” I asked quietly.

    “No darling” my mother replied without looking at me as she was grabbing a heavy box. “Everything is under…” she got speechless as she dropped the box. “… control” she gulped hard as she was truly shocked by my new size.

    “In that case, I will go to my room and have a rest. That’s if I can fit in my bed” I giggled as I walked to my room rumbling my house with each step.

    The End.


    Very nice work. Thanks 🙂


    That's just hot. And brilliant! Thanks! ;D

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