I forgot the story

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  • #4199
    magnus knight

    I asked you join my new group without offering a preview of what to expect there. Here is a short story to rectify that.

    Growths of Diversion 3

    ~Magnus Knight

    The following story is rated Fiction MA and is not suitable for minors.

    Hello everyone and welcome back to the growth zone. Is everyone here ready for some more pointless clothing destruction and unnecessary growth? I thought so. Let’s now join Amanda who is at the house of Frank for another one of their dates. She didn’t have time to change and is running late. I figured we might help her grow into something nicer than what she wore to the office.

    Amanda was at her boyfriends Frank’s house and already and hour late. Her jerk of a boss kept her past five at the office and she knew how much of a punctuality freak Frank could be. On the way up his walkway she pulled out her compact to check her makeup. Her light blush was still intact as was her lipstick. Her blue eyes still had that little sparkle to them despite her hectic day and her brown hair was still pulled into a neat little bun at the back. She was reapplying her lipstick when a bright flash distracted her from above. When she looked up she didn’t see anything and so she continued on her way.

    When Amanda made it to Frank’s porch she decided to do a quick check of her five foot three thin frame. Her black pumps with their mid-heal were freshly shined. Her nude stockings gave her legs an exceptionally silky appearance while her grey skirt really showed off her narrow hips. The matching grey suit coat with its four black buttons completed the outfit as she wore it over her white blouse. This wasn’t exactly what she wanted to wear on the date, but it was still nice.

    Amanda made her way to the front door and when she was about to ring the doorbell a sudden wave of dizziness overtook her. She stumbled back slightly but regained her composure long enough to straighten up and make her way back towards the door. Once again at the moment before her slender outstretched finger was about to ring the bell she felt dizzy again, only more intense this time, followed by a tingling sensation that shot through her from head to toe.

    This time when she regained her composure she awkwardly stumbled backwards until she eventually fell back into the porch’s railing. She grasped it tightly with both hands clutching its sides as her feet gave out and she needed it for support. At the point where she could stand again on her own she still had her feminine hands holding onto the railings as for some reason she couldn’t get them to release their grip. As if things weren’t odd enough at this point her gold earrings felt loose in her ear lobes, and her feet felt cramped in her pumps. Something odd was definitely happening to her.

    “Clink, Plink!” The odd things just became odder as her earrings just fell out of their ear holes and onto the wooden porch. Amanda was staring down at her earrings when she saw something else strange behind them. Her pumps which had been cramping her feet for sometime now were showing five little indentations in their pointed fronts, and if she didn’t know any better could swear she heard the faint but distinct sound of stretching leather. While all this was going on she failed to notice her slender fingers were now slightly longer and their once glossy red nail polish was not covering what it should. For that matter neither was her knee length grey skirt. The hem of the skirt now slowly raised a smidgen above the knees, revealing the paler material of a silken slip. Her nail polish cracked and shed of her finger tips as if the nail itself outgrew it.

    Amanda looked up and twitched slightly as if something was tickling her legs. The fact was her thigh high nude stockings were now a little snug and were moving about of their own accord to try and compensate for increasing mass. She let out an “ahh” as something else began to tickle her, her now too tight panties. The silk garment was rapidly turning into a thon and teasing her ass and vagina.

    Her stockings were bulging out as the new abundance of flesh was distorting the thigh high elastic when the pressure was released. The nylon materiel began to shred as runs streaked down her thighs past the knees and calves into her shoes. She could now feel her bare feet rub against the fronts of her pumps when all of the sudden that pressure too was released. Her left foot burst the pump open in the front and back as the stitching snapped and a bare foot now slid across the wooden porch. The right one soon followed suit as the leather material ruptured.

    “Pop, pop,pop,pop!” Amanda’s suit jacket’s buttons all snapped open one by one down in a row and exposed her ill fitting white blouse to the world. Her ears then picked up a closer shredding noise as the sleeves of the jacket began to tear. Now separated from the coat her jackets sleeve burst and fell to the ground leaving her looking like she was wearing a white vest. Soon though the vest took on too much as the remains of the jacket tore down the center of her back and the grey coat in tatters fell away.

    Amanda was swallowing hard as her blouse was cutting of the air around her neck, but that was soon relieved with the sound of a button popping. The blouse’s sleeves slowly traveled up her arms, but at the elbows began tearing apart as she felt a cool breeze on her back where the garment also gave way.

    Amanda shook her head violently as her neat bun began to unravel. Her brown hair cascading down her back covering up her bra buckle just as it snapped and her breasts heaved forth popping three more buttons on her blouse. Her grey skirt climbed further up her legs exposing more of her slip. The white material of the undergarment squeezed her expanding thighs until it too began to tear open. The back zipper on her skirt forced itself down as its teeth separated on by one. The slit at the back of the same skirt designed for leg movement tore upwards until it met the torn zipper and the skirt blew away with a breeze.

    All Amanda was now clothed in was her torn slip, ripped blouse, and rupturing bra. Her growth forced the bra cups to rupture as the shoulder straps tore and left her bare-chested save a few scraps of blouse. Her white slip shrunk away to nothing before finally fluttering to the ground when with a soft snap her panties followed suit.

    Amanda stood on the porch and straightened herself out as the growth seemed to be stopping. As she looked down at her new body she let out an ear piercing moan of both pain and ecstasy. Frank heard that and came bounding from his house to find his girlfriend now standing at an unbelievable eight foot five in just a skin tight ripped up blouse. She looked down at him and said “I thought I’d grow into something more comfortable?”

    Moral of the story? Growth is cool. See you next time in the growth zone.

    The growth is out there…

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