changing colors?

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    Greetings Amaz0ns lovers!  I've just started a project to create an animated growth sequence.  I'm going to be doing it the hard way using Photoshop instead of using AfterEffects.  I just wanted to see if the extra hard work would be justified.

    I'm using Julie Dearth as my model and using Cindy Phillips' arm as the morphed target.  my issue is that my colors don't match and wondering if anyone could suggest ways on making them match.  Attached is what I'm working with (just a test frame to work with).  Thanks in advanced.


    If you're using photoshop CS2 it has a nifty feature where if you make a layer of the original woman's skin, and then select Cindy skin.  Click on "Match color" and match the color with the layer of the original person's skin.  It's not 100% full proof if there's too much color difference but from there will be a great start to begin adjusting colors.


    Thanks.  I've got CS, but it works the same way.  I just didn't know how to go about doing it.  I kept getting this really dark color.  It looks quite close to me.  Thanks again….  this project seems pretty big, so hopefully I won't get irritated at it.

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