Lois Lane and Wonder Woman

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    This is actually the first wonder woman picture that I made that I am happy with. Its kinda funny cos I added her in last because I felt the picture was lacking. If I would have known I was going to put wonder woman in the picture I would have made her Ultra Woman.

    Oh and I am 2 lazy to post in the TV section so I am tacking this onto my post. A very muscular girl was on the show Psyche on USA network last Friday night. It was episode 13 unfortunately she was the butt of a joke but not a mean spirited one. Any way enjoy the pic and info everyone.

    I wasn't happy with how the background sat so I tweaked it slightly. Not a big change but I felt it was called for.


    I really love this pic. Thanks for posting it.

    That Guy

    8) nice  8)

    ze fly

    The morph is really well-done and Superman's expression is priceless… 😀


    Great job as always.  Thanks for sharing.


    I have one morph about lois lane and lana. Does it fits? 😀



    CDR I for one take offense to you posting a picture in a thread that I created and have the audacity for it to not even be a new morph! Just kidding I love your stuff and hope someday that you will create new morphs till then I guess the oldies will have to be sufficient.
    CDR your work is always welcomed and always excellent, but you actually have I believe two other Lois lane pictures. Feel free to post them as well.

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