FMG Writers’ Block

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    I never thought I'd say this, but I have writers' block. I have blank words in front of me and I know exactly what I want to happen except I can't put anything down on paper. I'm thinking it's probably because I've never written a real FMG story before and so the actual descriptions are a little daunting.

    I mean, it's not like I'm trying to replicate Shakespeare or Dickens, but I doubt they could really achieve what some of our gifted writer posters do, which is convey FMG in an awesome manner.

    I suppose the first self-prescription I'd write for myself is to read lots of FMG stories (like I haven't done THAT enough already) to see what works and what doesn't.

    What do you guys think?


    Can't say as I've ever had that occur to me, slowed down at times, yes, but never a complete freeze up as you're describing.  With myself its not a lack of material coming out of the turning squirrel cage of inner-imagination, but having the time and most importantly the mental energy to get it down in print.  More often then not I find I have to cut out a conciderable amount of extra materal.

    Since I don't limit myself to just writing about MMG/FMG or GT/GTS, I also find that it helps to change the field of interest from story to story  – i.e. at the moment rather then going for the bigger is better formula, I'm working on a Minizon shrink-shifting character.  Its sometime I've never done before, tho I've had mythological Faefolk characters in some of my previous stories.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Writer's block is something that I've had to deal with several times. I'll get all of these ideas, and then I can't pull the right words to expres it. My only advice is to just try to find some inspiration. For me, a contest works wonders. But that only works sometimes, since ontests are few and far between. I'd recommend re-reading your favorite FMG stories, using some of thier terminology or situations as a baseline for the story, and then reating what you need to fill the gaps between the baseline and what your desired result is.


    My tactic is to make myself write a few words on the story I'm working on every day. Sometimes, if I've got the time, I'll go back over what I've written and switch a few things around. It's not a race or a competition of any kind, you can work away at your story at your own pace.

    I wish you good luck with your writings.


    If it's a matter of time bring a notebook for your lunch break.

    You don't have to write anything particularly incriminating merely let it be the net for any weirdness that needs recording before the opportunity for actual writing presents itself.

    For instance;
    -Items in the news that catch your fancy either as devices for plot or hooks to hang it from.
    -Noteworthy turns of phrase heard in the workplace or from the myriad media that saturates modern society.

    Once you have the time to write half the work will be done for you. The details of place that give a marathon of onanistic glee its texture have been collected and all that remains is the unhallowed act of assembly.

    Give it your best shot, the worst that'll happen is you will have spent some of your irretrievable lifetime strengthening the muscles of and IN your imagination.  😉

    Good luck with where-ever the interweb takes you.

    Some links for thought.

    What does the Devil's Dictionary and a remote retreat for San Francisco's movers and shakers have in common? That's for you to write and me to find out.  ;D


    Well Titaneer you're in luck!

    I've got an FMG bible that I'm working on right now that should be able to help you with your writer's block.  One quick glance over and bam you will be in business!  I'll post it when it's ready to roll!



    Well Titaneer you're in luck!

    I've got an FMG bible that I'm working on right now that should be able to help you with your writer's block.  One quick glance over and bam you will be in business!  I'll post it when it's ready to roll!


    FMG BIBLE!? Blasphemous o_o


    You damn right!


    Well… *puts on college grad cap* if we are to use Bible in the Latin sense where Bible just means book, then it is not blasphemous because Collector is trying to, literally, write the book on FMG…

    Hmm… sounds more daunting when you put it that way. Good luck, Collector.


    The only way I've found to write well is to write badly first.


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