Another… Birthday Request!

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  • #50915

    Well.. I guess Amazon beat me to it.. But i was born 6 days earlier, so Eh :p

    Aye, 5th of May for me ^_^

    Anyhow, I'm sure quite few of ya know me.. and even then, a few more of that like me and/or my art, But to those without knowledge, Hey, I'm Ritz, Howdydo?

    Anyhow, It may seem rather art whorish of me even to be asking about requests and stuff in my own topic… I mean, I'm a newbie in most terms, But at least hear me out. I've done a lot of art and even flash for people I know. Even so, I also did this: the members of Macrophile quite a couple a months back.

    And even then, I did do a few things for you guys… Amazons wallpaper and what not.

    But even such, I don't expect ya to instantly draw me something "Cause I did arts, lol"… But Kindness of the heart will suffice :3

    If you do consider drawing me something, Great hooray, cause I like getting gifts, especially on my Birthday, seriously.

    And I'll probably give recognition to the awesomeness of this forum and maybe draw something communitilicous for ya all.

    Anyhow, I hope any of you take a looksie and think about it, cause it will make me a Happy Birthday if ya do.

    Peace and stuffs in Thanks ;D

    ze fly

    Aye, 5th of May for me ^_^

    Hey! Same as me… Looks like it's a cursed day… ;D

    Amazon Lover

    Heh heh, thanks for noting my birthday request, which has, at the moment, gone off the main page (Dare I "bump" the topic?  To those unfamiliar with the term, to "bump" a topic is to post to a thread in order to keep it on the first page.  Helpful to the poster, but it can be a tad annoying to other forum-goers, hence my quandry…).

    Anyhoo, perhaps I'll do a birthday pic for you, as I did do one, after all, for Kulli.  I won't ask you to do one for me in return, but if you do, I'll appreciate it. πŸ™‚

    EDIT: I was going to wait until later to do a pic, until inspiration struck me, so I've got a pic for ya'. πŸ™‚  I'll put it on my FurAffinity account (FurWatcher) now, but you can choose to view it on your birthday if you'd prefer. πŸ™‚  In any event, Happy Birthday!


    3 days till my birthday, and I was hoping for a Ritz pic… Ehhh, Not pushing anyone :s

    And thank you very much Amazon Fur Fan Watcher ^_^ Apart from the ginger nips, I think you made Ritz pretty cartoony and cute looking, which is always great πŸ˜›


    3 days till my birthday, and I was hoping for a Ritz pic… Ehhh, Not pushing anyone :s

    Well, this may sound stoooopid, but since I don't know you, maybe you can forgive me …

    – Does it have to be a furry?? If not, I'll gladly do something for you … Head over to my gallery at, and you can pick an existing character, or make up a new one (NO fanart, please!)…  Let me know the details, and I'll render you something, k?



    Na, I'll just give up this whole pseudo art whore shit. I know almost everyone is commission in a price range I don't want to pay for when it comes to art.

    Ya know what, nothing, I'm fine, no stuff ._.

    Amazon Lover

    3 days till my birthday, and I was hoping for a Ritz pic… Ehhh, Not pushing anyone :s

    And thank you very much Amazon Fur Fan Watcher ^_^ Apart from the ginger nips, I think you made Ritz pretty cartoony and cute looking, which is always great πŸ˜›

    Heh heh, glad you liked it! πŸ™‚  I was originally gonna give her some of Kulli's leftover cake, but decided having Ritz howl at the moon was a good idea; I don't think that she's been depicted as doing anything specifically lupine before.  In any event, Happy Birthday/Cinco de Mayo!


    Happy B-DAY !Here's your B-DAY kiss!(^=^)


    I would enjoy drawing something, but I am not much of a furry artist.  If it was humans I would have made something for you as soon as I could, but furries is not my specialty or cup of tea, so it wouldn't do me any good to draw you something crappy.    Happy Birthday though.


    Happy birthday, Ritz! I've never drawn a furry myself, but you got me interested – thanks! Quite a facinating world – also lots of excelent artists… I gave it my best shot:

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