Re: Sylph in "Student Orientation"

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  • #55526

    Just a reminder- this is everybody's last chance to vote on what job Sylph should take up.  Voting closes at 10:10 according to the blog's clock.


    Okay, the majority has spoken.  Sylph is gonna get a job in construction.  We'll just have to see what mayhem ensues after that…

    For the record, since the vote tally won't tell you this- only one person officially voted "Other" but I counted two votes among the posts for scrap metal pressyard worker.


    Okay, the majority has spoken.  Sylph is gonna get a job in construction.  We'll just have to see what mayhem ensues after that…

    For the record, since the vote tally won't tell you this- only one person officially voted "Other" but I counted two votes among the posts for scrap metal pressyard worker.

    Sounds good!


    I hadn't realized that kalida was stronger than average too O_o it may be that it's almost 3am in the morning and I am missing some important details. But I am enjoying the story too much, and I have nothing to do tomorrow morning, so I'll keep reading and catch the missed parts in a re-read tomorrow ^__^

    Great story, btw 🙂 (and again, so bad I had already read the 8th chapter 🙁 )


    I hadn't realized that kalida was stronger than average too O_o it may be that it's almost 3am in the morning and I am missing some important details. But I am enjoying the story too much, and I have nothing to do tomorrow morning, so I'll keep reading and catch the missed parts in a re-read tomorrow ^__^

    Great story, btw 🙂 (and again, so bad I had already read the 8th chapter 🙁 )

    Thanks, Satsurou!  I'm always happy when someone enjoys my little scribblings. ;D

    You didn't actually miss any previous indications of Kalida being extra strong- it was something that occurred to me as I was writing this chapter and just felt right, so I stuck it in…


    It was a nice surprise indeed :). And since we had only seen her compared to Sylph (until Wade came into scene again)… well, I guess that when you are literally able to lift tons, Kalida is not that "special" (strenght-wise). That would explain why the narration didn't describe the smaller (in comparison) girl's might 🙂


    Okay, the majority has spoken.  Sylph is gonna get a job in construction.  We'll just have to see what mayhem ensues after that…

    For the record, since the vote tally won't tell you this- only one person officially voted "Other" but I counted two votes among the posts for scrap metal pressyard worker.

    Sorry for a late response, and Thanks for counting 3 votes for my idea.
    I hope Sylph doesn't end up becoming a "destruction worker"… Wait! isn't
    Wrecking Crew a work in construction too? (catches a cab and drive away before
    Sylph can catch me).

    BTW, I have at last submitted my long-overdue FanFic.  I hope she likes it.


    Just in case anybody missed it, Ad_Meyer's Sylph story is here:,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,5806.msg51607/topicseen,1/#msg51607

    Unless he objects, I fully intend to include this as part of the Sylph canon.

    Sylph's still chuckling about the idea of her being the Wrecking Crew…  and she tells me that she really appreciates your treatment of her and her friend Wilbur, who, she thinks, may be a bit of a closet lift'n'carry fetishist.

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