Work Plan Announcement

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  • #57754
    Mark Newman

    I'm 99% finished with my newest story and will be posting the first part within 48 hours.  It will appear in stages on, SWM and DtV.  The title is ABX.

    Sorry about the long gap, friends.  I also have another story 90% finished and that one will appear later in the year when it's done.


    I'm 99% finished with my newest story and will be posting the first part within 48 hours.  It will appear in stages on, SWM and DtV.  The title is ABX.

    Sorry about the long gap, friends.  I also have another story 90% finished and that one will appear later in the year when it's done.

    YEAAAAAAAY, I LOVE you stories.


    I'm 99% finished with my newest story and will be posting the first part within 48 hours.  It will appear in stages on, SWM and DtV.  The title is ABX.

    Sorry about the long gap, friends.  I also have another story 90% finished and that one will appear later in the year when it's done.

    It's not gonna be another one of them 1500 words or less jobs is it? Not that your talent is not shown in those shorts, but the long ones are the best you have ever written. Any story you write is an instant classic!!!!


    ;D Hi Marknew,
    For awhile I thought you had permanently left us. I'm glad you are back and writing again. You are one of the great masters and pioneers of INTELLIGENT AND ARTISTIC muscle growth fiction.
    Welcome back,
    Rodman 8)

    Mark Newman

    Thanks.  I've never stopped writing, as you will see.  But I've had to cut out a lot of the other communications.  Thus my relative quiet here.  And you'll be glad to see it's not a short story. 


    Thanks for continuing to pour some serious thought into the scenarios of power transition you are generous enough to share with us.

    The events in your stories may not always have a happy ending for all the fictional folks within but they're never predictable or boring.

    Waiting -and hoping- for a sequel/continuation of "What I Want".  8)

    Thanks for the spare moments of your wake-cycle's and their conversion into the pending tales through the work of writing.


    Hooray!  So glad to hear you're back writing again, man.  Your stories rock!


    Woohoo! Your back with new stuff. That's terrific. Now to be a PITA*. Any chance of a finish to Pendant Changes?

    *Pain In Thee Ass

    Mark Newman

    Any chance of a finish to Pendant Changes?

    It's on the project board, but not next in line.  One other story is speaking to me more urgently.

    Mark Newman

    Part 3 is now up on 

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