How much are you willing to pay for your fetishism?

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  • #63253
    Devon Cory

    This weekend I decided to join Digital Amazons ( for the first time. I had seen some of their work here and there and knowing that they had recently published their first growth sequence, I thought it was a good time to see what else they had to offer.

    Wanting to build some anticipation, I first decided to look at their previous work, keeping the growth sequence for last. After going through most of their artworks, comics and animations, I must say that I was a little disappointed. It’s not that it wasn’t any good, the arts and animations are possibly the best I’ve ever seen, but it just wasn’t what I was looking for. As a fan of Female Muscle Growth, I’m very much into “growth” and there wasn’t any on the website. When I want female muscles, I prefer the real thing to computer generated animations and thus, that 12.95$ I had paid for my membership started to look at little too expensive.

    Then, after watching the growth sequence a few dozen times, I decided that 12.95$ wasn’t too bad, and that I would willingly to pay more than that if Digital Amazons would start producing other such sequences on a monthly basis.

    And this got me thinking… just how much someone would be willing to pay to indulge his fetishism?

    I know I don’t mind if the price is reasonable and if I can get what I want, but what about everyone else? How much is someone willing to pay for a monthly membership or for a commission? How much is someone willing to pay to keep an artist or a website alive, knowing that most people would rather rip off, share without a thought and have a promising website die down or an artist disappear in disgust?

    How much are you willing to pay?

    drum monkey

    frankly, if i was going to pay for any of it, i mean if i really got motivated to see something like that, i'd  pay a model (not professional, i can't afford that, jeez) to do some poses for some photos that would really sync up with a tf sequence, then see what we could do from there. 

    of course, there's the whole thing of making someone quite uncomfortable with that process…

    anyway, it's not something that i'd pay for just to see once or twice.  it would be a hell of a thing to be a part of creating, though.


    With the exception of a single issue of Cool Cat Studio comic staring Bones, I pay zero. I get enough free samples to keep me more then satisfied.


    I don't mind paying for a site if its not highway robbery. I understand that modeling and all that is a source of income for many of the women we all love so much, and while freebies are cool, they have to put some money in their pockets too. As a self employed person I am well aware of having multiple revenue streams.
    I can't really put a dollar amount on it thought because I rarely stay with a site more than a month or so and then a couple months later I might try another one and so on.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Whatever the cost of specialized commissons are…because that's just about the only thing that even comes close to what I like.


    Why should I pay for what I can make myself.


    I can't really put a dollar amount on it thought because I rarely stay with a site more than a month or so and then a couple months later I might try another one and so on.

    Same here, I usually sign up for one month and then cancel so that at the end of that month, it just expires.

    Why should I pay for what I can make myself.

    Variety 😉  Besides, there is alot of stuff out there that is much better than mine.


    I'm quite happy to pay for it to be honest. I generally sign up for a month, cancel, then join up again a few months down the line, but during those months I try out other sites. So I'm routinely spending somewhere between $10-30 a month on this stuff. Which is a lot now that I think about it… 😐


    This weekend I decided to join Digital Amazons ( for the first time. I had seen some of their work here and there and knowing that they had recently published their first growth sequence, I thought it was a good time to see what else they had to offer.

    Wanting to build some anticipation, I first decided to look at their previous work, keeping the growth sequence for last. After going through most of their artworks, comics and animations, I must say that I was a little disappointed. It’s not that it wasn’t any good, the arts and animations are possibly the best I’ve ever seen, but it just wasn’t what I was looking for. As a fan of Female Muscle Growth, I’m very much into “growth” and there wasn’t any on the website. When I want female muscles, I prefer the real thing to computer generated animations and thus, that 12.95$ I had paid for my membership started to look at little too expensive.

    Then, after watching the growth sequence a few dozen times, I decided that 12.95$ wasn’t too bad, and that I would willingly to pay more than that if Digital Amazons would start producing other such sequences on a monthly basis.

    And this got me thinking… just how much someone would be willing to pay to indulge his fetishism?

    I know I don’t mind if the price is reasonable and if I can get what I want, but what about everyone else? How much is someone willing to pay for a monthly membership or for a commission? How much is someone willing to pay to keep an artist or a website alive, knowing that most people would rather rip off, share without a thought and have a promising website die down or an artist disappear in disgust?

    How much are you willing to pay?

    Well first off id like to say that i started to prepare my own membership website, it will be mostly for fans of extreme musculature and strength but i wont forget about those who like growth as well… I dont know about the price yet
    i sure want it to be affordable for most of us, but i also want to make it worthwhile for me. As making animations and even galleries takes ALOT of time… It will be updated on a weekly basis or twice per month, ill have to see, how
    is it going to be in reality once its finished.

    Getting back to the subject, as long as the stuff on the site is really rocking my boat i spent sums such as 29,99, and i must say that $30 is my upper limit. If we talk about DVD's for example i have spent 49,99 or 39,99 for dvd's of Pump Room, and i must say i wasnt dissapointed…

    My 5 cents…

    Michael Pouliot

    I'm willing to pay if the value is there.  Sites like FemFlex and HerBiceps and MuscleAngels have the best value because of both the quantity and breadth of content.  I consider subscriptions to individual FBB sites to be far too expensive as they don't provide the same value relative to the aforementioned.  However, I'm sure some FBB sites have content that is very exclusive, and if you're a big enough fan, the value is there.

    As for DVD's, the value is there as well if you're a big enough fan of the FBB in question.

    I've subscribed to both FemFlex and Melissa Dettwiller's sites in the past, and both were worth it.  I don't anymore because I'm married now and putting a monthly fetish expense on our budget just doesn't seem reasonable.

    Oh, and DC Letcher's stuff was always well worth it.

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