Muscle Impossible- a tribute to Mr. Shhh

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    *Author's Note: Hey, everyone, I’m back again, this time I want to do a story that doesn’t have much to do with muscle growth, but more with huge muscle already there as an element of the story, just getting more ripped and shredded throughout the story. As for description in this story, I hope to emulate one of my favorite authors of all-time Mr. Shhh, who is one of the best describers of female muscle in the World and I hope he and many other people reading this story enjoy it. As for the title, well, it’s not going to be one of those GBMesque type of stories, where the characters grow muscles into the millions of inches, not that there is anything wrong with those stories, I enjoy them a great deal, but I want them to be more realistic, though extremely huge in their own right. If I had one warning for those reading this story, it would be that the woman in this story is going to be grotesquely muscular, to the point where some of you may be disgusted by my descriptions of her muscles, if you're not easily frightened or disgusted, read on and see if you like this kind of story, if you are a fan of Mr. Shhh's, I hope this story will bring you over to my camp of muscle and strength description. As for all my regular fans, I hope you will enjoy this story, its not too much of a departure from my regular stuff, but it may not be your cup of tea, so I hope you stick with me. Also, I have become somewhat discouraged lately, my last two stories have garnered just about zero response, so if you want to see me write more stories in the future, and I hope you do, email me or leave comments on these stories so I can see your appreciation, okay?*

    First let me tell you a little about myself, my name is Jeremy Wilson, I come from a middle class family in East Central Wisconsin, and for the longest time, I'm 30 years old right now, but ever since I was 14 or 15, I was attracted to female bodybuilders. This has gotten me a lot of teasing over the years but that doesn't matter much to me, as these women have brought me years and years of satisfaction. The bigger the better is my motto, although I really love short, though massively huge women. Colette Guimond, Christine Envall, Nathalie Abellan, and Barbara Fletcher are the example of the kind of women I enjoy seeing. Not only that, but I love them to be as ripped and vascular as humanly possible. Because of the fact that no women existed like that, at least than I knew of, I had to go to story sites like Diana the Valkyrie and other places to satisfy that fetish, and along the line, I started writing stories myself, trying to find the inner voice to tell other people of my love of muscle women. Now I know that not many women exist like that, but I came across one that fit my description almost exactly. After seeing what I saw, my life has never been the same!

    I was flipping across the channels one day when I found a male bodybuilding show on one of the numerous sports channels on my cable box, I thought I might as well check it out, in case there's a muscular lady in the audience, or as a judge, I've always loved muscles on women, the bigger, the better, so I turned it on, since most female bodybuilding contests were now either on PPV or you had to pay to view them on the internet, maybe I could satisfy my lust here. I looked at some of the guys and wondered if there were any females out there bigger than them, they were middle weights, about 210 pounds of muscle, I thought maybe Renee Toney had a chance, if she went full out conditioning her body and building up her size just a little more.  There was a break in the action, and the announcer said they had a special guest female bodybuilder to pose for the audience, when he said that I smiled and rubbed my hands together, hoping she was big and ripped, but damn, what I saw will never leave my mind as long as I live. The woman that hit the screen, she was just enormous, the announcer gave her stats over the air, 5'2 205 pounds, 4% bodyfat, 28 years old.  Her name was Teri Vanden Bosch, she was from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and had been working out for 13 years.

    After just watching a bunch of pretty huge looking men, I was amazed that they let this short, though hugely muscled woman on stage, because she clearly overpowered even the winner of the that class with her muscle size and definition, it was amazing how much bigger she looked, proportionally. Her shoulders looked to be 4 feet across at least, which was easily visible as she started out her posing routine with her equally wide and ripped back to the audience. I could see every muscle, even in relief, she had a visible Christmas tree in the middle of her lower back, I moved my sight a little lower and was amazed to find that her glutes were absolutely ripped to shreds, you could see every fiber, this was no bubble but, she must have dieted down a great deal to get to the condition she got.  I sat there with my mouth open, and my dick hardening as I saw what was yet to come, her hamstrings were ripped as well, you could see the thigh bicep separated into its individual segments and finally her calves, incredibly huge and hard, they resembled upside hearts, but they were much more striated and more vascular than any calves I have seen in my life and she was just standing there, she wasn't tensing or flexing as of yet, then they started her music and she started moving like a graceful animal, dancing around, shaking her butt sensually. And what a butt! The striations, oh my goodness, I mean you haven't seen a ripped backside until you have seen Teri's, and veins were running over it, I have never seen that in all my years of following bodybuilding! I could hardly stand it, not only was she more muscular proportionally than heavyweight male bodybuilders, but she was as flexible and graceful as a fitness competitor, I wonder how strong she is? She did a back handstand that you could only see from a gymnast, then flipped her self so that she was facing forward, then I was even more shocked, as this was the first time I had a good look at Teri's front side.

    I couldn’t help but gasp at the unreal muscle that poured forth, I had been a female bodybuilding fan for near 20 years at this point, but I had never in all my years seen anything approaching the level of size or conditioning that I saw on Teri’s body. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull watching her shoulders from the front, how they were all separated, defined and veins running over the separate heads, going down to biceps that were shredded up into two different heads, a pencil thick vein running over the head of it, if I had to guess, they had to be 20 inches at least, on a lady  only 5'2, that's a huge bicep! Her forearms were so filled with veins and striations, it was obscene! The forearms themselves had to be 18 inches around, big enough to give Popeye a run for his money. Teri didn't have breasts of any sort, but her pectorals were so huge that they had some sort of muscle cleavage that made them look like muscular D-cups pressed up against each other. But of course these particular breasts had no softness in them at all, in fact you could see ever single striation, all the way across the chest, plus you could see veins the size of sharpie markers running down from her hulking neck to the middle of her chest, the level of definition she obtained was insane! I have seen magazines and watched male bodybuilding contests, and those guys can get shredded beyond all reason, but not one of the most defined men in any of those contest could compare to what Teri was showing. I saw her abs for the first time and was amazed to find she had a 10 pack, and the serratus and intercostals were clearly visible, so it gave the impression that she had a 100 pack! Her incredibly wide shoulders and back lead to a narrow waist, it seemed almost wasp like compared to the rest of her, I wouldn't be surprised if her chest measurements doubled her waist measurement, considering the smallness of her waist.

    I am not what you would call a leg man, my favorite poses have always been the ones that show upper body development, like the side chest, the double biceps pose, the most muscular, and while Teri did these with expert precision, I couldn't help but marvel at her lower body development, her thighs were separated so you could see each division of her quadriceps with ease.  You could also see the expanse of her enormous calves from the front of her, she had veins the size of caterpillars running up and down the front, I've never seen or heard about that in my life, this woman just became more and more amazing every second that I viewed her. Then, the most shocking thing of all happened next, she snapped her head up, and by breath caught in my throat, she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, her face was like combining the innocence and youth of Scarlett Johansen with the grace and lines of Angelina Jolie, you put the most beautiful of supermodels against her in the facial beauty part of a beauty contest, and Teri would win hands down. She finished her routine and went off stage, letting the announcers pick their jaws up from the floor and turn back to the camera. "I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of this woman from Wisconsin in the future, Jim, she looks to have the genetics to really go far in this business." Jim nodded to his partner, "Exactly, and size can't be taught, Bob, Teri had size that could compete with most male amateur bodybuilders, it wouldn't surprise me to see her going against men in the future, as most Female Bodybuilding federations are looking for something completely different from what Teri possesses, her musculature is beyond anything I've ever seen in my life. You would be best obliged to see her in a gym near you to experience Teri for real, it's an unreal show, she will be in these gyms coming up." I was scanning the list, suddenly my eyes widened when I saw a gym really near to where I live, I put down the date and time and started jumping up and down in anticipation, I was going to meet the most muscular woman in the history of the World!

    3 months later

    I arrived at the Manitowoc County YMCA, where Teri was going to work out and then have a mini posing session, at about 3pm, two hours before the show was to start, I'm pretty sure I was one of the few guys that were there specifically just for that, a lot of guys I know don't even like muscles the size of Beth Phoenix's, if they saw that I was getting turned on by a woman proportionally bigger than any Superheavyweight male bodybuilder, well, I would hate to think of the things they would say to me. Not that I care, really, I like what I like and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it. I got myself ready by working out some, I want to look in my best shape when Teri comes out, not that my best shape is anything close to hers, but my guess is that she is probably attracted to semi-fit men, so I'll do my best to woo her, if she hasn't been wooed already. Turns out, though, Teri was already there, she had decided to arrive early to workout and get extra big and cut before her allocated public workout time. She drew a crowd, but I was lucky enough to have a spot as I watched her bench press 450 pounds for her warm-up. She was wearing a sports bra and a ragged tank top over it, with a pair of aqua shorts that looked like they were made of lycra, that didn't disguise her physique in the least, hell, she looked even bigger then she did at the contest! She was counting, "48, 49, 50!" then the barbell clanged down on the rack. She sat up and looked straight at me, I couldn't believe the beauty of her face up close, it totally paralyzed me with awe, my mouth was open. If you've ever read the book version of The Godfather, they have something known as the thunderbolt, when Michael fell in love at first sight with Apollonia in Sicily, well, when our eyes met, I got hit with the thunderbolt right then and there.

    She got up and smiled, which caused her face muscles to come alive, I was taken aback at her smile, it was perfect, bright white, the teeth were in perfect order and proportion, her beauty just seemed almost too perfect to be natural. She came up to me and said, "Hello, my name's Teri, you seem to be a fan, or at least an admirer, judging by your vacant staring and bulging shorts." I shook my head a little to regain somewhat a resemblance of order, first of all because of her voice, I couldn't believe such a feminine, sweet, melodic voice could come out of such a brawny body, and second because of her combined bodily and facial beauty, I looked down to find I had the biggest erection, and in my tight basketball shorts it was plainly noticeable. I covered up immediately and said, "I'm completely sorry Teri, its just that, you're so beautiful, and your eyes and face just entranced me so much, I couldn't help myself." Teri just said, "Uhuh, what about my body, though, aren't you disgusted by my size and definition?" I shook my head in the negative, "Not at all, Teri, in fact, from the first time I saw you on TV 3 months ago, I wanted to meet you and see that body up close, I have always been a fan of very muscular women, the bigger, the better, and yours is without doubt, the most spectacular physique I have ever seen on a woman, hell, you blow all but the biggest men away!" She smiled and said, "Well, its nice to meet you, Mr.?" I took her offered hand in both of mine and shook vigorously, though I couldn't really get her hand to move much, as her one arm was much stronger than both of mine combined, "Wilson, Jeremy Wilson, I actually live a couple miles away in Two Rivers, I should really sign up for a membership here, if I get to meet you here every few months." She giggled a little, "Sure, it would be great to see you, I'm originally from Green Bay, but moved down to Milwaukee when I was 18 to go Marquette University on a sports scholarship, they have a great gymnastics and softball team down there." I nodded and said, "I know a guy I went to high school with went there, his name was Andrew Tegen, I haven't seen him in a long time, I went to college up here, I guess I'm a homebody type, who would rather stay close to all his family and friends instead of picking up and moving to a completely different place where I don't know anyone. Not that that's bad or anything."

    Teri laughed at this, and just like the rest of her, her laugh was one of the most beautiful things on the face of the Earth, I'll tell you, right at that point, I was completely smitten. "So, do you live at home with your parents still, too, that would be the triple threat of nerdom." I shook my head in sort of a oh, you got me joking way and said, "Well, actually, I just moved out 4 months ago, I got a house a couple blocks away, it was convenient moving all my stuff only a couple blocks and stuff, I'm sure you didn't need much help moving, with your power, huh?" She flexed her arms, "Oh with these little things, well, they were smaller back 10 years, but not a whole lot less powerful, I guess. I was the strongest girl in my high school, one of only 4 that used the weight room regularly, my max bench was 240 pounds, which helped me out with my sports scholarships in college, but really, I never fully got into those sports and decided to just drop them and concentrate on building up my body, you see the results before you." She went into a mini-posedown, hitting some of my favorite poses, double bicep, most muscular, and side chest, each one more intense than the last, showing off her incredible shape, never before had I seen such striations, such size and vascularity up close, to tell you the truth, I had only been close to one other female bodybuilder before, and she was no where near Teri's size, and she didn't hold a private posing show for me, either. I just marveled at her, and she giggled sweetly again, and said, "Our friend's back." I didn't know what she was talking about, but then she pointed down and I looked down to see that I was hard once again, I smirked and said, "What can I say, he knows what he likes." This time she laughed hard, and I joined along with her, "Jeremy, I really like your sense of humor, and of course not every guy I meet is attracted to me, especially once they see my body and what its capable of, maybe we can meet later and learn a little bit more about each other?"

    I smiled really widely at this, "Of course, Teri, I would love to meet you later, I'll stick around for the show of course, I can't wait to see you show the rest of the public." She smiled and said, "Sure, I'll make sure to give you quite a show, Jeremy, both right now and later tonight." I squeezed her hand and she leaned over to kiss my cheek, I blushed from the unexpectedness of it, and I blushed a little as well, I wobbly walked over to a bench set up and started doing curls with 25 pound dumbbells, but my attention was fully forward, looking at Teri lift weights that I couldn't ever dream of lifting, she was doing 550 pounds for reps on the bench press, she stopped at 20, then put on 50 more pounds on each side, I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "No, it can't be, no woman could be that strong!" But she proved me wrong as she took the 650 pounds, lowered it down to her bulging, vein and striation riddled chest, which was bulging noticeably over the limits of her sports top, and bringing it up again, fully in control and ready to do more, she stopped at 8 reps with a weight that was well over twice of what was my 1 rep max. She stood up from the bench and to the delight of the onlookers and photographers from various magazines, she did a side chest pose that enhanced the size, width, depth, and definition of her chest. I have been a fan of the side chest pose for years and years, and I thought no woman could possibly outdo Collette Guimond for pure size or definition, but Teri, oh my goodness! Her chest was so much bigger that it wasn't even close, you could probably lose a pencil in between Teri's pectoral mountains, and that's if you place it the long way! Not to mention the fact that you could probably lose that same pencil in the size of the striations in Teri's pecs. Teri smiled in my direction, I smiled back and winked, she blushed a little, and mouthed, "You like?" I nodded back enthusiastically and gave her a thumbs up.

    Teri moved over to a curling bar, and placed 3 45 pound plates on the bar, which was a combined weight of 285 pounds if you figure in the 15 pounds of the bar, then she lifted it off the rests, put her elbows to the mats and started a set of preacher curls with a weight that not many men in the World could ever curl, when cheating fully, using all their strength, and she did a set of 30 reps before finally setting the bar back in its place, then she put one more 45 on each side to make it 375 pounds, the male photographers were whistling in appreciation of the powerful feat she was about to attempt, she settled in, took a couple breaths and brought the bar up to her, then lowered it back down in a slow, steady rhythm, she did 7 reps with it, set it down, put her long hair behind her shoulders and did a double bicep pose for the public, showing off arms that if my guess was accurate, now had to be at least 22 inches around, along with forearms that were 18 inches around at least, and all I could do was marvel at the incredible size she had, at only 5'2, this woman had gained a physique proportionally bigger than any man in the history of the Bodybuilding World. She finished her workout/posing session while I watched on with a little interest, but I was thinking more about what we were gonna do later tonight. I mean I was watching her, but my mind was calculating all the strength and muscle related things we could be doing, maybe a little lift and carry, maybe a little apartment wrestling (Nothing serious, of course, I don't like women dominating men to much, but definitely stuff that shows off her strength), and maybe a little something else, if you know what I mean? 

    Teri came up to me after a couple minutes of answering questions from bodybuilding reporters, some of the questions were quite outlandish, "How long have you wanted to be a man? How many steroids did you take to get this big? Do you have a penis?" I shook my head at these questions, did they even look at her face, she was the most beautiful creature on this Earth!  When she came over ashen-faced, I took her in my arms and said, "How dare they do that to you, don't you listen to them one bit, Teri, to me, you're one of God's most beautiful creations, you have the most beautiful face I've ever seen, 10 times better than any model or actress, and your body, its just incredible, they don't know what you went through to get it, but I do and I appreciate you more for it!" She looked up at me and smiled, blushing a little, "So you don't mind all the veins and striations?" I laughed and said, "Of course I don't, if anything, it enhances your beauty to me, because I know how hard it is to get into that condition, you'll never be anything other than God's masterpiece to me." She giggled and said, "Jeremy, I'm so happy I met you, no man I've ever been with has made me feel as good about myself and have treated me like a woman like you do, and I've only just met you today."  I smiled and said, "I mean every word of it, any man who doesn't recognize the beauty that you possess should get his eyes checked, you blow any woman in the world away for sheer facial beauty, but your body is near as perfect as anyone could get, I'm not just buttering you up, dear, I am being completely honest with you, your eyes are deep blue pools of water that I would love to swim through, your lips are succulent pillows of flesh that I could lay on for days. Your nose is so beautiful, not too long, not too short, not too wide, its perfect for your perfect face." She had tears in her eyes again, but it seemed to me, because she was smiling widely, that these were tears of joy. "Oh Jeremy, you just know how to make a girl feel special, you're right about all those reporters, they wouldn't know a beautiful girl if one fell right on top of them."

    I nodded, "See, you just gotta keep doing this for yourself, and to hell with all the critics, and if you need a trainer or a spotter, or just someone to keep telling you you're beautiful when you don't believe it, I'll be there for you." She took me in her arms and smiled up at my face, "Oh, I think you'll be around for more than all of that, I've decided, I do want to go out with you, Jeremy, you're such a sweet guy, with a great sense of humor, and you see me for the person I am, not as some jacked up freak that the reporters and all the other guys I'm around see me as." I smiled and bent down to kiss her on her lovely lips, "Oh Teri, you've made me the happiest man in the World, ever since the first time I saw you, I thought 'man, what a woman, if only I could be with a girl like that!' and now, we're together, I guess sometimes dreams do come true." She kissed me, and put her hands on my butt cheeks, then lifted my 250 pound frame off the ground with ease and told me to put my legs around her unbelievably shredded waist. I did and she carried me out of the gym and over to her car, a red 1997 Toyota Corolla. She set me down against it and kissed me some more, then opened the door for me to get in, she got in her side started it up and drove us straight to her house, which was on the North side of the city, very close to where an old friend of my family used to live. When she parked it in her garage she rushed over to my side of the car and without a second of hesitation, she picked me up in a cradle carry and started kissing me again. I couldn't believe it, she was passionately kissing me, a beautiful woman, who 3 months ago, heck 2 hours ago, I thought I had no chance with, and she wanted me just as much as I wanted her! Awesome I thought to myself as she carried me into her house, it was a simple two level, the first level and a basement, her living room the first room in the house, a small kitchen, made for one, I guess, and her bedroom was fairly big with a bathroom attached.

    She carried me right into the bedroom, forsaking all other thoughts of getting to know each other better, she just had this animalistic passion that I found to be so incredibly sexy, she dropped me down on her bed, none too gently, though I didn't really care at the time, as I was already halfway through pulling my t-shirt over my head, and starting to get my shorts off as well. She had just ripped her clothes off her body, her mind had become a slave to her body's needs, those needs I never thought I would be the one to satisfy. She looked down at me and actually growled, like a panther as I looked up at her ultra-ripped body, she didn't wear a bra, not that she needed to of course, her pecs were bigger than most female strippers boobs, and were heaving up and down, looking bigger and bigger by the second! The cleavage appeared to be even deeper than it was 3 months ago, if I had a ruler, I probably would lose half of it in between pecs so shredded that each individual fiber were the size of my ring finger, the veins running over them were at least as big as a bratwurst. The separation moved down to her 10 pack abs, I could actually make out ever section with ease, as they were at least a half inch deep each, not only that but you could see striations and veins, this woman's bodyfat was so low it was bordering on insanity! My eyes were then lead down to her womanhood, which made my eyes bulge out in awe and faint disgust, even that part of her body was beyond any muscle I had ever seen on a man, it was intensely shredded, with veins running out of it which were almost as big as my cock! This was no pussy cat, this was a Bengal Tiger! My cock was harder than it had ever been in my whole life, she smiled down at me and said, "Is that for me, stud, don't worry, I'll be gentle."

    She then lowered herself onto my 8 inch erection, which was sticking straight up, and I felt her breastless pec flesh that seemed harder than anything I've ever felt in my life, she didn't have any fat at all, and her nipples felt like they could cleave steel! She was in control of the whole thing, and I expected her to get rough, but my concerns were done away with, she kissed me, licked my face even, but nothing she did hurt me in any way, considering her great strength, the hardness of her body, and the relative weakness and softness of my own body, I thought that would be a certainty, but she knew how to control her strength. "Wooo, Jeremy, that's it, fuck me, fuck me hard, oh yeah!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as I thrusted as hard as I could into her clamping vagina, the muscle control of her box was something I had never experienced, she would tighten up on me and bring me back into her like it was a vacuum of sorts. I gotta say, I'm not that experienced, but this had to be the best sex I've ever had, she just knew all the right things to do to get me off, then she clamped down so I couldn't cum, then she started it again, when I finally was able to cum in her, it was definitely the best cum I've ever experienced. I looked down on her, and she was much in the same boat, having an incredibly intense orgasm, but my eyes were fixed upon her face, which was now pulsing with veins, her bodyfat was so low that even her face's muscles were quite visible, and I don't know if I should have been disgusted or even more turned on. I decided the latter, knowing this would be my lady for as long as she would have me and I had to accept the bad with the good, so I leaned down and passionately kissed her, with my eyes closed. We frenched and I could even feel her tongue was pumped to incredible size, density and muscularity, as it wrestled with my own and beat it into submission.

    Me and Teri are still together today, we're married 3 years and she's helped me get into better shape myself, I now weigh 285 pounds at 5'10, but that's nothing compared to what Teri has made herself into, she now weighs in at 250 pounds of muscle, her bodyfat percentage is 2%, and every single lift of hers have increased by 40% from the first time she lifted weights with me as her trainer, she gives me most of the credit, and but to me, the bigger she got, the more I grew to love being with her, so I have to thank her for being herself. You should see her now, her biceps are 24 inches around, her forearms 20, her chest 100 inches around, and 8 inches deep, her waist only 28 inches around, which makes for an incredible sight, especially when you're staring at a 12 pack of abdominals compared to a set of lats that are like wings coming out of her bowling ball sized shoulders. Her thighs are 38 inches around and her calves 22 inches around, but if anything they look even more impressive because of their diamond hardness, imagine if you had those around your neck. Luckily I don't have to worry about that, after Teri, no woman would ever do, even if she eventually gets heavier than me, and 3 times as large muscle wise, I would still stay with her, because she is my vision of the perfect woman, and in truth, it would be a bigger turn-on if she pushed it as far as she possibly could, to be not only proportionally bigger than any male bodybuilder, but clearly bigger number wise, and if her body fat got below 1%, that would get me to cum right then and there! Wow, I can't believe my luck, marrying the perfect woman only to find that she can get more and more perfect as we live our lives together. Could anything be better???? The End…For Now


    I really enjoyed the story, Jeremy ;D!  I'm flattered that you've found my stories to be an inspiration.

    Teri is one buff hottie I'd love to see more of.  Your descriptions are extremely vivid (you have a much better grasp of actually anatomy than I do given some of the terms you use).  I also know how hard it must have been for you to keep her size and weight in the realm of the (reasonably) realsitic ;).

    You make some fundamentally different choices in your writing – for instance, putting yourself in the role of the protagonist.  I don't see that too often.  It'd be interesting to hear what other people think of it since it blocks the reader from living vicariously through the main character.

    I hope there's more to come!


    I also enjoyed it and hope there's more to come. 

    To be honest, I'm more of a fan of this style of your writing than the previous few stories.  I think it's the almost realism that's present here. 

    I do check out your stories when you post them so please keep writing.  Also, don't worry too much about the response your stories receive, you should be writing for yourself first and others second.  If you enjoy them then you know you've done a good job writing…


    Thanks guys, yeah, I almost always write myself as the main character because I know these are the things I would like to happen to myself, you know? And I'd rather have myself experience these things by proxy, lol. Yeah, most of the time I do write for myself, and the kind of stories I write, outlandish or not are more like what I want than most people it seems, but if other people like them and care enough to comment on them, then its great for me, this is one of the most complimented stories I have done recently, really, I got two comments about it here, and three on another forum I posted it on, so for me, I think I must have done something right here, because the narrative seems to be hitting home for more people.


    nice one jeremy, was hoping to create more of this…. and make it longer when comes to sex  ;D, maybe u can continu doin this… and also… how i dun see u on yahoo now?? where were u mate?? ???


    Me likey muchly.

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