She-Hulk in Fantastic Four Game-Playstation!

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  • #64933

    Hello all,
    I was playing my FF$ Movies games last week -looking for walkthroughs to find the hiddens, hehe- when I came across and old FF4 game with She-Hulk in it! :O I looked at a few clips (I looove those Streets of Rage old beat-em-up games Razz- and noticed that SH was huge! (shes the biggest character of the whole game!) Anyhow, the game is super rare it seems, heck I saw someone selling it on ebay for $160! @@ I managed to find it for $20 on Amazon, getting it this week too in the mail, woot! I hope She-Hulk kicks some major butt in this game, I mean, who'd ever thought SH would be in a game and she'd be BIGGEST then Thing!? Very Happy

    Anyone have this game, what did you think of it?


    PS. Here are some clips, a bit fuzzy, but at least you can see how big SH is!


    Wow!  She does look huge and gorgeously green.  Sounds like a cool game


    Was rated one of the worst games to ever grace a PS one…but yeah…maybe it would be worth looking into just for her.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Was rated one of the worst games to ever grace a PS one…but yeah…maybe it would be worth looking into just for her.

    From what I've heard about it, selling the game for more than a dollar is a complete ripoff.


    From what I've heard about it, selling the game for more than a dollar is a complete ripoff.

    Aint that the truth. lol.

    ze fly

    Was rated one of the worst games to ever grace a PS one…

    It was.  ;D I bought it just for playing with Shulkie… :-[
    What can i say.. I'm a fan…  :-

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