Muscle Impossible Part 2

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    This story seems to have been my most well received since Annie Ample, All Grown Up, so I decided it needed a sequel, hope you enjoy. This, like my second Annie story, will be in diary/journal form. Also, this story is completely fictional, so anything that might be objectionable to readers is not now nor has ever been real.

    Jeremy Wilson's personal journal, January 18, 2011.

    Our story left off two years ago, Teri and I had gotten married and she proved herself to be the most muscular human being, inch for inch, pound for pound in the entire world, but Teri was just not satisfied, she wanted to get bigger, she wanted to get her body fat even lower, and she wanted to push her strength beyond all reasonable limits. She was happy with me as her trainer, husband and soul mate, she got me in better shape, in order to help her to get in better shape herself. I was completely behind her in getting bigger as well, the way I saw it, the more mass she gained, the more of her it was to love. And of course, I have always been a fan of strong women, as strong as it was possible to get, and Teri's added mass meant added strength, so I was beyond satisfied there. Our love was more passionate then ever before, it seems her nipples and other erogenous zones on her body were even more sensitive, so she came much easier and more explosively then when we first started making love.

    Not all things have gotten better though, with Teri's added muscle mass and shredding, she has grown so vascular that even her face has veins on top of veins, even unflexed, you could see veins running from her temple down the side of her face into her neck. She has also gotten many, many insults hurled her way from both men and women, but that part has actually made her more motivated. I talked to her and she and I decided that the worse the comments were, the better job she is doing, and if she doesn't get as bad a comment, she should work harder at making herself bigger and more ripped. The more disgusting a comment she got, the more it turned her on, because she knew she was reaching her goals, and then when we got home, she ravaged me in the bedroom more extreme than she ever did before. I have to say, I am loving the fact that the bigger she gets, the more we make love. There are nights where we go into the early hours, just time after time, orgasm after orgasm, and she's ready for more, unfortunately, my stamina isn't up to hers yet, and I don't know if it ever will be, but I do my best to keep my woman satisfied. 

    January 12, 2011

    Today, me and Teri had an intense workout, one of the hardest, most grueling workouts I had been a part of with her, it was chest day, Teri was under a benching bar that had 6 45 pound plates on each side, a total of 585 pounds, and while it wasn't near her max at all, she decided to use this as a warmup weight by doing it for 100 reps, then she stripped the weights to 405 and did 200 reps, then 315 for 250 reps. She didn't even notice the weight in her hands after a while, in fact, I have no doubt she could have used me as her weight all day and night, and I weigh 280 pounds. By the end of her workout, she was sweating buckets, she had a smell that you would have expected out of a marathon runner's shoes, but for some reason, I thought it was so sexy, because I knew she was doing this as much for me as she was doing it for her, she knew how much I loved her massive, ripped muscles and ached to do her right here, right now in the middle of a Gold's Gym. Teri sat up from the bench with such a look in her eyes, it basically said to me, "I can't wait to get you home and fuck your brains out."  Believe me, I've seen that look many times over the last few years and I can't believe its been directed at me, I've never been really all that popular with the ladies and it still comes as a surprise that a lady as beautiful as Teri would fall for a clod like me.

    Did I mention the level of my lady's definition? I'm sorry if I haven't, let me just tell you, its so freaking severe that its unreal, every single part of her body is ripped to shreds, even down to her hands and feet! I mean you could see each sinew, every vein in her body, her bodyfat must have been down below 1 percent. She was a living, breathing, walking anatomy chart, with each detail enhanced to the nth degree! Not to mention how huge she has gotten since we began training 3 years ago, and she was pretty damn big even then, but now, she has gone beyond anything ever seen in any bodybuilding magazine I have ever seen, and I'm talking about male bodybuilders as well. She's still only 5'1.5, but her weight has grown to over 300 pounds of muscle, her pecs have deepened to tower just over 10 inches from her 10 pack abs, which themselves were separated by 1 and a half inch deep trenches in between the muscles. I had towered over her by 10 inches, yet she weighed 20 more pounds than what I weighed! I'm sure you've heard of the Michele Roppo character Annie Ample, who I've been a fan of since I read her first story more than 10 years ago, well to me, Teri is the official real life representation of the Annie Ample character, so much bigger than any male bodybuilder, so much stronger than any male powerlifter, but so beautiful and feminine. Of course, I'm not talking of the grown up Annie, whose muscles grew enormously huge, outrageously huge, impossibly huge, more like the younger Annie, whose muscles were incredibly huge for her short height. The difference is that Teri is real, Teri is now 31 years old and she would have left Annie in the dust, as far as overall size and definition is concerned(Sorry, Mike).

    We got home and just like she basically said with her eyes, as soon as the door closed, she took me aggressively and started kissing me, then she ripped my clothes off, and flexed out of hers. Clothing exploded from her incredibly ripped body like nothing I could ever hope to describe. There were shards of shorts here, pieces of cloth that used to be her tank top there, it looked like a grenade went off in the room. I looked up to see my lady standing there in the buff, her body glistening with sweat, she was growling with lust as she took step after sexy step towards the bed, ready to devour me like I was an antelope to her lion. Her muscles achingly beautiful to see, I was more erect then ever at the sight, she leapt and without missing a beat, her pussy engulfed my cock. It slid right in, my 8 inches sinking all the way to the hilt, only then did I feel the full power of her body. Not only had she been working the outside of her body, but her vagina had grown inexorably powerful as well, and fed on my cock seemingly, she lowered me out of her using only the power of her pussy, then brought my 280 pounds back up using that same sexual power. Her Bengal tiger, which like I said in the last story was just too big and muscular to be called "just a pussy", well it was even bigger now, the muscles clearly etched on every single huge inch of it, there was a light sprinkle of blond hair all over it, but it did in no way cover the level of muscular size and definition that was coursing all over it. And the veins, you wouldn't believe it, there were veins the size of a hotdog running from her tiger lips up to her abs, and two more slightly smaller ones running out the size, if I wasn't so in love with it for its strength and muscularity, I probably would have thrown up at the sight of it. But in fact, it turned me on so much to see her tiger lift my huge body that I didn't last very long and shot my load into her, she, so sensitive in all of her sexual body parts felt it and exploded her own orgasm, which shot so powerfully out of her that I was slammed into the bed by the force of it! I had to know, how strong is her tiger, and how did it get so strong? My mind was swimming and I was soon asleep from our exhausting sex session, but I promised to immediately ask her as soon as I got up the next day. Good night.

    January 13, 2011

    Hey Diary, I asked my lady Teri my question tonight, and suffice to say, I was delightfully surprised and turned on by the answer. She claimed that she did Kegel exercises from the time she was 19 years old, and that strengthened her inner muscles enough to lift small weights by the time she was 22, once she started that, she kept adding more and more weight, and claimed that now her tiger was probably stronger than my entire body. I don't claim to be the strongest man on Earth, but with her training, I have become very powerful, and can bench twice my own bodyweight, so to say that is her pussy is stronger than I am, that is a big statement indeed, so I asked her how we could test that, to prove her claim, she got a rough looking rope and said, "Lets have a tug of war, darling, you against my big cat, you win, we get to do whatever you want in bed tonight, if she wins, well, you're going to be doing things her way for tonight." I smiled and said, "Sure, I agree to that, but what's her way?" She laughed and said, "You'll see later tonight, tough guy." I shook my head with a level of awe and wonder as I took my end of he rope, I spit on my hands and got a good grip, and said, "Call it, my dear." She smiled and said, "On three, ready, 1, 2, 3, Go!" I pulled with a little power at first, trying to judge how hard I should be going, but I underestimated and was soon drawn forward a little, I tightened my grip and pulled a little harder, it didn't seem to make much of a difference, I pulled with all my power, leaning back, but still, my feet were moving toward her involuntarily, her pussy was pulling me towards her, and there's nothing I could do to stop her! I looked up into here eyes and was amazed to see she was smiling, smirking really, as though this was not causing her any effort at all. Finally she pulled me so hard I fell of my feet and landed on my knees right in front of her, I looked up right at her snatch, which was almost winking at me, then I decided to say the hell with it.

    Hours later, I was finally finished with my oral aerobics, and let me tell you, we both had a good time, Teri was very easy to please, as her clitoris was fairly easy to find and was very sensitive, about halfway through she decided to do a 69, standing, she held my body up and using her mouth muscles, inhaled my 8 inch dick with ease. Somehow she found a way to make her lips, jaw and tongue almost as strong as the rest of her, because at one point she let go of my body with her hands and held me by my dick with her mouth. I tell you, I learn something new about my love each and every day. She held me like this for 10 minutes, with just her lips, as her tongue explored every region of my extra hard cock. Finally she lowered me to the ground, and I just couldn't stand it anymore, I hopped on her body and started kissing her with passion, then I entered her ultra hard, strong, muscular sex tunnel and started pounding away, she held my body with one arm, the other arm feeling my body up, from my ass, to my back, to my head. She returned my passionate kisses with gusto, and before too long let go of my body, letting her tiger do the work for her. After coming down from another awesome orgasm, I find I am still in the air, my feet having not touched the ground for about 15 minutes, I look into Teri's eyes and ask, "How do you do it, it seems every single part of your body, including what should be the weakest parts, are stronger than me!" She smiled and said, "Honey, I'll tell you, its the same basic principle as my tiger, I started out with just stretching my face to build up those muscles, then I started lifting weights with my cheeks, my lips, my tongue, that started about 6 years ago." I laughed and said, "Now I know why I can see so much muscle and veins in your face, its because you work that out just as hard as the rest of your body, just one more reason to love you, honey." We fell asleep in each others arms.

    January 14, 2011

    Today's a workout day for both of us, Teri is working her arms and neck, I'm working shoulders and back. When I say neck for Teri, I am not kidding you, she actually does lifts using only her head and trapezius muscles, its incredible to see. She has worked hard to keep every single part of her body as strong as possible, and has succeeded on a great many parts, the only things I haven't seen her lift weights with yet is her hair and her ears. She showed me how strong her mouth was today, basically by using a bone handle bar on the lat machine, pulling a total of 250 pounds using just her lips. She held it there for 12 minutes, I was impressed, then she used it the same way for her tiger, but she pulled it up and down for 30 reps instead of just holding it there. The bone segment was 20 inches long, and 1 inch around with a chain attached to the far end of it, and she managed to get each and every inch of it in her with seeming ease. The 250 pound stack looked completely weightless to her tiger, it went up and down in rhythmic fashion, and Teri's face never seem to strain in the least, she probably could have done more than the thirty reps she did. But, she decided to stop for the main workout, the one she and I came to do. I curled a 185 pound barbell for 20 reps, she giggled and said, "Honey, you're so cute when you try to lift heavy." She then took the bar with one hand in the middle and curled it for 40 reps, proving that she was easily 4 times as strong as me, if not more so. But just then, my world was changed forever, by an off hand comment from me. "How does it feel, honey, to know that you're the strongest woman in the World?"

    She looked away, and sort of smiled sadly, strangely. She said, "Well, sweety, I wouldn't know, you see, I'm not the strongest woman in the World, that distinction goes to my little sister, Shelley and really, to tell you the truth it's not even close." I looked at her quizzically, then she broke down a little, "I'm sorry for not telling you, Jeremy, but both my parents and I thought that once you saw her, you'd no longer want to be with me, so we hid her from you, I know you love me, but Shelley is just beyond what I could ever be, as far as strength and muscles are concerned. First of all, she's only 4'9, but she weighs 280 pounds of muscle, she's so huge she makes me look downright puny." I shook my head and said, "That's completely alright, you know I married you for more than your strength, more than your muscle, I think you're beautiful and you're a great person, I would like to meet Shelley, though, to see what she looks like, I swear I will still be in love with you til the end, but I can't wait to see what little Shelley is like." Teri nodded and said, "Well, she lives in Milwaukee, I'll call her to come up tomorrow, then you can see her for yourself, don't be so sure about being with me after tomorrow, though, Shelley is not only more muscular and stronger than me, she is very charming and will talk your ear off. Not to mention the fact that she is facially beautiful and not as cut up as I am, so she doesn't have veins and muscles disfiguring her face." I laughed and said, "Then she has no chance with me, your face is one of the reasons why I chose you to be my wife, I like how you dropped all pretenses of being everyone else's ideal woman and just became mine." Saying that, I couldn't wait for tomorrow, to see exactly how strong and muscular Shelley really is.

    January 15, 2011

    Today was tremendous, I met the strongest, most muscular woman that ever existed in the history of the World, I was close to orgasming at the sight of her, and she turned out to be my wife's 23 year old sister. Shelley Vanden Bosch arrived only 10 minutes after Teri called her on the phone, I know Milwaukee is 80 miles away and most trips from there take at least an hour, so I was intrigued by how she got here so fast, her answer was that she jogged here. Not ran, jogged! I shook my head and asked how that was possible, I mean, I knew Teri's muscles made her faster and stronger than normal, but what Shelley was describing seemed impossible! And her body! I thought Teri was the biggest person in the World, both proportionally and in real size terms, but Shelley absolutely blew her away. If I could make a comparison, its like comparing FemXman's regular Kitty to his Uber-Kitty, she was just pure, massive, ripped muscle from head to toe. The only thing that Teri had over Shelley was the really cutness of every muscle in her body, but Shelly was very ripped and vascular, everywhere but her face, which was one of the more beautiful faces I have ever seen on a woman, if I wasn't married to Teri, you could bet your ass Shelley would have been my perfect woman. But I can see why Teri and her parents decided to keep Shelley away from me, she is a seductress, doing her hardest to take me away from Teri by showing me a little muscle her, performing a little feat of strength there. Well, little is a misnomer, because nothing about Shelley is little, except her height. Her strength feats were nothing short of incredible, she came in while we were working out, and took Teri's squat weight, 685 pounds off the rests and instead of squatting it, she pressed it overhead with absolute ease, then she switched hand position and started curling it, again, it looked weightless to her hands, but that didn't compare with what she did next. She put her hands as far apart on the bar as she could and she bent the bar in half upwards, and the look on her face showed that she wasn't straining in the least.

    Teri knows how much I like to see her strength in action, and she has gotten me a couple of lead pipes so when she's strong enough (she's almost there, but not quite yet), she would bend them for my and her pleasure. Shelley, well, she just saw these huge, solid, 2 inch thick pipes in the corner of the room and decided to use them to try and seduce me with her strength. Its obvious that Teri has told her my strength fetish, as she demonstrated time after time that she's much stronger than her older sister. She did once again this time, picking up 2 of the bigger ones and bringing them over to where I was sitting on the bench. She smiled down at me, well not down, really, because she was so short that I was looking into her eyes while sitting down, she gave me a bar. She told me to try and bend it, to do whatever I could to make it squeal in metallic pain. Now I count myself as a fairly strong guy, I know I'm weaker than Teri, but Teri is a very special woman, so I was fairly confident that I could at least get it to bend a little. But, no deal, I couldn't do anything to it, it was just too tough, too strong. I handed it back to her, and with a smirk, she took it in her hands and bent it like it was nothing to her, she bent it into the shape of a pretzel, then pulled the ends together in a knot, she did it as though the thick, strong metal was a piece of licorice. Then she set it down, for me to examine, I took it and marveled, it was still hard as steel, still unbendable by me, so I knew it was real, I just couldn't believe any human could be strong enough to do what Shelley just did!

    Then she took the other bar in her hands, and showed it to me, then she placed one end of it in the area between her right bicep and forearm. She flexed down and you could hear the squeal of metal, then nothing, as no sound could get out of the space because it had closed off so tightly. she brought it out and the pipe was flattened completely, like a single sheet of copy paper. I inspected it and could see the striation marks and a big vein down the middle of it. She took it back put the middle of it in between her pectoral mountains, which were bigger than any I've ever seen, her muscle breasts made Teri's look like a pre-teen boys! They were at least 16 inches deep and had striations running up and down them so big and deep you could lose your pinky in them. Then she flexed them! It was incredible to see those already huge mountains grow before my eyes, first they grew outward, then they grew even more defined, I can't even describe what they looked like because there is no comparison available to the human mind that can possibly describe what her pecs became. I guess very, very big and unbelievably ripped will have to suffice. I heard the squeal of metal from between her pecs, and I knew that it must be crushed beyond repair, but what I saw a few seconds later was just incredible, liquid metal ran from between her pecs like rain drops. I couldn't stand it anymore, at that point I ran from the room, took Teri by the hand and led her into the bedroom where I proceeded to give her the hardest and most thorough screwing she has had for a long time, all because of her sister turning me on so much. And she loved every second of it, I think secretly, she enjoyed the effect her sister had on me.

    January 16, 2011

    Teri and Shelley worked out together today, and Teri seemed to have much more power and stamina than she usually showed, maybe the presence of her sister drove her to a degree, no matter what though, she couldn't outdo her little sister in the power department. But Teri knew I was smitten with Shelley, and she knew that Shelley's power turned me on something fierce, so she took it all in stride and actually enjoyed letting Shelley show off, because she knew I'd go straight up to our bedroom and take it out on her. Shelley was okay with it too, she enjoyed showing me how much stronger than her big sister she is, she loves showing off her body, it's extreme thickness, its incredible muscularity. She was also glad that she couldn't lure me away from Teri, despite the fact that she was everything that I wanted and more, she knew how good a man I was, how good a man her sister managed to catch and hold on to. She told me that herself actually, she actually told me about her tries to seduce me, and she was impressed at my ability to hold off, and that my wife was lucky to have someone as loyal and disciplined as me, and she hoped she could find someone just like me. I thanked her for her honesty and candor and hoped she could find someone that loved her for her. We hugged, not like two lovers would, but like a brother and sister would, though she was doing it so that when she leaned back, my feet were raised off the floor, I smiled down at her and shook my head, "Shelley, I am glad to have you as my sister in law, and I'm glad to see you realize that's all we'll ever be." She smiled up at me and giggled, "Jeremy, I love you like my own brother, Teri is lucky to have you, I'm so glad to have met you." She put me down, squeezed me so hard my ribs started to creak a little, then let go. She got her things ready to go.

    Shelley kissed her sister on the cheek, and took her clothes in a gym bag, then when she knew there was no one else around, I saw her take off in a blur, she was out of sight in about 2 seconds, I'm sure she was back to Milwaukee even faster than she made it here. Teri looked up into my face as she had one hand around my back, squeezing me to her. "Jeremy, I'm so glad you liked my sister, and that you decided to stay with me, I know it must have been hard, seeing all that huge, hard muscle in front of your face and not being able to touch it." I smiled down at her, "Teri, I fell in love with you for more than your muscle, and your strength, you have a great personality, you're intelligent, we like a lot of the same stuff, yes I admit, for a second I did think about Shelley, but I always knew while I was married to you, I couldn't ever have her, and I was fine, I'm very happy with you." Teri giggled, "Actually, you could have had her, I'm very open, have you ever read stories by The Rampant Tiger, that guy is one of my favorite writers, just as much because he writes about weird sexual fantasies as because he writes about very strong, muscular women." I smiled tightly, my eye slightly ticking as I thought of all the possible sex I could have had with Shelley, then I decided to say what the heck, there might be another chance. I kissed her on the lips and said, "Teri, you're the greatest woman in the World, what could I ever need that I don't have with you." I crossed my fingers behind her back as I hugged her and wished for another chance with Shelley. 

    The End.


    nice one hope to see more…. cant wait!

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