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  • #65566

    That poor girl. I didn't scream in horror, just shook my head.


    That poor girl. I didn't scream in horror, just shook my head.

    I think it's a morph – just 180 degrees round from the sort that we see on here normally.  The whole affair is still desperately sad – I get VERY angry with the fashion people and magazines that promote this misery. >:( >:( :'( :'( :'(


    That shit aint right. Not in the least. 🙁

    randy guillotte

    Sad but true. You can see it in her eyes…


    It's actually rather depressing.


    Man, this is sick. I saw a women like this. Never again… They really should eat…

    This is not right…


    Perhaps it is a genuine image. :'(
    I just get angry with our society here in the West that promotes this.  Why do we create a culture in which women think it's cool to shrink themselves and become frail dolls?  Maybe it's patriarchal tendencies being used to encourage the "daddy's little girl" complex (the closest female equivalent to the Oedipus Complex)?  That's why I deeply respect all FBBers (with only one or two exceptions) – whether I or any of us find them attractive is, in the grand scheme of things, utterly irrelevant.  What's important is that they are going againt this pernicious and dangerous culture.

    The other aspect of this that saddens me is an extension of my first point.  Why does our society promote frailty and dependece amongst adult women?  Anyone in that physical state isn't going to be able to do much for themselves, are they?  I'm physically vulnerable due to my disability – I often joke that I'm a 6' 5" rugby player trapped in a 4'-something body (I'm not feeling sorry for myself at all, BTW) – but these women COULD be so much healthier, stronger, capable and independent, yet society has, from early childhood, conditioned them against being so. 

    Aarrrgggghhhhh! >:(

    It gets me so angry! >:(

    I need to go and drool over some Cindy P and K-Hawk photos now to get that frightening image out of my head. ::)

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