Black Sheep by TC2

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    Hey everyone, I recently completed a story which I was heavily inspired to write.  I wrote every night for five days just letting my imagination and characters dictate where the story was going without me steering the ship around.  It includes themes and styles that I never personally thought I would write about, but it was a fun adventure and I'm quite happy with the end result.

    I will be posting the story in increments, if not enough people are reading it or asking for more chapters then I'm just simply going to stop posting updates in this thread and post the proofread version on my yahoo group in full for those who want to read it.

    This story contains female muscle growth, a shared universe, suggestive and adult themes, and full nudity, reader discretion is advised

    By: TC2

    You probably don’t know who I am.  That’s OK though, not many people do and I don’t mind it staying that way.  After all with Jenna and Sherrie stealing all the attention there’s no way you would ever hear about me.  But I exist, and I am very real, and I’ve had my own share of adventures.  My name is Marissa Kay and my "friends" Jenna, and Sherrie don’t want you to know I exist.


    Because I’m the black sheep of our little sisterhood…

    Chapter 1: The Beginning Of My Story

    I need to write this all down, I don’t want my life to end without some record of my actions.  Let’s start with who I am, my name is Marissa Kay, Kay is an alias last name as I don’t want you figuring out completely who I am, but Marissa IS my real name.  I’m pretty short only about 5’4” about the same as Sherrie’s height.  My hair only goes down to my shoulders and is brown, slightly reddish in color.  I have green eyes, white complexion of my European ancestry, born and raised in America though!  People tell me I have a wide butt, so I guess I have a big butt at least horizontally, I’m about… a B cup and I like to wear purple.  Purple bra, purple panties, purple shirt, and khaki pants with a black belt and sometimes black boots.  I love to smile, I love to gossip, and I enjoy writing if you couldn’t tell.  Sometimes I even like to paint my fingernails and toenails blue just for the hell of it, but they’re a pink color today.  I’m not here for pleasure though… I’m here because I want people to know who I am, and maybe who I was.

    Now you may have noticed that I mentioned the legendary Jennifer Steel and the most wanted Sherrie Mahalo, now going under the name Sherrie Anne Grace.  These two women are famous for a few things, but the most important thing they are famous for is their ability to grow into gigantic, powerful women with huge rippling, bulging muscles.  We’re not talking heavy weight body builder here, we are talking about an unreal amount of muscle that cannot possibly be attained under normal circumstances.  I mention these women because they have done everything they could to keep me under the radar, to make sure my name isn’t uttered, to convince the world that I never existed.  But I am real, I am as real as the air you breathe, I am as real as the paper you touch.

    You may be wondering why they don’t want you to know about me, what is so bad about Marissa Kay whom no one has heard before?  Well… I’ll tell you, and it has something to do with our twisted little sister hood.  You see, we’re all sisters; maybe not in the technical sense of same parents or the same blood, but we share the same bond.  We are genetic, mutated, FREAKS of nature!  All of us including myself have the capability to rip out of our clothes without using our hands, to bend steel without breaking a sweat, to smash through walls without feeling any pain, we are She-Titans.  Or at least, I wanted to be one; but they wanted nothing to do with me.  You see unlike Jenna or Sherrie they use their incredible gifts or anathema’s to protect and save people.  Jenna is the most in control of them all and doesn’t have to worry about turning into a mindless beast, she retains her intelligence and uses that advantage to defend the world from threats that only her mighty muscles could withstand.

    Sherrie on the other hand is a girl with a serious attitude problem and has been keeping herself medicated so as to not let her inner ‘beauty’ get out of control.  She tries to control her little monster and sometimes succeeds, she basically saves people when catastrophic events are happening like earthquakes, floods, fires, etc.  Though, let her get pissed off the old fashioned way and she may be the reason for some of those disasters.

    I, however, am different.  Jenna says we have a responsibility and Sherrie says it’s a curse we have to put to good use for the better of society…

    – I – just like to smash things.

    I embraced my so-called curse, but unlike Jenna and Sherrie who were ‘infected’ with chemical formulas and genetic modification, I was bombarded with an enormous amount of radiation.  When Reigh attacked and destroyed the city she released a few dangerous elements that were supposed to be contained inside top secret research facilities.  I sure as hell didn’t know that I was standing next to one!  When her magical blast detonated that building I thought I was dead.

    Instead though I felt a change, I could feel the searing heat burning away the back of my blouse, but even though I knew it was burning my skin, I didn’t feel like it was on fire.  Instead it felt like it was absorbing more and more energy and I felt my back getting tighter and tighter, my shoulders kept on spreading further and further apart and I had no clue why!  I could feel my neck getting swollen like I was having an allergic reaction and I couldn’t feel my feet inside my shoes, I kept feeling these chunks next to my feet but I didn’t know what they were and I noticed my voice getting a bit deeper.  Not a manly deeper but it would start to boom a bit more.  It wasn’t until I opened my eyes that I realized my muscles were exploding out of my body, I was growing to enormous proportions and all that radiation was fueling me with strength and power!  But I looked in horror as my white skin started turning into a horrid grey, my hair turned black, my eyes turned red, and then I flew into an uncontrollable fury and started destroying everything in my path!

    Little did I know that me turning grey would be one of TWO options.  I found out later after my size shrank back to normal that I could control my transformations.  I didn’t need rage or embarrassment to activate it, all I needed to do was will my body to grow and it would be so.  This allowed me to grow to massive size without the grey skin, black hair, and blind anger.  However, if I were to become afraid or get infuriated the grey skin would envelope me and I’d truly become a different beast.  I embraced this change to my body, I enjoyed being big, luscious, and bad ass.  I enjoyed it enough that I would sometimes change just to rip my clothes and start smashing through walls and destroying cars just for the fun of it.  If I turned grey I’d cause even MORE damage than when I was playing around.

    I obviously caught the attention of Jenna, Sherrie, Melanie, and Jadie.  They thought that I could learn to control myself and be a productive member of the team, fighting to save lives and what not.  I have no problem at all with protecting innocent people and saving the world but… I wanted to be able to have some fun!  They didn’t know that when I was normal colored I was in control so they kept blaming my playful destruction of property on the animal rage.  However, even though I may have had more sex with guys in my muscled up form, and may have turned some cars into my own personal… sex toy.  When emergencies came up I rose to action and I saved a lot of people.

    It wasn’t until the terrible accident that Jenna and Sherrie didn’t want to see or hear from me again.


    great tease!

    Deadly Pixxxie


    very captivating beginning.

    I'm looking forward to the rest of it.  🙂

    The Mole

    Very interesting first part.

    And an intriguing hook at the end…


    Keep going, Collector!


    Chapter 2: Why I Walk Alone

    It still hurts to talk about it, and I’m not really sure why I want to mention it; but I did say I wanted to document everything right?  Jadie, Melanie, Sherrie and I were doing some routine patrols in our muscled up forms.  It was the first time Sherrie and Melanie had ever met Jenna, the woman who actually managed to save us from the most powerful and malicious force the universe has ever seen.  I remember when I first saw her I thought to myself “She’s a lot smaller than I expected” she had muscles so I thought she was in her ‘big’ form.  I quickly found out that I was completely wrong and when she grew into her REAL self I remember my jaw hitting the floor so hard that it bounced back up and smacked me in the face.

    There was some kind of hostage situation and the people who were holding the victims hostage weren’t ordinary humans.  They were women, which I think the police call “Powerhouses” who really had an enormous amount of strength.  Though one woman was called Titan class because her power was simply unbelievable.  Jadie, Melanie, and I are considered titan class, we’re really powerful but would have a hard time going toe to toe with the likes of Jenna who is a legendary class.  Sherrie at the time was also considered a titan, but it was later revealed that she was actually a legendary class and is one of the few people who could go toe to toe with Jenna.

    Anyway… we smashed through the wall, entered the building where the hostages were being kept and we saw these ridiculously huge women holding some people hostage.  They wanted a ‘cure’ for their so called “illness” and were getting so desperate that they were resorting to hostages in order to get that cure, which hasn’t been invented yet.  Little did I know that as we started fighting the powerhouses the people who were being held hostage were my parents.  Once I saw them I started fighting tooth and nail trying to break through the powerhouses to get to my parents but they were REALLY strong.  I couldn’t manage to budge through and Jenna had gone to a different part of the building to find the Titan, because anyone Titan level has the POTENTIAL to go up to a Legendary class.  Once me and the girls finally broke through I was ready to untie my parents when the Titan crashed through the ceiling and…

    Faint droplets on the page.

    That damn idiot…

    I’m so sorry mom, dad…

    Sigh the damn bitch intentionally landed on my parents, I think the blanks can be filled in quite easily at this point.  It wasn’t Jenna throwing her into the building, it wasn’t the titan getting punched into the room, no… she dropped down right as we were going to save them, she did it ON PURPOSE!

    Penmanship becomes a bit shaky with darkened letters appearing at random.

    Gnnghr… shit… keep it together Marissa.  Deep breath, whoo… there you go.  You see? I almost went grey for a second there.  Anyway as I was saying the she titan did it on purpose because she figured that if she wasn’t going to get the cure then people were going to have to pay.  Before she could even take one step forward Jenna came crashing through the wall and tackled her so fast that all I saw was Jenna’s face, her huge muscles, and then nothing but smoke, debris, and a loud crash as they went through the wall together.  I didn’t pay any attention to them, I just ran over to my parents.  It was awful, I’m not going to go into the messy descriptions but needless to say, I completely lost control!

    Even though I was already in muscle mode I wanted more power, more strength!  My anger filled up my veins to such a volume that they were bulging beneath my skin, I saw the color of my white skin start to turn grey and watched dark strands of hair start draping over my shoulders and onto my growing ‘silverish’ breasts.  I can remember looking back watching the facial expressions of Melanie, Jadie, and Sherrie.  Melanie was telling me to calm down but the more she spoke the more muffled she became.  Jadie was saying oh my god, but I could only see her lips move and not actually hear her.  Sherrie looked as though she was tinged a color of red and almost appeared as if she was going to try to kill me, the other girls too!

    This is what happens when I turn Grey, I just start seeing red and it becomes harder to distinguish between who’s my friend and who’s my enemy.  Everyone becomes a dark red shadow, and they all appear as though they are threatening me and trying to hurt me.  Once my muscles finished ballooning up I completely flipped out and at this point all I had cared about was getting stronger and stronger so I could destroy EVERYTHING!  Everything is hazy from the moment I went berserk to the moment I woke up shrunken back to normal size in my ripped, yet over stretched clothes.  When I had come to I noticed my head was throbbing and next to a smashed in car, the city looked as though a massive bomb had gone off inside of it.  I rubbed my hand against the back of my head and felt a little bit of blood, I saw Sherrie kneeling down trembling and crying, while Jenna stomped over next to me and lifted me up off the ground with her bare hand!

    “LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE MARISSA!” She said to me, I responded to her with a question. “What are you talking about?”  She threw me over next to Sherrie who was trembling so badly she couldn’t even look at me, she was crying but at the same time she looked furious and she was completely naked and not in her muscle form at all.  I asked her what was wro—

    The writing abruptly stops.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Oh, I like the journal style of writing and the details like tear marks on the paper.

    Keep it up. You've got my interest, man.  ;D


    Oh, I like the journal style of writing and the details like tear marks on the paper.

    I agree with DP, this is a unique style of writing.  Very good, keep it up!


    Interesting way to make the readers wait…
    Quite graphic… but in the readers imagination.
    Thanx for sharing


    Before I post the next chapter I wanted to drop a quick note that I appreciate and enjoy all the comments I have received thus far.  They were most certainly unexpected as I had become quite accustomed to more people reading rather than dropping any comments, and for this I am truly grateful.

    A few of you are picking up on subtle things that I've intentionally included in the story, which is pleasantly surprising.

    I can't reveal some of the even more deeper subtle things that going on, but I'm sure you folks can figure it out.  I'll be glad to spill the beans after all the chapters have been posted.  The one tidbit I can give you guys is that you can expect these chapters to be posted everyday, since the story is already complete.  What I'm mainly doing is proofreading before posting to make sure there are no major slip ups like missing words, grammar, spelling etc.  I'm one of those types of people who hate when a good story has been written, and we end up waiting months if not years for the next installment.  So be assured that all installments will be posted on a daily basis.

    Okay well I need to end this post and post the next chapters before I start blabbing secrets, enjoy the reading, as I have thoroughly enjoyed the comments.  I just wanted to say thank you before I quietly post the next chapter.

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