Tetsuko and Sonya in danger!! (Link NSFW)

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  • #68560
    David C. Matthews

    My latest Tetsuko pic (warning: link NSFW!)


    How did they get into this fix?  How will they get out?  And how did Tetsuko wind up topless?

    Tune in again next week… same Tet-time, same Tet-channel! 😀


    And how did Tetsuko wind up topless?

    Pumped chest muscles + strong boobs == busted top?  ;D

    Hey, you did ask.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Two great big sweaty heaving…um, thumbs up! ;D

    Devon Cory

    Woah… Sonya. Those are some beautiful boo…

    Huh? Oh, yah. Tetsuko looks good too.



    Oh, on her backside there's a lit'l red button just below her neck, it activates her pair of forward motion detectors.  😉

    Only draw back (no pun) is that doing so destroys any clothing covering them up.  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    That's an awesome bit of pulp fiction, DC!

    And how did Tetsuko wind up topless?

    Before the spikes popped out, she thought she was in a slow-roasting vertical tanning booth? 😛


    I made comment on your DA page, but I have to do that here too.

    This is one of the BEST pictures I EVER seen!!

    Thanks for it…


    This picture is simply amazing. Thank you very much !

    Cindy Tortio

    I believe you hit it on the head earlier with the observation that many of us leave our input on DA but forget to put a shout out here, so here goes! Masterful job. A cassic scene done to perfection and as always I love the coloring.


    Tet-Chan: Karen Kaos You lied! you said if we can stay a float you lets us go!

    Karen Kaos: My dear Tet-chan, who said anything about water?!!! HAH HAH HAH
    mean while in the control room ,KK talk to her staff.

    Professor Mimi:Her strenght is Unbeliveable!

    Kaern Kaos:yes lets see if it holds out.
    mean while prepare the intelligence test ,if she does.
    we Might have our candidates for the mission.

    Professor Mimi: and if she fails?

    Karen Kaos: than we go back to the orginal plan of using Miss Daytona!

    Oh NO! What is Karen kaos Up to , tune in next week for! You passed Or you Fail !same channeL true muscle lovers!!

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