SuperWoman Vs PowerGirl

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  • #70740
    Cindy Tortio

    A grown up SuperGirl (SuperWoman?) has a disagreement with PowerGirl…Warning Violence.

    Hello all,I continue my quest to improve…lol.slowly. Here is my latest doodle. I was browsing comic art trying to improve my coloring knowledge and I kept running into poor Supergirl getting bullied by Powergirl. I thought I should give the girl a hand. I figured when she hit womanhood the playing field would be leveled. Hope you get a kick outta it 😉


    Your doing good. I'm seeing progress. 🙂


    Awesome drawing and coloring.  I love the fight senerio with the big muscles and torn clothes.  Keep up the great work.

    ze fly

    🙂 So you're the author of the art. Great work! Thanks.
    it was in my weekly post (,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,3874.168/) but i didn't know it was from you… 😉

    Cindy Tortio

    How very cool! I made your list! Thanks for the kind words you three. I have just started a new book on Photoshop so hopefully I can keep improving.."fingers crossed". I have an idea for a battle between She-Hulk and Namora, now that I have found a comic friend to educate me. I was informed that one of the great rivalry's was the Hulk and Namor. I am going to do the girls version and the bonus is ones blue and the other's green :)..Oh sweet color how I love you! if I can just reign-in the muscularity.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    I'm betting a lot of people here will say "nooooo! Don't reign it in!"

    Cindy Tortio

    Lol, I am betting your right! Its funny how things come full circle. Jebriodo told me early on to draw what makes me happy and my art would go furthur. I have been doing so many requests and commissions I sorta lost track of that. Now a year latter I am doing just that…sigh. Finding what I like. I definately enjoy a higher degree of muscularity in my drawings than the"average" person wants to see…as some of the rabid hate mail I have recieved shows. The challenge for me is to find the level I like I guess and to hell with the rest of it. Anyway I have a illustration of some "Holy-#$@%" muscle I should color for those that think I am leaving my first love. I will always be a Amazon fan first I guess. 😉


    I said that?  I am genius!!

    Sorry to hear you get the hate mail, but as we all know femuscle is pretty divisive topic.

    Anyway, the subject at hand: It's a good dynamic picture- I like the way you've got Power Girl arching over backward- looks like Supergirl forgot to coordinate her underpants before she sought revenge, though!  I like your coloring on this- and am interested to see what you do with a She-Hulk Namorita picture. 

    If I can suggest anything, it would be to work on a bolder line style for your drawings- the painted color is overwhelming your line work a little bit here.  Maybe if you keep the lines on a separate layer (if your painting program allows this)you can preserve them from getting painted over?

    Cindy Tortio

    Yes you are and a talented one at that! Genius.
    Rant—Femuscle is very divisive in the states,my friends over-seas find it laughable that we are so narrow minded. They are much more open about sex in general though, at least in my experience. Then we have my asian friends. The asians make us look like a pack of Puritans or is that prude-A- tins? My God,the asian artists have hermaphrodites and multiple breasts and people wanna get crazy about muscles? Their art makes me blush! The more I am exposed to the more silly it seems. Enough from pandora's box though…lol—done,sry…
    Its ironic you should mention the lines . You have such a gifted eye. I have them on a separate level I just kept "cleaning" them up. They got pretty thin and so did my patience,lol. I just dont like the line quality I am getting from a pencil. I know I should be scanning a ink copy in and I have just started using a blue pencil to begin with, but I just don't feel comfortable with ink. Is there an alternative? I was going to try a liquid graphite pencil for my scan next but I am open to any suggestions. Thanks for the input though,it is always nice to hear from you.

    Cindy Tortio

    Ooops-One more thing..the panties! I figured after years of wearing that same outfit and having every mortal man hoping for a fly-over she would start havin some fun with them and it is better than my friends recomendation of going…um…free? Supergirl is supposed to be the reserved one from what I gathered from my limited reading. The real question is-What does Powergirl wear under her outfit? I mean ,she would have to wear panties, no? Men don't even consider these issues when they draw a Superheroine do they? :-

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