- This topic has 19 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by
May 24, 2008 at 8:53 pm #70918
ParticipantSteam CoalDisclaimer: I’ve written this story out of the inspiration of another story, told stories from my co-workers and my dirty fantasy. So if any of you should not read this because of legal problems or other not sharing my fantasy – don’t do it!
And pardon my bad spelling, grammar and writing style because its my first story in English and of this topic.Chapter 1
I’m working at a coal-fuelled power plant. Many people ask me, why there has to be a chemist in a Power Plant and I’ve told them the truth. There are many things in a power plant, of which a chemist has to look at. And my primary focus is on the quality of the coal. We are getting our coal from Poland and sometimes having problems with the quality and therefore with the costs of our coal.
So in period times we are driving out there and controlling all circumstances. And this time I may come with them. I was high only of the fantasy coming down 10,000 feet under the earth and see the coal in the soil and the heavy machines getting it out for real. My wife wasn’t happy after all, because I would be away for four days and would have not time for speaking with her at all. But the money I’m getting would be nice, because our last saving were swept away, because of the breakdown of our car.After all it was an interesting journey and much to see. But the best was the travelling down below. There were many workers in there but no one noticed us, because there was so much noise. We couldn’t even hear the words of our travelling guide but my eyes were everywhere. I was often last in the group, because I’ve found something interesting in the soil, which hold me close. Not long and I’ve lost track and was alone.
It seems normal to me, that this tunnels were built straight and with not many crossroads, but it wasn’t so. I walked deeper into the structure of winding roads until I’ve found an interesting shimmering object sticking out of the rock. This greenish stone was shining in the lights of the bulbs hanging from the ceiling. I wanted it, even if only as a gift for my wife and remembering object from Poland. So I broke it out of the stone with my knife and put it in my trousers.
Only seconds later I’ve heard people screaming my name and walked in the right direction. Not only were they all happy to find me, they also were in time to get out of here and get ready for dinner.After showering and putting on new cloths, we were driven to an immense old looking building. As we entered, we saw, that it was build like an old mansion, but with much more place for the dinning room. As we sat there, we ate much and drank even more vodka. I was really drunken at this time, so I couldn’t help but went to the toilette with weak knees. After I came back, the director of the polish company had not only ordered another bottle of vodka, but also some girls for our entertainment. Well, want should I say. They were pretty and very well dancing. I was drunken and aroused.
So after I couldn’t walk right, one of the girls took me by the hand and guided me to a room for me. But she wasn’t leaving. Instead she helped me out of my cloths and after laying me down, she came down only with the words “Already paid” and suck on my dick.
I have to say that I have an average dick, even if I’d like to have more sex with my wife, it is a fulfilling marriage and I’ve never betrayed her. But this came so unsuspected to me that I didn’t complain and just loved this feeling I didn’t know jet. Soon I felt the typical pressure build inside me and would let go, but the heat inside me built up more and I felt like sitting on a hot plate before I could let go.
She swallowed all of my spurts instantly before it came to her dress, which she hasn’t even opened. I couldn’t believe it, how well I’ve felt afterwards. She gave me a smile and said something in polish I couldn’t understand. Then she walked in the bathroom and I heard water running. I could hardly breath and was laying in the bed waiting for the girl to come back out of the bathroom.
Instead I heard a short muffling husk. I stood up to look after her, only to fall full length on the floor. Suddenly she stood in the door and I looked up to her. I could see her small looking black dress which could barely hold her body inside it. Maybe it’s only the perspective I’m looking at her, but she looks bulkier. She helps me up and cares for my injury on my head.
Now I’m sure, she looks like she has more muscles on herself. The dress is really a second skin and shows the muscle move under it. I could only stare at her and she begins to stroke my member, which has already begun getting erect for a second time. I could only enjoy the feelings and let loose. Soon I came for a second time and she swallowed every drop of it and looked with a smile at me.
“Wait my little pet. I will be your perfect girl.” She said and seemed to be waiting for something. Then I could see it myself. Her muscles seem to breath and surely swelled in short periods of time. I could only stare at her and my dick – being done twice – was showing respect and grew a third time. I heard the crackling sound of breaking cloth and saw her dress being ripped apart in the upper part and near her waist.
“Looks like my dress is too small for me now!” she laughed. With small afford she pulled on one end and ripped it completely from her body. I saw that she had only a small string on. Her muscles were not as big as on some bodybuilders I’ve seen on the Internet, but she looked buffer than a fitness model. She gave me a hungry smile with a look at my dick and reached out for it.
“Time for round three!”
Immediately she suck on it and played with her tongue around. Even her tongue seemed to be stronger and smoother. Her whole skin glowed with and healthy radiation and her former small breasts rested heavy on my legs. It seemed to me even they have somehow swelled. But I couldn’t concentrate long on these details, because a new sensation built up in my groin and I shot another load right into her waiting mouth.
She stood up and smiled at me. “Thanks for sharing your secret with me.”
I was astonished to see her in her full beauty before me. “Which secret do you mean?”
“You sperm is making me grow stronger!” she answered.
I haven’t even thought about it. Could it be, that my sperm is making this. My head was spinning and not only because of the vodka I had in my system.
With all this thoughts I almost oversaw the sensation, that the girl went through. Her muscles were pulsing and pushing out. All of her already buff looking frame expanded before my very eyes. Even her bust expanded like I assumed. I saw her tight dripping sex before me and touched it with my hand. She gasped at my touch and came closer to me and made me eat her out. Her fluids were sweet and tasted like a mixture of salty sweat and fruity ice cream. I felt her muscles spasm as I had my head between her tights.
The fluids ran down my throat and I greedily swallowed it. The girl laughed as she felt my tongue twisting at her clit, but the laugh was followed by a muffling whisper.
“That’s good. Can you go any deeper? You’re the first client who is giving me something.”
Suddenly I felt energy flowing through my body. With each breath my body seems to swell and energy rushed in every nerve ends. Even my cock, flaccid after three times of coming, responded to the energy and began to grow again. The girl over me seemed to feel the pulsing of my muscles and stood up. After she looked at me, she gave me a whistle of compliment. I stood up and looked at me in the full length mirror on the wall. My muscles have expanded to the proportions of a fit and built man. But my dick stood longer than I remembered it up to my navel. She reached out for me and pulled me to the bed and sat on my lap.
“You know, that I don’t even know your name!” was my only answer.
“Magda. And now fuck me, please.”The night was long for me and in the morning I can’t go out of the bed. Magda had gone a long time ago, dressed in the ruins of her dress. After I dressed myself in the cloths, they felt like a second skin to me. I remembered them baggy last night before I had drunken to much. But the night was clear in my thoughts and I thought about my wife and of her transforming into an sexy amazon as well. But my wife never gave me a blowjob before and I wouldn’t bring her to the point to make it easily.
With an idea was taking forms in my mind as I was checking out. My co-workers gave me strange looks but I said nothing about last night to thMay 28, 2008 at 1:28 am #70919ratlaf
ParticipantA very nice beginning. Don't worry about your english, it's definitely understandable. I hope you write more!
May 29, 2008 at 1:02 pm #70920KeithXZ
ParticipantVery good! I really like the twist at the end … too bad for your wife, eh.
June 1, 2008 at 1:25 am #70921Ravenderon
ParticipantThanks for writing 😀
Chapter 2
My homecoming was filled with tears and joy. My wife and my two sons were at the railway station to welcome me. I was glad to see them after all with nothing bad happening – like every father and husband would be after a long journey without any message. Not one seems to see my changes, which took place only some hours ago. But it didn’t mean anything to me, because I was home.
My wife isn’t the beauty from a Playboy-Magazine, but I love her for all of her traits and little quirks she has. Her brown hair stands in every direction because of her curls and she has a big B-Cup for her tits. Her belly is a little destroyed from the two children she had given to me and is working on building a trim body, but failed from time – like me.
My sons, 6 and 4 years old, are a bundle of energy and can’t hold still for a minute, but life is full of joy with them. Both are as blond as me and both are very open to anyone.On our way home we bought a big pizza for us and ate it in our dinning room. After laying down our children, my wife and me were sitting in the garden and drank a glass of wine.
“I have a present for you.” I said to her and took the stone out of my pocket, “This is a stone from the mine we were in and I stole it for you.” I added with a grin.
Her look at this stone was magnificent and her face was a open book full of happiness about it. “Thanks a lot. It looks strange, not like a coal.”
“Yeah, but does it matter?”
“No.” she replied and gave me a intensive kiss, “And I have a surprise for you too.”
She pulled me in the house in the bedroom and told me to sit and wait. After a long minute she came back with a small see-through babydoll and sat at my lap. I don’t know why, but she brings me to an erection immediately every time she wants to be sexy – and sometimes even without wanting it.
I pulled my T-Shirt over my head and she undid my trousers. “Oh my. Her is someone wanting to be with his wife really bad, isn’t he?”
I could tell that my boxer shorts were well packed and I couldn’t wait to be in her. But she was as eager and climbed on me and rubbed over my body with her hands and body. “I didn’t know you were training in the last time.” She said after touching my breast and belly.
“Only for you.” And without being to gentle I ripped her cloths from her and after I was without my shorts we had wonderful sex for which seemed hours.The next day was an ordinary at work. Paperwork, some meetings and some quick-told stories from the journey. In the evening I was out with my friend – it was our typical meet and play evening. This group had formed in school and we had some comings and goings in these long years, but it was all about meet, tell stories and play some games. Well to tell the truth, our group of friends is mixed – girls and boys. But my wife don’t complain to it, because she trusts me.
The evening went well and I had some wine, then some beer and afterwards were some vodka, which I brought from Poland and was cold enough late at night. To tell the truth, I was a little bit drunken and my buddies to. Tom and Mark had to go early, because they had a sport event next day and Jenny, Andy and me were left alone. Andy can’t drink much and so he soon fell asleep in the room on the couch. Jenny and me were talking long in the night and drinking wasn’t my strong side either.
Everyone knows that alcohol loosens the tongue and so I told about Poland and the strange stone I found and the hot night I had with the stripper girl. Jenny glanced at me with a cruel smile. “Yes and this is your bad fantasy coming through after this much drinking.”
“No, Jenny it’s the whole truth. I show you.” And pulled my shirt over the head. “Look at my muscles! I haven’t got much before, have I?”
Jenny looked at my breast and touched it with her fingertips. “So masculine. But wouldn’t it look better on me?” She took me by the hand and went to the bedroom. I was so perplex, that I followed her without any resistance. In bedroom she pushed me on the bed and opened my trousers.
“Jenny please, don’t do this.” I said without meaning it.
She was a beautiful girl, heavenly face with dark red curls hanging down over her shoulders and a slim body with small perky tits. Now she was the ravenous girl freeing my member and sucking greedily on it. How could she be another person so quickly. I never knew her like this before, not even with her ex-boyfriend I met once.
After some play with me, I couldn’t hold back any longer and I shot in her waiting mouth. She licked it clean and stood up before me. “Look at me and see want you have done. You see nothing has happened. I only sucked you – even if it tasted better than any I have tasted before. But nothing…” Suddenly she stopped speaking and took a sharp breath. Under her cloths was something moving. I could see her stretch outwards . Her muscles were pumping up before my eyes. Jenny began to moan. She pulled on her shirt and trousers to remove them. I think she stuck, because she muffled “Help me. I need air!”
I ripped her cloths as I wanted to help an she stood there in her underwear before me. Her bra was digging in her back and her panty was loose over her butt. I saw the muscles on her stomach building. The back was broadening before my eyes and I could hear the snapping of the bra. Even her butt was trimmed up and her legs were muscling too. As she took her destroyed bra of, I saw her formerly small breast ballooning out. She was sweaty and gasping before me, but her eyes told me the truth. She didn’t believe it.
“Jenny, are you all right?”
She looked at me and began to smile, “Want do you think, big boy, ready for the new me?” And with no afford she throw herself over me. I heard her panty snap, as she pulled on it. “I want more of you than I ever wanted. Give me what I want!”
“What do you want?” I asked playfully. My member was already hard and ready for round two. She reached down and I could feel her fingers running up and down my shaft.
“I want you in me. But first I want more muscles.”
She went down to suck me another time and I let loose. Another blast – another growth. I felt like in heaven, giving a women I like the muscles I want on her. I felt a little bit guilty, because I wasn’t with my wife doing it, but this couldn’t be wrong. As I looked down, I saw Jenny stand before me with her new growth ending. She was pumped. Not like the girl in Poland but more defined. And her breasts were big like apples – with erect nipples standing away and waiting to be sucked.
I didn’t even went flaccid but kept erect on this vision. She came closer to me and took my hands to pull them up on the bed. Then she took something I didn’t see and I felt cold metal on my wrist. As I looked up I saw Handcuffs and she smiled and cruel smile. “I can let you go. I must have, what I want first and then you have to satisfy me second.”
With these word on her lips she got down again. I was a little scarred about the situation. But the wonderful bliss in my head was stronger – and the will to make her more like my fantasy. I gave her three more shots after which she grew in all directions. After this she laid on me and I could only feel muscles on muscles. She stuck her nipples in my mouth and I sucked greedily on them. She even leaked some sweet tasting milk out of her boobs, and I felt stronger and hornier than before. She had much more constitution than me and I fell asleep after my seventh or eighth shot in her.
In the next morning I awoke next to her and could see and sense her body. Her muscles were pumped up to bodybuilder proportions and still she seemed to be soft and feminine. After all she had took the handcuff off. I slipped in my cloths and left silent the room. Hopefully she wasn’t complaining about it afterwards. Still I had a wife to bring this wonderful gift to.June 1, 2008 at 9:01 pm #70922Fonk
ParticipantInteresting! Let's hope the guy's wife gets what she deserves, after the poor soul has spread it around! 😉
June 2, 2008 at 11:13 pm #70923Ravenderon
ParticipantShorter this time, but more ideas coming in my mind…
Chapter 3
My wife was angry about being away the whole night – but who wouldn’t. I was at home the full day with playing with my kids, making homework and being in the garden at her command. Time flew away and soon evening came. After bringing our children to bed, we were alone and I thought about how to make her suck me off. But every plan had a bad quirk in it. We sat before the TV, watching a lame movie. Then an idea hit me.
“How about a cocktail my dear?”
She nicked and I stood up to go in the kitchen. My member stirred in awaiting the following event. I took the pineapple juice and some coconut milk and put next to the shaker. I took my dick in my hands and imagined my wife getting stronger. Build with muscles. Full tits. Expanding before my eyes. Becoming wetter with each growth. Getting larger. And then I came in the readied shaker. I gave some Alcohol in it and then a bit of the milk. Finally I filed it up with the juice and gave some ice in it. After shaking I put it in a glass and brought it to her.
She drank it fast and with no expression of having a hint about my done work. I sat there and couldn’t watch the movie anymore. I always glimpsed at her and awaited the transformation before my eyes. But I waited some minutes without anything happening.
“What’s wrong dear? You look disappointed!” she asked.
“Well the movie isn’t so good and I awaited more to come.”
“Then let’s go to bed.”
So I cleaned everything before going to bed and she laid there in her beauty, awaiting me. I smiled at her and as I was laying next to her, she rolled in my arms and I thought about living with a perfect wife. Why should I change her?Next morning I laid sleepily beside my wife. I went with my finger over her back and suddenly awakened. I touched muscles. I couldn’t believe it, I have overslept the growth of my wife I have dreamed of. My fingers wandered softly over her back up and down. Not much of growth, but I felt the muscles under my finger dance, as I seemed to tickle her a little bit. Then I reach downside and wanted to feel if she had an abs. Her arms have filled with a good portion of bizeps and trizeps. As I went down to her stomach, I could hear her mumble something in her sleep, but I couldn’t make it out clearly.
“I said hands away, I’m not in mood.” She stood up and looked at me. “Can’t you one day wake up and not touch me like an nymphomanic screw-bunny?”
As she stood up I saw her physique before me. Her legs, which were thin before, have filled with defined muscles and I saw a bit of her stomach, which was smooth and showed small hills on the flat skin. Even her butt seemed to have gained muscles. She turned away from me and went to the bathroom. I sat there without any plan how to go any further. Hasn’t she felt any change in herself?
As she came out of the bathroom she had put on some trousers and a blouse and came over to me.
“Look, I think my training is showing results at last. My trousers are a bit loosen up her.” And pointed to her stomach.
“Great, looks good on your, darling.”
“Even if you are so nice, you won’t get me, kids are awake, you know!”
She left me with alone and I went to the bathroom myself. Which points are different to the first two times, where the effects were started sooner. I couldn’t make it out in my distress and made myself ready for work. Maybe I should do some field researches, like the scientists. I grinned on this thought and put on my cloths and left home with some bad plans in my mind.June 8, 2008 at 5:58 pm #70924Ravenderon
ParticipantChapter 4
Work was boring. I had to type in some reports and requests and after four hours working I thought I had done nothing. As my phone rang I was happy for some distraction. I looked at the number and saw my wife’s number on the display.
“Hi honey, was going on?” I asked.
“What have you done in my morning coffee? I’m getting hornier and hornier the whole day. If it will get worse, I think I will jump on any man in my work soon.”
I thought for a second before I answered: “Well, I didn’t give you anything in your coffee to be honest. What’s your problem, tell me.”
“Boy, I am wet as if you have played with me for an hour and I couldn’t get an orgasm since then. I think even my whole body is radiating heat, my nips are standing erect the whole time and I can only think of sex. So this is my problem. Have you given my Spanish fly with a trigger effect or what!”
“Please calm down. I will get out of here and come to you as soon as possible.”
So I told my co-workers I have to visit a client and drove to my wife’s work. I thought about the situation she’s in. Was it really a slow motion version of my previous growth shows. I came to her as she was sitting before the computer and typing with one hand, the other at her crotch. As she saw me she jumped up and pulled me to the toilet. There she undid her pants and rubbed already my dick with her hand.
“Oh, how I missed this meat in me. I can’t wait any longer, please give it to me.”
What should I say. I was hard only at the thought of having sex with her and she was already undoing my pants. As she had my member in eye-height she swallowed hard. “First in my waiting crotch and then I will give you everything you need to come.” With these words she put herself over me and guided my dick in her. She came after the first strokes but wasn’t satisfied and made everything only faster. Her second orgasm was in another minute and she got from me.
“So you aren’t as fast as me. Let me end this job.” With these words she gripped my dick in her hands and stroke it softly. I imagined her waiting with her mouth before me, accepting my shots and swallowing it all down. Then swelling her muscles.
And I came. My shots squirted against her T-Shirt. She smiled at me with a sadistic smile. “So your done. Too bad, because I would like to make a second round.”
I smile at her. “Look at your T-Shirt. You should lick it clean and wash the rest off. And I would be ready for you, as it dries.”
She shook her head. “Oh, your such a bad boy, if you want to.” With these words she stuck her finger in my goo and playfully put it in her mouth. “And beside it doesn’t taste so bad either, want to taste yourself?”
“Even if it is an interesting suggestion, I would be pleasured, if you would do it.”
She was so in this game, that I was really awestruck, as she did, like I said. She brought her shirt up and lick it clean with her tongue. Then she pulled it over her head and cleaned it with cold water. After wringing it out and hanging it over a hook, she turned to me.
I was waiting for anything to happen. She looked down at me and said: “So big boy, you’re already ready for me, I see.”
As I looked down, I saw my member already fully erect. She leaned her pointy nipples against my arm and softly touched my stomach. “You are really working out, aren’t you?”
I went with my fingers up and touched softly her nipples. A soft moan escaped her lips and she pulled closer to me. “I want to feel you. Please.” She whispered.
I took her soft and she was willing to let it happen. She pulled at me and hold me in her arms, as I felt some strange thing. I felt her stomach pulsating at mine. Her butt in my hands was getting less and less wobbly and more trim. I looked at her eyes and saw only bliss in them. I felt her expand on me and her moans were getting shorter and soon she came in an orgasm.
As she got from me, she had only one wobbly part on her, but her breast were so full, that they stuck out like filled with silicon. Under them were breast muscles supporting the fullness. Her stomach had become a hill-and-valley portrait and her arms were as muscled as mine. She stood there and was getting her bra on. I saw, that it was a bit to small for her.
“Let me do it for you.” And I took the straps to its full length. Even so it was a bit so small. After she had put her wet shirt over her head, I saw it was like a second skin on her. And her pants were loose on the stomach-end but filled to the breaking point at her legs.
“Looks like I should go to work. Thanks honey for your visit.” She said. I was totally drunken in her beauty and hadn’t heard her first. After she took me by my hand, she pulled me out and kissed me good bye.
“Don’t worry. I will have enough time for you today at home.” She smiled and then she hit me on the but and laughed at me. “Now go, before anyone will get a clue on this.”As I drove back, I wondered, why she filled up today so fast and not the last time. Only experiments could tell, but whom to test on and what situations I should prepare.
June 9, 2008 at 2:13 am #70925Fonk
ParticipantYay, the guy's wife finally got some growth! Good for her. ;D
June 17, 2008 at 12:41 am #70926ratlaf
ParticipantYes… Yes… Good… Good…! ;D
June 19, 2008 at 8:21 pm #70927KeithXZ
ParticipantReally good, I can hardly wait to read more!
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