Sheila’s rebirth in spiffy 2-D animation

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  • #74472

    Turns out that 10-second TF animation I did a while back was just a warm-up act. This l'il number runs 25 seconds and re-creates the not-remotely-tragic accident that made Sheila Huckaby detonate into "She Hulk of Earth 2." (In hindsight, I wish I could divorce my character from the Marvel character. But I can't mess with history…for now).

    The thumbnail below depicts a couple of screen grabs. The animation is uploaded to Daily Motion. Here's the link:

    The version on Daily Motion is jaggy, image-quality-wise. I'd love to offer y'all a better version, but I drop-kicked my web service a while ago and am loathe to restart any time soon. Ideas, anyone?

    That said, cheers. I'd love to hear what you think. Hell, I might even take requests, if anyone is so moved.


    Eegore, this is a great animation, which makes me instantly jealous.  Unfortunately, now because of this wonderful piece of work I'm going to have to one up you somehow.

    But in the meantime, where did you get those great muscle growth sound effects?

    Muscle Growth Nut

    That there's a hell of a thing there!


    … now because of this wonderful piece of work I'm going to have to one up you somehow.

    My work here is done.

    But in the meantime, where did you get those great muscle growth sound effects?

    I gathered all of my sounds (all free) from There's a collection of female utterances from a user named Rebecca that's gold. I also pulled FX of tearing clothes, squishing (for the arm-growth closeup) and electricity (for the gamma gun).

    The sounds were edited with Audacity, a keen (and, again, free) program.


    Thanks for the link, the sound effects will come in handy.  Won't need to worry about a voice actress for my main role though, will still need a 2nd but I already got someone for my main squeeze.  😉

    By the way, Lingster has set up a website to upload FMG stuff, might want to contact him for hosting.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Wow, looks fantastic… great stuff as always Eegore. Good to see you're exploring the animated medium further.


    The crappy quality of the Daily Motion vid was making me break my furniture. And the required signup to the site might have been a turnoff to many (it would have been for me).

    Solution! The animation now resides on a new Magic Crayons server. There are two file types: mov and avi; the latter is kinda huge.

    But the point is, they look much better, and they aren't hiding behind the registration for a YouTube wannabe.

    Here you go:

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Looks splendiferous! ;D


    Yeah, the move to your own site has improved it many, many times.

    It was ace before – now it's on a different planet. The planet… Muchmoreace.

    I'm going to stop typing now. 😉


    Very good (as always), thanks!

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