Golly #1 has some femuscle in it!

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  • #74603

    Golly is a new comic by Phil Hester from Image Comics about a kind hearted yet foul mouthed carnival repairman who has been charged by heaven to fight the forces of darkness. It is also pretty funny, with a big cast of colorful characters. It is very reminiscent of Garth Ennis's Preacher and makes for a fun read.

    AND, which I have to say for all you femuscle fans, features a lovely lady by the name of Pig Anderson. She used to be the carnival's fat lady… but not anymore! Gee! The artwork depicts her as realistically buff, which I have to say is quite a far cry from how ladies are usually depicted when people say they are strong (I'm talking about YOU She-Hulk and Power Girl :'( ).

    The comic is a fun little book as it is, and with a side character who's an attractive buff lady, that just makes it something extra special to get every month.

    I tried hunting down some images of Pig, but so far the only stuff I can find online is the preview from the first few pages where Satan rips off his skin and makes some kids vomit.


    The femuscle's alright, but I'm actually impressed with the comic. It's very entertaining.


    Ill scoop it up tommorrow.


    …reminiscent of Garth Ennis's Preacher…



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