ULTRA TIDE commercial

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  • #75954
    Anthony Durrant

    I have just seen that new ULTRA TIDE commercial again.  She seems to have lost fat and gained some muscle especially on her arms.  I'd seen her first on a Wobbily Jell-O commercial about ten years ago, and on that commercial she was heavier and had a pudgier face ("Wo-bil-ee!  Wo-bil-ee!").


    Don't know if I should stick this here but, here's a link to the commercial posted on You Tube.


    Also, look around for more clips.


    I always like Kelly for some strange reason. Maybe I have a thing for cute bubbly blondes… and the fact that she's surprisingly muscular doesn't hurt either. It's nice to see a well-known and so obviously athletic woman on mainstream TV.


    The funny thing is that somewhat muscular or physically fit women are more accepted on TV then in real life. I've heard someone say how great an athletic woman looked on TV and silver screen but then the same person used highly offensive descriptors for a slitely muscular woman in real life. he was one of my friends and I gave him an ear full.

    Oh and awesome ad BTW thanks for posting it.


    I love her husband's expression when he secures the wine goblets – basically, "Here we go again."


    Hopefully she'll follow the Katie Couric model and work those guns even harder.

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