Dawn from Buffy Morph

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  • #78088
    arthur watkins

    Might have posted this before not sure….

    arthur watkins

    anyone want more buffy/etc type morphs?


    Sure, since you're offering!  ;D

    Yatz's rendition of a muscular Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy the Vampire Slayer) was amazing, and I'd definitely be interested in seeing morphed renditions of her as well.  Eliza Dushku (the "rogue" slayer Faith) too.  And there just doesn't seem to be enough pics of Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase, from both Buffy and Angel) either.  If you could morph any (or all  ;)) of those girls, I'd be a happy fanboy.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any images to toss out to say "morph this one please", but I'm sure to enjoy anything you make.

    The Highlander

    I wouldn't mind seeing more morphs of Alyson Hannigan (Willow), I just love redheads!

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