Ideal Proportion, Female Bodybuilder (Commission)

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  • #83052

    I've long given up the idea of a "How to Draw Comics" book being released that specialises in female bodybuilder or amazon type figures, but it occurred to me recently that, with all of these talented artists around accepting commissions at reasonable rates, I could very slowly get my own made. Anyway, here is a piece I just commissioned from the awesome comic artist Bambs (Robert Branbury). Some people may recognize it as being inspired by an illustration in the classic "Figure Drawing for all it's Worth" by Andrew Loomis, which is one of my all time favourite drawing books.

    I would love to know what you guys think of the proportions and anatomy, etc, and whether you have any ideas for my next commission.


    I commented on his dA page, I think it's great.  I know how much of a pain in the neck it can be to get everything to line up on drawings of this type, but he seems to have pulled it off very well.

    As for ideas, I'd say have someone draw a femuscle version of DaVinci's Vitruvian Man.  I'd be interested in seeing someone pull that off.


    It's very good indeed – at first, I thought her heips were too low (abdomen too long), but, after looking again, I think they're fine.  I like his notes on drawing femuscle, too – particularly the point about keeping muscle shapes smooth and rounded.  aside from obvious body-shape differences, I think this is one of the biggest differences between ideal male and female BBers – the muscle shapes of an FBBer should be more rounded, as opposed to the blocky shapes male BBers often have.


    This is looking mighty good.


    Excellent idea, Reason, and Bambs did a great job with it!


    I like this idea, Reason. Keep us posted.

    ze fly

    Thousands thanks for commissioning that one!


    I would give her slightly bigger hips.




    Mimi, when you say "I originally wanted to find out how to draw" do you mean as an extension of your work in painting, or specific ideas about female muscle art?

    I can discuss my approach to drawing until my fingers fall off.  I just need an opening. 🙂

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