Yooouuu Tuuube

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  • #83377

    Came across a site called Yooouuu Tuuube which breaks videos into multiple frames which run at the same time, but each with a slight delay on the one before.  I tried it for a couple of femuscle videos and the results were sometimes very cool. 

    Getting a sequence of a woman flexing again and again as each tile followed with a slight delay was cool.  Also it makes the experience seem more immersive like you're surrounded by a bank of TV screens all showing femuscle!

    Try it for yourself on your favourite YouTube femuscle videos.  I like 160 by 160 or 240 by 240 frames starting zoomed in as settings, but play around for yourself. 

    Here are a couple to get you going:


    And here's the original site to search for your own videos with:

    If anyone likes this tool, post your favourite findings here for us all to enjoy!

    randy guillotte

    Now THAT'S entertainment! ;D I really enjoyed the first one (21st century girl) and was pleased to find that it ran in a continuous loop.
    What'll they think of next…


    My friend actually linked me to this before I saw the thread.


    This is some really trippy stuff, but shows how this website should be used


    Felt like a super-villain with a bank of monitors at my disposal.

    Except instead of watching for my arch-nemesis I got distracted by Hostess Muscle Gals.  😮

    Good link Jack this may prove to be face meltingly awesome fun.


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