Is this real or photoshop?

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    I stumbled upon this on a sports blog, and the citation had no source. I googled on it to no avail. I found this site and figured you guys would probably know. I'm not really into muscular girls, but for this I would make an exception 🙂


    I am willing to bet photoshop mainly due to the gross misproportion of her arms compared to her body.  The arms are the equivalent of gorillas, but it is a rather seamless photoshop job since you can't really tell where it was tweaked.


    Well, I got into trouble for calling "Photoshop!" a while back, but I agree – the arms are too long and the muscular anatomy looks off.


    Well, I got into trouble for calling "Photoshop!" a while back, but I agree – the arms are too long and the muscular anatomy looks off.

    Very cute girl but yes with the extra long/thick arms she has an apegirl thing going on.

    Anyone have a clue as to who the girl is? Does anyone know the origin of the flag on her chest…..finland?


    Anyone have a clue as to who the girl is? Does anyone know the origin of the flag on her chest…..finland?

    Right pattern, wrong colours – that's the Danish flag.


    Obvious shoop is obvious, as they say at 4chan…

    Nicely done, but it's definately a morph…


    Guys – put your arms down at your sides and check it out – her arms are NOT too long. I think this might be real (but then, I am a dreamer).


    Keep dreaming pict, your arms wouldn't be that huge in width even if you did work out, it would be proportional to the frame on your torso.

    Photoshop is extremely powerful, and is used in almost everything you see on TV and the internet.  This picture has definitely been tampered.


    Hawk………do you still have the link to the site?


    That picture is from JDM's site. His site is about morphs. It is in his gymnasts section at his site and and I think it is 99% plus safe toconcludeit is a morph.

    JDM is the guy you need to ask . I've never seen that pic anywhere but there and it has been there for a couple of years or so.
    I'd like to see more of her if it is real….nice.

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