The Advertising companies for Pepsi-Co and Mountain Dew….

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  • #84673

    If you haven't seen the latest offering to the WarCraft/WarCrack deluge of Pepsi/Mountain Dew's Game Fuel…promo…run over to YouTube…the commercial is absurd…two females one whom draws a sword and morphs into an Orc while the other becomes a very tall very statuesque Night Elf…. and they have a brawl in the supermarket because of there choice of soda…. >.> seriously… why couldn't they have just used a big burly guy, and a battle axe and kept the elf it would have been better….in my opinion…oh you wanted a link… *sigh* ok… I've got it…


    Wow that was pretty lame, they turned her into a male orc, and didn't even show some animation of the transformation itself?  Dumb commercial.


    never claimed it was the best commercial… that right now in my mind is the one from way back from the 2005 SuperBowl I think… it was… or maybe 2006 that was the sumo wrestling chickens for Pepsi that was creative and funny…


    Wow that was pretty lame, they turned her into a male orc, and didn't even show some animation of the transformation itself?  Dumb commercial.

    My only explanation for the male orc is because that's what's on the Horde Dew bottle…why they used a woman to turn into the orc is beyond me!!!  ???

    David C. Matthews

    never claimed it was the best commercial… that right now in my mind is the one from way back from the 2005 SuperBowl I think… it was… or maybe 2006 that was the sumo wrestling chickens for Pepsi that was creative and funny…

    I remember that one!  One of my favorite commercials.  Hey, I wonder if it's on YouTube…

    Well, whattaya know!


    Having played Warcrack.. I mean warcraft, can you really tell the difference between a male orc and a female orc? I mean lets be honest.


    I remember that one!  One of my favorite commercials.  Hey, I wonder if it's on YouTube…

    Well, whattaya know!

    Ah figured the web in its infiniteness.. XD would have it.

    Having played Warcrack.. I mean warcraft, can you really tell the difference between a male orc and a female orc? I mean lets be honest.

    Well yeah…can't you? >.>


    Having played Warcrack.. I mean warcraft, can you really tell the difference between a male orc and a female orc? I mean lets be honest.

    OF COURSE I can, as with ALL video games, the smaller orcs with boobs are female because god forbid a game make females comparable with males in height or muscularity. Then again their are a couple rare ones…


    I should have realized that there are plenty of horde folks around. In full disclosure, I have played mostly alliance since War2 came out and nearly ruined my college education, but honestly aside from being shorter with booby cover up thingies there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between orc sexes. Maybe I'm just bias.


    And I thought I was geeky. ::)

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