COMIC-CON 2009: Any FMG/FBB/Amazon Artists going?

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  • #85360

    Was wondering if any artists that frequent these forums are going to be going to Comic Con this year in San Diego.

    Would like to know if any of these artists are going to have a booth set up.  Would be interested in picking up some art, or possibly commission for some quick sketches.

    I want to focus on buying some Art and sketches here and there.

    Any body going this year?


    I'll be there, but I am not on the ball enough to have table or anything this year.

    Good luck with the sketches!  Please post some scans of what you do get!


    I'll be there, but I am not on the ball enough to have table or anything this year.

    Good luck with the sketches!  Please post some scans of what you do get!

    Yeah…I will get scans from the drawings I get sketches on.


    I'll be going for a day or two. No table. Just walking around, and taking photos of the Small Press Section.


    Last year I met Denise Masino on the floor…hoping by chance there might be more muscular women around.  A couple years back I met Raye Hollitt there, and last year I also saw Chyna.  Chyna was not as muscular as I first remembered her. 


    Sounds like you were lucky. Last year I found pretty much noting. Just one semi-buff girl who was too far away for me to get a good look at, and disappeared into the crowd faster then I could get the lens cover off of the camera. Ah well. I was there for the comics and the Small Press, and thankfully I wasn't disappointed in that regard.


    Oh…another thing.  For anybody going to San Diego.  I live there, and I gotta tell you that it is brutally hot right now.  For those of you going, wear shorts, tank tops, and drink plenty of water.


    I thought abt going.  Didn't.


    I thought abt going.  Didn't.

    You are pretty much a regular at these CONS, right Lingster?

    I only go to San Diego Comic Con, cannot afford the other ones.  I live a couple of miles away from the convention center.

    I am hoping I run into some good finds.  and will be posting my results on this thread as news comes in.

    I will be looking out for cool Power Girl Stuff, She Hulk, and some Giganta stuff.  Looking for Art as well.



    My QTH is Del Mar, so that's about 25 mils or so from the convention center. SDCC is the only convention I frequent, and only because I get free passes. I concur that it's pretty darned hot right now. Even near the coast it creeping up to the low 80's.

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