A Positive FBBing article – Vancouver Sun (August 7, 2009)

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    A Positive FBBing article by Yvonne Zacharias of the Vancouver Sun (August 7, 2009)  ;D  8)

    Link: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Body+builders+physique+worth+long+days+loss+sweets/1869292/story.html

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I gotta say. The Sarge looks great for her age. 🙂


    A Positive FBBing article by Yvonne Zacharias of the Vancouver Sun (August 7, 2009)  ;D  8)

    Link: http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Body+builders+physique+worth+long+days+loss+sweets/1869292/story.html

    I suggest we ALL e-mail Yvonne and thanks her for the awesome article!!!  ;D  >:( ;D


    Ahhh those Canucks! They strike again, eh?  ;D  The story of this ladies transformation is inspiring. But I guess I shouldn't be amazed by the comments being made of charges of steroids again. Come on!  This lady is in the RCMP! I would think she would be one of the last people to even think of, or be able of, using them. I think this just shows there is more to female physiology and determination than is given credit for.


    The Canucks? With Luongo in net they are good enough to make the playoffs, but they don't have enough depth to make it past the first round.  😛


    That's a pretty amazing transformation in six months.  It speaks to a level of dedication that I think anyone should admire, even people who make cheap cracks about her appearance.  Then again, some people see a woman looking that awesome and they feel inadequate, so they need to try to tear her down in order to feel better about themselves.  That, or they're just idiots.  She looks terrific in that photo.


    I have to say the cheesy thing – sorry folks:

    "I wouldn't mind being arrested by her!"


    Seriously, what an inspiration, and what a wonderfully educated and positive article.  How infrequently does the mainstream press acknowledge the temporary nature of contest conditioning?

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