Fitness Buff Fights Off Attacker

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  • #87124

    Cincinnati, OH area:

    Great story!  Scary as hell.


    Cincinnati, OH area:

    Great story!  Scary as hell.

    From those exercises I believe she's a CrossFit(ter).  It's amazing how popular Crossfit is among women, and it really does whip them into great shape, even though they may not immediately look it.  The attacker here found out the hard way…


    This is what I've been saying for aaages.  I had a long conversation with stmercy about this very subject.  Physical strength and an awareness of how to use muscle groups efficiently is a great thing to have.  Whilst weirdos like this one are rare, they do exist and if someone has the ability and confidence to fight back, then they stand a chance of preventing rape or worse.

    I think if I could play God for a day the second thing I'd do would be to make society supportive of all people having power and the ability to look after themselves without stigmatising women who are physically strong.

    As regards Crossfit, I'm not an exrercise physiologist (though I do have some knowledge of muscles in an academic sense), but, though it has many critics, it seems to produce excellent physiques, and, indeed, I once read someomeone who wrotye in a forum that Crossfitters say that their workouts make them "unf**kwithable".  Well, this young woman certainly lived-up to that billing.  As far as I'm concerned she should be let loose in a prison where rapists and paedos are housed, but that's just a rare example of me shifting from my usual bleeding heart liberal nature and having a right-wing moment. 😉


    Always a nice story.


    Very inspiring. She's awesome!  ;D

    Wild GorillaMan

    I’m kind of amazed that Crossfit doesn’t get more love here at Amaz0ns. Look at what it does for chicks:

    Trash Boat

    I just glimpsed your blog after awhile and I was stunned by the photos. Talking about conditioning and a mix of strength, cuteness or what ever.

    And this I find very interesting photo. Talking about some contrasts here 😛

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