Mikazuki Manga: Etsuko!

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  • #94066

    lol Hey Amaz0ns, long time no see! Sorry to come back after such a long absence just to advertise lol. Also, I’m kinda lost on if it’s okay to just advertise in this forum, so please move to wherever it needs to be, thanks!

    Hey Everyone! Listen up!

    Are you a fan of Mikazuki’s Artwork? Would you like to support her burning passion for creating manga!? Are you interested in some yummy 27 page FMG goodness!?!?

    Then check out her first manga for sale, The Story of Etsuko: The Kinneko Catgirl!

    Debido’s Review!!
    The story in this chapter revolves around the main Protagonist, Etsuko, and her good friend Akane. Etsuko is a superhero with muscle growth and increased strength abilities for fighting demons apparently, but there’s no fighting in this issue. The struggle in this issue is for Akane to make Etsuko a costume that can withstand Etsuko’s explosive growth…

    I Liked:
    – Etsuko and Akane’s “friends with benefits” relationship is pretty touching right off the bat! Mixalis (the Author) did a great job creating believable and interesting characters, and Mikazuki did a great job drawing them to life.
    – Kinneko’s “initial transformation” is hawt! Mika really excels in sexy bodies at this size, I think my favorite panel in the whole manga has to be page 11, bottom left. Love that booty lol

    I Somewhat Disliked:
    – Kinneko’s “full transformation” is good for the fans of extra huge, but I personally feel like Mika’s anatomy can use some work when she goes this big. It’s a nice first attempt in a manga setting, though!
    – It ended! XD Kinneko is a demon-fighter, right!? I wanna see some action! Hopefully Mixalis and Mikazuki will team up again soon, I’m definitely interested.

    Story: Good
    Art Style: Good 1/2 (lol halfway between good and great)
    Femuscle Content and Quality: Great

    You can check out some sexy panel selection previews in the link! Go ahead and take a look, you won’t regret it! Again, check out The Story of Etsuko: The Kinneko Catgirl!


    coming back just to advertise….what a tool you’ve become…..your ego needs to be knocked down a couple notches

    I certainly hope you’ve learned your lesson young man. Also all personal advertisements require a small fee for server usage costs….yeah….as advertising coordinator for the site send a certified check to me for $15 which goes towards maintaining Amaz0ns, minus a small service charge for myself and my secretary KisstheManiac of 98% all the rest of which goes straight to forum related costs. Please see this is done within 48 hours or your personal contact information will be submitted to the John Tesh fan club for solicitation purposes.


    lol god dammit Flak, I can understand why me and Kissthemaniac have that picture still, but WHY YOU!?

    Do you exist just to spite me!? You can spite me by buying the awesome growth comic!



    I exist solely to act as a foil for fett…who has become so terrified of me he never posts anymore…..what a pansy. Plus having that pic on my hard drive for so damn long I wasn’t about to pass up a chance to use it finally 😛


    great comic


    Well…. regarding that comic:

    I came, I saw, I bought.



    Ad_Meyer wrote:

    Well…. regarding that comic:

    I came, I saw, I bought.


    in that order?


    I used to have that problem….now I just think about baseball


    use the link in my signature to buy Mika-senpai’s comic I’d greatly appreciate it ^_^; I’m helping her promote the site too.


    To: boboy

    Well…. This was BEFORE I bought the comic, after all…

    If you want to know what happened AFTER I bought the comic, then I suggest you reverse the order lol

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