Workout clips and other strength features

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  • #98473
    Trash Boat

    In Oana’s thread I was asking why gym clips are always so short and one opinion was that people find them boring after a while. I feel quite the opposite and all kinds of heavy lifting really intrigue me and especially while hitting very big numbers.

    However lifting doesn’t look any different whether one does it with 30 or 60 pound dumbbells , so often while trying to impress with strength features, one has to add a bit show to it: use a man as a barbell, bend steel bar etc.

    So how do you feel. Would you like to see gym clips from regular training, new record breaking lifts or other displays of what these physiques are capable of?


    I prefer the heavy lifting and strength displays over posing, but I dolike to be able to see the girl’s face and perhaps a pose after she’s done. I do not like bench clips where we see nothing but the girl on the bench and it is cut. I want her to get up and show us her body a little and why she can bench that much.

    I agree with your theme, but it needs to be done properly.

    Trash Boat

    Some examples:

    Pure training

    Training with pose

    Lifting errr unusual barbell



    Nothing boring about those clips :ohmy:!

    Trash Boat

    Herbiceps has some great videos of Rebekah, unfortunately no previews of those. What bugs me about some photographers is can’t they keep their cheezy dialogue to themselves.

    While searching these videos I reminded how few real training videos are out there.

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