Attention to all : stories are NOT wirtten by me….


No, I don’t think its just you GTSKate – I know how I would feel about such a violation; regardless of how well meaning or minor an issue it might seem on the surface to some.

At a very basic level its just plain wrong, in fact, it goes beyond the pale to tamper with other peoples stories without first making a real attempt at gaining their permission. And if you can’t, then leave it alone and try writing something original of your own by applying the energy of what you had in mind with that story instead.

As an example, when Hi-Standard continued Whoopie’s "Hiccups" as Whoopie’s Stand-In, he did precisely that – he first got the author’s permission to do so before proceeding.

Lastly, I will conclude with this thought for everyone’s edification. Writing stories is never easy done – it take time, patience, skill and a degree of talent – and things like this do not encourage people out there to freely supply their works, it has just the opposite effect.

“I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)