I come to this site a lot, and I figured with all the old stuff you guys helped me remember(and the new stuff I knew nothing about!), I should try to help dig some stuff up…
Has anybody seen these episodes of Disney's Aladdin with a race of strongmen and women?! I want to say they're Vikings but I doubt it… Anyways one of the women(his friend's girlfriend, I believe) falls in love with him and tries to protect him, thinking he's small and weak. She's REALLY big and I think I remember a scene with her fighting some huge animal over her head! There's a 2nd episode with them in it, and Aladdin helps save their city from some lizards with breath that knocks people unconscious. Sorry for not knowing the episode titles but that's all I got for now…
Ah, the Odiferans. A proud and pungent people…