Ruined Pajamas


God, Cowprobe, that was YEARS ago. April, 2001.

The torn sleeves are a affected via a transparency map. The sleeve mesh is still there, but the rendering engine doesn’t "see" it beyond the tear marks. You can get a look at an unfiltered version in the new Transvigor header image.

I think I may finally have found a way to charge for my stuff – if it works, then I may start publishing illustrated stories. I figure $3.00 for a 10,000-15,000 word story with at least six illustrations is about right. People will be able to buy access via Paypal or with a credit card, and probably get PDF file. If I can spend a few days each month writing and illustrating a story, and then turn around and sell it to a couple hundred people for $3 a pop, it’s worth my while to do it.