500th post! …and remember this pic?

  • This topic has 17 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Max.
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  • #23139
    David C. Matthews

    Well, I wanted to do sumthin' special for my 500th post, since I let the 300th and 400th get by without noticing until too late. So I was leafing through my archives trying to find a pic that I hadn't posted yet… and I came across this pic:

    Still not sure it's "finished", but at least it's presentable!


    I get to reply first?  Tetsuko, I like you JUST FINE!


    Not finished?! I just got my heart beating again! I'm not sure that I can take another hit like that!


    nice pic and grats on 500


    😐 Dang.  Aren't you sick of all this praise and adulation yet?!

    Too bad.  You're getting some more!

    Excellent as always.  What say we make a tiny badge of that as the 500 post award?


    Congradulations on your 500th post, dear David, and much thanks for completing and posting your most wonderful picture for us all -even though it should be we showering you with gifts and gratitude and not the other way around.
    Though 'tis a strange thing because I's did think that you had posted more than I -especially consdiering all the time that I's did spend away from these Forums. Well, that doth show how much attention is paid to these things.
    At any rate, congradulations and thank you again.
    May your Muse always shine bright and your Pen never waver.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    My god…

    That in-freaking credible!  This one takes 2nd place to Testsuko sitting on the bed which continues to be the Number 1 pin up of all time.

    David C. Matthews

    My god…

    That in-freaking credible!  This one takes 2nd place to Testsuko sitting on the bed which continues to be the Number 1 pin up of all time.

    Thanks for the kind words… but I'm curious which pic you're referring to. I've done at least 3 which feature both her and a bed.


    😮 500  😮
    Oh, that reminds me, I have to check my profile to see where i'll stand form post number 100!


    Which one?  Give me a sec to brainstorm and describe it.

    She has her head tilted to the side looking at the viewer.

    She has lacy underwear on, silk stockings etc.

    I think it's called Tetsuko Number 1 or something like that, her legs are crossed and she's using her arms and hands to hold herself up.

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