#600: My Middle Age Rant

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    Okay, I admit that (1) this thing's two-weeks-and-change too early for an anniversary, and (2) the deviantArt freaks have probably already read this at my dA site.  But I thought this needed to be put up here, after I wrote this on my first birthday in Mainland China. 

    My Big Fat Angst-Filled Mid-Life Crisis 35th Birthday Pity Party… Or Not.

    I was going to complain about how I had to drag my butt out of bed at 5 in the morning to teach…

    …then I remembered many of folks can't leave their beds in the hospital.

    I was going to gripe about my impossibly long 50 minute commute by bus…

    …then I remembered that it beats walking all that way.

    I was going to whine about the guys at Starbucks not having the milk ready for my coffee yet, and it was hot, and I stained my shirt when I spilled it by mistake…

    …then realized that most folks can't afford an 18 yuan/US $2.25 cuppa joe.

    I was going to complain that the package that Ma sent didn't arrive today, and that she probably didn't count on customs delaying it for 3 days or so…

    …then I remembered that too many folks don't even have Mas, let alone ones that still send 'em gifts.

    I was going to grinch about how I had a horrible cold last weekend, and that I still had a sore throat for teaching, and a splitting sinus headache…

    …then I remembered many folks with Alzheimer's disease aren't even properly aware of their pain.

    I was going to beef about how I wound up late because my bus back to my shuttle to my apartment clipped its mirror against another bus, and the drivers got in a big argument…

    …then I remembered that all the passengers left it without a scratch.

    I was going to yammer about how I have to be awake at 4:30 in the morning tomorrow to get ready to teach the Jr. 1 middle school classes…

    …then I remembered the 7-Eleven guy had to be up at 10 tonight.

    I was going to complain about how I'm now closer to the tomb than the womb, and still have never had a girlfriend, any fame, or any yearly pay above $20,000….

    …then I remembered over a decade ago, Kurt Cobain had Courtney Love, countless music awards, and buttloads of royalties… and he blew his brains out with a shotgun anyway.

    I guess anyone would feel that this birthday would not be in anyone's top 500. That it in fact blew.

    Then I realize that my day had been pretty fragging blessed.  A gift from God.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take care of my scratchy throat the way the Good Lord intended… with a pint of Macadamia Brittle Häagen-Dazs.


    Well, Jim, congrats on making it this far – though it's a mystery to me how you managed this with your idiotically optimistic, bright-eyed, Pollyannic "the glass is only half-filled with shit, dude!" attitude. Let's see you keep it up at 50, smarty-pants!

    OK, I'm a bit cranky, but that Haagen-Dazs ref at the end there really touched a nerve. Add this one to your list:
    …but then I remembered that there are people out there in the world who have to wait 2 years between trade fairs in Europe in order to get their fix of HD Butter Pecan.


    Good outlook – don't lose it.
    Also, keep in mind the main rules:
    #1 Don't get old.
    #2 See Rule #1


    Hey guys, forgive the thread necromancy, but it's my birthday today, and I figured this thing could use a bump. 🙂


    Happy birthday Jimmy!


    Ah the joys of being in another timezone, halfway around the world…

    Happy, happy Jimmy, and many more besides!


    Happy Birthday(late) but its the thought that counts they say 😉 Oh and please don't call 35 middle aged. I'm staring down the barrel at 30… I know its 9 months or so away, but it feels like tomorrow.

    And remember… they say life begins at 40.


    Heh- my parents are both well into their their sixties, and they're still having the time of their lives- I'm not sure they're ever going to hit middle-aged!

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