900th post: Ultra huge TETSUKO! (NSFW)

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  • #50033
    David C. Matthews

    Only you can prevent Tetsuko overload – save a friend, today.  ;D

    You say that like it's a bad thing… πŸ˜€


    No. No, no.
    Sorry, mr. Matthews. Just no.

    No, I don't really like this variant of Tet-chan, neither I think that she's magnificent, and I'm far from being speechless. Satin and Tetsuko were first fictional FBB's that I've found on the net(DCM Studios connected me to amaz0ns.com), few years ago, and it was love from the first sight. I used to anxiously check your site almost every day(nowadays, I'm used to check the news board here, to catch up with all FM uptades πŸ˜‰ ), hoping to see more of Contest Jitters(my presonal favourite, but now you're focused on Tetsuko character) or Fight! Mighty Muscle Girl.
    But this one… just no.
    I don't like it, believe it or not guys. She's just… aw, how to say? She lost her appeal in my eyes on this pic.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm still your big fan, mr. Dave, but I don't feel this one. Not at all. It's probably just me, looking at most of people's comments in this topic. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm not into ultra huge girls(at least not into few particular ultra huge girls or their variants) and being used to 'just' huge Tet-chan. Besides, her previous ultra-huges like this one are just as muscular and of even better quality, so it's gonna be hard to beat Tetsuko's ultra-huginess record πŸ˜‰ , at least for some of us(you are looking forward to beat your own record, mr. Matthews?). 

    (I hope you won't kill me for this hideous, heretic's speech, or make me Amaz0ns Public Enemy no. 1 O.O)

    ze fly

    "Ultra huge Tetsuko" is one letter away from "Ultra Hug Tetsuko"…  Coincidence?

    A "ultra hug" from here may be the last one… πŸ˜›
    As usual, sir Matthews, you attained the near perfection with this art. This promises to be awesome for your 1000th…


    Id love to see how super huge tetsuko looks from the front πŸ˜€ Anywho great work DCM πŸ™‚


    No. No, no.
    Sorry, mr. Matthews. Just no.

    No, I don't really like this variant of Tet-chan, neither I think that she's magnificent, and I'm far from being speechless. Satin and Tetsuko were first fictional FBB's that I've found on the net(DCM Studios connected me to amaz0ns.com), few years ago, and it was love from the first sight. I used to anxiously check your site almost every day(nowadays, I'm used to check the news board here, to catch up with all FM uptades πŸ˜‰ ), hoping to see more of Contest Jitters(my presonal favourite, but now you're focused on Tetsuko character) or Fight! Mighty Muscle Girl.
    But this one… just no.
    I don't like it, believe it or not guys. She's just… aw, how to say? She lost her appeal in my eyes on this pic.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm still your big fan, mr. Dave, but I don't feel this one. Not at all. It's probably just me, looking at most of people's comments in this topic. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm not into ultra huge girls(at least not into few particular ultra huge girls or their variants) and being used to 'just' huge Tet-chan. Besides, her previous ultra-huges like this one are just as muscular and of even better quality, so it's gonna be hard to beat Tetsuko's ultra-huginess record πŸ˜‰ , at least for some of us(you are looking forward to beat your own record, mr. Matthews?). 

    (I hope you won't kill me for this hideous, heretic's speech, or make me Amaz0ns Public Enemy no. 1 O.O)

    I'm not normally a fan of hypermuscle, but when DCM and Kulli do it, I like it.  I see what you mean; it's pushing the upper limit of what I find sexy even for Sir DCM's work. but it's just inside the boundaries of what I like, so, for me, it is super-sexy.

    David C. Matthews


    You didn't like this particular picture? That's okay! I can't expect everyone to like everything I draw… hecks, I don't like everything I draw! (You guys just don't get see those drawings  ;D )

    And I probably risk disappointing a lot of the members here, but I don't see myself trying to "top" this picture in terms of massive muscularity. This is about as massive as I think I can find attractive about Tetsuko; any bigger and she becomes unwieldy. (Keep in mind, this was just me trying to see just how big I could get her – and maybe subconsciously competing with recent drawings by Chris – and posted it simply because I thought a lot of the members would enjoy it. And they have. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with not enjoying it, and I'm glad to know that you do generally like what I do.)

    We're still buds, if you wanna be. πŸ˜€

    And for those of you who're now wondering "what's he gonna do for his 1000th post if it's not a drawing of an even bigger Tetsuko?" Well, I'll give you one hint: it's what I think almost everyone who's read the Tetsuko comics has wanted to see, even if they don't consciously realize it yet. (Let the guessing games begin!)


    Quote from Sir DCM:

    And for those of you who're now wondering "what's he gonna do for his 1000th post if it's not a drawing of an even bigger Tetsuko?" Well, I'll give you one hint: it's what I think almost everyone who's read the Tetsuko comics has wanted to see, even if they don't consciously realize it yet. (Let the guessing games begin!)

    Oooohhhhh, has he read my mind?!  Surely not!  Then again… ;D


    (I hope you won't kill me for this hideous, heretic's speech, or make me Amaz0ns Public Enemy no. 1 O.O)

    Not at all KB . . .  8)

    (Tho I will have to strongly discourage a number of members who are building a gallows for you.)  πŸ˜‰

    But in truth, I'm also one of those who's not outright drawn (no pun) to the hyper-enhanced built appearance, being far more visually attracted to the "plusably realistic" portrayals of super superior femuscular physiques.  Even so, within the storyline context of how individuals like DCM can establish their Ultra-uberbuffed characters, I can still find great enjoyment in them, overlooking the absurdity of muscles so large that they couldn't scratch their own nose.    ;D

    β€œI like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    this got faved, by me, and great job!

    i also want to take thank DCM for getting me hooked on FMG art, tetsuko was my first inspiration


    BTW's the Davemeister has added a few panels to the Tetsuko comic.

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